America - The Official Thread

  • Thread starter ///M-Spec
Im listening to SoTU address right now while downgrading and configuring switches at work. From the few moments I have gotten to watch Trump, it my opinion this guy is high AF! I've done, and been around a fair number drug users and a abusers. There are some ticks and speech patterns I've only ever seen done by drug users, mainly speed type drugs. Things like how he clenches his jaw and lifts his chin after a sentence, or fidgets his shoulders while his arms are on the podium. How he juts his jaw forward while speaking. Very reminiscent of coke, adderall, even some psychotropic drugs like LSD, though I think those less likely.
As for the context of his address, well, so far it's the typical band standing and such that seems to be his MO. And really, is not unusual for State of the Union address in general.
Im listening to SoTU address right now while downgrading and configuring switches at work. From the few moments I have gotten to watch Trump, it my opinion this guy is high AF! I've done, and been around a fair number drug users and a abusers. There are some ticks and speech patterns I've only ever seen done by drug users, mainly speed type drugs. Things like how he clenches his jaw and lifts his chin after a sentence, or fidgets his shoulders while his arms are on the podium. How he juts his jaw forward while speaking. Very reminiscent of coke, adderall, even some psychotropic drugs like LSD, though I think those less likely.
As for the context of his address, well, so far it's the typical band standing and such that seems to be his MO. And really, is not unusual for State of the Union address in general.
Donald J. Trump
Tweaker :lol:
Im listening to SoTU address right now while downgrading and configuring switches at work. From the few moments I have gotten to watch Trump, it my opinion this guy is high AF! I've done, and been around a fair number drug users and a abusers. There are some ticks and speech patterns I've only ever seen done by drug users, mainly speed type drugs. Things like how he clenches his jaw and lifts his chin after a sentence, or fidgets his shoulders while his arms are on the podium. How he juts his jaw forward while speaking. Very reminiscent of coke, adderall, even some psychotropic drugs like LSD, though I think those less likely.
As for the context of his address, well, so far it's the typical band standing and such that seems to be his MO. And really, is not unusual for State of the Union address in general.

It wouldn't surprise me to learn that most presidents did some sort of drugs, at least in modern times. I mean if you think about it, they get little sleep, are under constant stress, and have a million things going on at once. That being said, I'm not sure Trump is healthy enough to maintain a drug habit. He looks like he's always one overdone, ketchup smothered steak away from a heart attack.
He's supposed to be a teetotaller. I'm sure I've read that a few times.

It's unlikely for someone who abstains from alcohol to indulge in drugs that are illegal.
He's supposed to be a teetotaller. I'm sure I've read that a few times.

It's unlikely for someone who abstains from alcohol to indulge in drugs that are illegal.
I'll disagree, mostly based on anecdotal evidence. Most hard drinkers I know dont do drugs, too include smoking pot, and conversely, there are plenty of drug users that don't drink or smoke weed. I don't think he is actually doing coke. Probably some sort of amphetamine like Adderall. I don't suppose he would feel he was a drug user if he was using something prescribed. This is all just my opinion mind you.
At last,someone who figured out americans do not need a wall to protect them from non americans , its americans they need to be protected against.

Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham (D) said she rejects Trump's contention that "there exists an overwhelming national security crisis” at the U.S.-Mexico border.

And this also caught my attention, looks like the green movement now has the money and more importantly the leader in aoc , to move ahead and bring green jobs and new wealth to america

I can't believe y'all support all this Socialism BS.
Oh and looks like the Democrats are what they want to say the Republicans are. I heard something about 2 guys in Virginia who are in a blackface controversy and someone else who would take the same seat accused of some kinda sexual harassment/abuse, I find it funny the left is saying let the legal process work out, yet were gungho on Brett.
🤬 hypocrites.
I can't believe y'all support the real deviceive party.
I hope I'm dead before America goes to hell in a handbasket.
I almost forgot! The McD's where I used to live renovated and installed the new kiosks. I saw about 5 less employees than before the kiosks. Mind you thats 5 less jobs in an already struggling area.
We haven't even raised our minimum wage.
Y'all will hopefully wake up one day...
The McD's where I used to live renovated and installed the new kiosks. I saw about 5 less employees than before the kiosks. Mind you thats 5 less jobs in an already struggling area.

I've been to a few places now with kiosks and haven't noticed any reduction in staff at any of the locations. The only difference really is I get my food faster since there's essentially more cashiers than the usual 1 (which has still been present every time).
I've been to a few places now with kiosks and haven't noticed any reduction in staff at any of the locations. The only difference really is I get my food faster since there's essentially more cashiers than the usual 1 (which has still been present every time).
I don't know, it was breakfast rush(8:30ish).
Usually 4 cashiers, 2 drive-thru and 2 bagging.
1 cashier, 1 drive-thru and 1 bagging. I did notice a few more in the kitchen.
I'll admit it was quicker.
Only if my truck could fit in the drive-thru. I'd be ecstatic!
I almost forgot! The McD's where I used to live renovated and installed the new kiosks. I saw about 5 less employees than before the kiosks. Mind you thats 5 less jobs in an already struggling area.
We haven't even raised our minimum wage.

You just went on about socialism and then argued against capitalism. So weird. Trump has really twisted the republican base around to thinking that socialist/communist style economic controls are what's good for America.

You want jobs? Just replace modern digging equipment with shovels... 100% employment.
I can't believe y'all support all this Socialism BS.

Your phrasing here suggests that you've made zero effort in the last couple years to educate yourself on any of the myriad nuanced positions a person could have on socialist policies, or one the widely varying levels of government involvement one "socialist" might advocate for compared to another.

Do you think public schools should exist? How about Social Security? Antitrust laws? Public roads and transportation infrastructure? What about a national military?

If you answered yes on any of these things, congratulations, you support some "Socialism BS."

That's the problem with just running around hollering about the socialism boogeyman - you sound like you're just echoing Cold War-era Russophobia without bothering to think about the merits of any particular issue, let alone one with any current implications .

Oh and looks like the Democrats are what they want to say the Republicans are. I heard something about 2 guys in Virginia who are in a blackface controversy and someone else who would take the same seat accused of some kinda sexual harassment/abuse, I find it funny the left is saying let the legal process work out, yet were gungho on Brett.
🤬 hypocrites.

Many Democrats have called for resignations in that situation. Who has said to "let the legal process work out?" Bonus points if you can show that the same person called for Kavanaugh to step down.
You just went on about socialism and then argued against capitalism. So weird. Trump has really twisted the republican base around to thinking that socialist/communist style economic controls are what's good for America.

You want jobs? Just replace modern digging equipment with shovels... 100% employment.
I was simply pointing out how a government mandatory, ridiculously high minimum wage is affecting the same people crying it'll help.
Companies are gonna do what they gotta do...
I don't get paid by the hour, makes no difference to me.
I was simply pointing out how a government mandatory, ridiculously high minimum wage is affecting the same people crying it'll help.
Companies are gonna do what they gotta do...
I don't get paid by the hour, makes no difference to me.

Ok, fair enough. It sure didn't seem like that, it seemed like you were making the Trump argument that economic restrictions for the purpose of creating jobs would be beneficial.
I was simply pointing out how a government mandatory, ridiculously high minimum wage is affecting the same people crying it'll help.

How can it be affecting anybody at all if, as you pointed out, it hasn’t happened yet?
How can it be affecting anybody at all if, as you pointed out, it hasn’t happened yet?
Company sees a demand for higher pay in a State. Figures a way to cut labor. Another State with half the minimum wage sees the savings. Adds kiosks...
I find it funny the left is saying let the legal process work out, yet were gungho on Brett.
No one on the dems at the national level is saying anything but leave to the blackface fools. As far as the lt . Gov or ag accused of sexual harrasment , no one on the dems said anything but have a full and fair investigation. As the right just wanted to bypass any meaningfull looksy into brent

Is there supposed to be a question mark on this?

Company sees a demand for higher pay in a State.

People want more money all the time. Doesn't make it "government mandatory" anything.

Figures a way to cut labor.

Right, this is always the goal. Doesn't matter what the minimum wage is, kiosks are cheaper than people. They're going to start using them no matter what.

Another State with half the minimum wage sees the savings. Adds kiosks...

And this just proves the point. The kiosks have nothing to do with minimum wage increases, especially nonexistent ones.

No, you going to address @Novalee or myself, about the fact that, despite your claims to the contrary, most Dems are actually calling for the resignation of the politicians involved in the Virginia mess?
Yes, let's finally have due process.

I am glad to see Democrats not forming a lynch mob around Virginia lieutenant governor Justin Fairfax.

Though his accuser seems pretty credible.

I only wish Justice Kavanaugh had received the same treatment.

Could it be that they believed Christine Ford because she was white?
The kiosks have nothing to do with minimum wage increases, especially nonexistent ones.
Nobody was really talking about kiosks till the fight for $15.
All it did was expedite it. IMO
Nobody was really talking about kiosks till the fight for $15.

Oh look a vending machine.
Not a kiosk.
We could've had kiosks a while ago. Japan has had them for a while. It's not new technology anymore.
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Oh look a vending machine.
Not a kiosk.
We could've had kiosks a while ago. Japan has had them for a while. It's new technology anymore.
Way to some-crazy-how completely miss the point and manage to acknowledge it at the exact same time.

As indicated in the entry, "automat" (derived from the Greek "automatos", meaning "self-acting") is a bit of a misnomer, as the automats were actually heavily staffed, with a worker promptly replacing the removed items with another of the same. The whole point was to eliminate that pesky human-to-human interaction.

And yes, Japan has utilized this sort of system for a while now, but somehow it's only migrated here because of proposed wage hikes and not at all because it streamlines the whole process of ordering your food in a manner that also increases the odds of the customer getting what they want thanks to the [at least far] removal of that pesky human-to-human interaction wherein miscommunication and/or simple error is commonplace.
Right, this is always the goal. Doesn't matter what the minimum wage is, kiosks are cheaper than people. They're going to start using them no matter what.

Actually machines cost a lot of money and require servicing. People can be cheaper, but not at $15/hr.
Way to some-crazy-how completely miss the point and manage to acknowledge it at the exact same time.

As indicated in the entry, "automat" (derived from the Greek "automatos", meaning "self-acting") is a bit of a misnomer, as the automats were actually heavily staffed, with a worker promptly replacing the removed items with another of the same. The whole point was to eliminate that pesky human-to-human interaction.

And yes, Japan has utilized this sort of system for a while now, but somehow it's only migrated here because of proposed wage hikes and not at all because it streamlines the whole process of ordering your food in a manner that also increases the odds of the customer getting what they want thanks to the [at least far] removal of that pesky human-to-human interaction wherein miscommunication and/or simple error is commonplace.
I know. I saw them in old TV shows and movies. I agree but I stand firm they didn't start this till the fight for $15.
I'll respond this evening cause I know you'll disagree. This is slowing my already crappy route down.

And stop acting like you're smarter acting like I don't know history and other reasons why they install kiosks. I know why. My point which gets missed every time by you over thinkers is they started implementing them after the start of the fight for $15. If deny that were done.
That's why I don't like talking to you.
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I agree but I stand firm they didn't start this till the fight for $15.
No surprise there.

And stop acting like you're smarter acting like I don't know history and other reasons why they install kiosks. I know why. My point which gets missed every time by you over thinkers is they started implementing them after the start of the fight for $15. If deny that were done.
That's why I don't like talking to you.
Stop reading into posts with the apparent hope that there's something in there over which to get offended and, frankly, acting as though comments directed toward you are attacks against you.

As far as the reason for McDonald's implementation of these kiosks is concerned, well, I suspect it can't be pinpointed singularly, as that's just not how big (read: "massive") corporations operate. What's more, McDonald's began testing the kiosks in the United States in 2003, more than a decade before "fight for $15" broke out in a meaningful way.
Exactly why I don't like talking to you. You can deny the shade all you want.
On the contrary, I'll stand by the remark, and I'm comfortable doing so thanks to your willful disregard for reason on the basis of it not supporting your preferred narrative. Seriously, how does McDonald's testing of the interface in 2003, likely after observing the success of Redbox in the period just before, play into the notion that they're only implementing it because of "socialism bad" wage hike proposals rooted in events from 2014? I think I'll decline holding my breath for a response to that question.
play into the notion that they're only implementing it because of "socialism bad"
You act like that's all I was talking about. I see no correlation between wanting $15 an hour and socialism. Who reads into things? The timing is impeccable and socialism is bad. And who needs a kiosk when I can order on my phone app?
And I forgot, I Doordashed while I was between jobs. Wanna talk about not having to talk to a cashier much less leave your house lol.
How's RedBox doing by the way?
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