America - The Official Thread

  • Thread starter ///M-Spec
Between the emigration of relatively youthful (and more liberal) Poles and the RCC wrapping its tentacles around its state bodies, Poland is basically regressing into 1950s Ireland.
People hate Trump because he's a racist blowhard. But when Trump does Trump things, people get even more angry. It's like a mating call. People need to chill out. Look, everyone hates Hillary Clinton, right? Did they burn down cities? No, they voted for Trump. Maybe that's more destructive, I dunno.

You say this as if half the country didn't spend the eight years of Obama's presidency losing their minds about every tiny thing they could possibly find. Trump poses very real dangers to this country, and I'd say it's worth getting upset about. Much more so than a tan suit, or holding a coffee while saluting a Marine. *gasp*

And what's with the "burn down cities" bit? I can only assume that's referring to George Floyd/Black Lives Matter, in which case it has nothing to do with Trump, and certainly isn't an example of the tired Trump Derangement Syndrome shtick you're peddling here.
And what's with the "burn down cities" bit? I can only assume that's referring to George Floyd/Black Lives Matter, in which case it has nothing to do with Trump, and certainly isn't an example of the tired Trump Derangement Syndrome shtick you're peddling here.
This "burning down cities" sentiment seems to be common amongst right-wingers, yet they can never provide any factual example of such a thing. Very few cities which had BLM/Antifa protests had any areas that were burned (the exceptions being Minneapolis, NYC, Portland, and Seattle). And in those four cities, at most, a line of buildings on one particular street were torched, not the entire goddamn city. Not even anywhere close to that, actually.
No Trump voter is going, "Jeez, Trump spent 3 trillion dollars?" Do you understand where I'm coming from here?

I don't.

We do have right wingers that tried to kidnap and murder the governor of Michigan. Of course for that to be parallel, Biden (or Clinton) would have had to say "liberate portland" before people attempted to carry it out violently.
Look at what a terrible job they've done making every Trump voter think that there is a legion of wrongdoers out there waiting to burn down your town and date your daughter. No Trump voter is going, "Jeez, Trump spent 3 trillion dollars?" Do you understand where I'm coming from here?
The plus side is that Trump supporters have taken a harder-right stance due to the protests and riots, and it's become obvious that the concepts being protested (Edit: or any other rational topic like, er, deficits, policy...) are actually of no concern to them at all. Basically, they've self-identified as racists, confederates, authoritarians, etc. They stepped out of their closet.

I actually prefer it that way because now I know precisely who to strategize against in this obnoxiously long campaign we call life.
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The burnt down city is Portland. Because the people there chose to fight the Federales like true weirdo Portlanders instead of being nice and voting for Biden and not turning their own city into a burnt out dump. Look at what a terrible job they've done making every Trump voter think that there is a legion of wrongdoers out there waiting to burn down your town and date your daughter. No Trump voter is going, "Jeez, Trump spent 3 trillion dollars?" Do you understand where I'm coming from here?

I don't really care what city you were referring to, or your assessment of whether any "weirdos" should or should not have responded to police killings the way they did. You snuck "burning cities down" into a rant about Trump Derangement Syndrome, and I objected to that. You're free to think all you want that people are overreacting to Trump. But if you can't make your case without padding it with extraneous crap, then maybe it's not a strong case.

"Weirdos" were "burning down cities" (as @GranTurNismo pointed out, that's quite an exaggerative statement to begin with) in response to police brutality and racism. And while our current President certainly seems to be a racist and enjoy a bit of police brutality, the protests and riots weren't about him.
in response to police brutality and racism
History books don't do a good job at all of describing what life was like in the Colonies during the mid-1700s. That show Turn has some good examples but overall I haven't seen much to really describe it without glorifying it. I've always wondered what it was really like. I mean, it took years to build up to the Revolution, right? It didn't just happen overnight. There were years and years of minor conflicts and I imagine for a long time people just brushed it off and went on with their days. At some point they realized, oh ****, it's here. It's time.

We need to pay attention. Those scattered conflicts against institutional brutality have already been happening for years and years. I never lived through the 1960s so I can't tell you what it was like but it makes you wonder how far down that path we've already walked, and obviously we have no idea what steps will be taken tomorrow.

Those people on the streets aren't "weirdos", they're history repeating itself. In the 1700s they were called patriots, not weirdos.
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Biden (& Kamala Harris for that matter) are not socialists ... they're not even "democratic socialists" in the mold of many European politicians. Biden is old - past his prime - but he's clearly not senile & seems to be pretty fit for his age. Barring some illness, I would expect him to serve out a 4 year term. Even if the Democrats take the Senate as well as the presidency, I wouldn't expect a sweeping move towards "socialism". That's because the majority of Democratic voters are not that left-leaning.

I hope the Democrats DO win control of the senate as well as the presidency. It would be the kind of rebuke of Trumpism that is required to set the United States back on a more realistic course & to punish Republicans for abandoning any pretence of respecting constitutional norms & common decency. In that way, maybe Republicans can reimagine themselves as a more inclusive party that relies on positive conservative values rather than on the negative ones of nationalism, xenophobia, anti-science, & religious, racial & gender bigotry.
Those people on the streets aren't "weirdos", they're history repeating itself. In the 1700s they were called patriots, not weirdos.

In this context, the British called them weirdos. But they continuously carried on with their revolution.

Now you've put the idea in my head that the United States will indeed become like Europe in the sense that it is going to fracture into several independent countries rather than the dominant, unitary landmass it has been for so long. In 50 years? 100? Who knows, but it certainly seems to be heading in that direction.

And I've got 50% of a witty pun. Something, something... United, something something... Untied States. *raucous laughter*
Soft socialism is worse, because at least the hard-liners will put you out of your misery instead of being all passive-aggressive about it. I'd rather the government be open and honest about how they're going to plunder their people.
So if I'm reading this right you would rather live in an authoritarian dictatorship than accept a degree of social responsibility and help the least fortunate stay alive?

People hate Trump because he's a racist blowhard. But when Trump does Trump things, people get even more angry. It's like a mating call. People need to chill out.
So sit down and shut up while the authoritarian does what he likes, including ripping up the parts of the US constitution that he finds inconveient.

Look, everyone hates Hillary Clinton, right?
Given that more people voted for her than for Trump that would be a firm no, which then makes this...

Did they burn down cities? No, they voted for Trump. Maybe that's more destructive, I dunno.
...a strawman.

I have bigger problems, like whether economic ignoramuses and their ballot initiatives for $15 minimum wages are going to put my whole team out of a job.
If a business can't pay people a living wage then is it even a viable business or one that is simply using welfare (and I'm guessing you dislike taxes and welfare) to bridge the gap?
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How dare you, sir?
How dare I what? You parachute into this thread ranting about stuff that even Fox News won't let Trump blindly claim when they interview him, and I'm supposed to take it any more seriously then when other members see Trump post it on his Twitter account and repeat it here themselves as if it's supposed to be super scary to anyone with half a brain? The most blandly milquetoast white guy to run for President since Bob Dole, and America needs to band against him and get over a made up thing Trump supporters blame for everything people dislike Trump for because he's actually a secret super communist that he was hiding for decades in office. All those things he was actively criticized for during the Obama administration and in the 90s, some of which Trump even pointed out himself in the debates, were all a clever ruse this whole time.

"It sure is a shame that in the last 8 months Trump blamed the Governor of Michigan for being the target of a kidnap/murder plot carried out by his followers, tear gassed peaceful peaceful protestors to have an election photo shoot, threatened to not step aside if he loses the election by a close margin, covered up the threat of the pandemic, made not infecting other people with a dangerous disease a political line in the sand, tried to rebrand himself as a super pro-Troops patriot despite video evidence to the contrary, baselessly attacked a form of voting several states have done for years because he knew more people being able to vote easily was worse for him, openly stated that the election should be delayed to make it more fair for him, gave up on even trying to contain the pandemic that he already screwed everything up on, gave his support to voter intimidation, sanctioned government agents kidnapping American citizens before sanctioning having them killed first with questions asked later, threatened states that were doing anything he didn't approve of in their COVID responses, threatened private companies for not doing things he liked, publicly called to have his political opponents arrested for trumped up (ha) charges right before the election, wrote executive orders that weren't worth the paper they were written on so he could say how much he had done as President, repeatedly attacked/attempted to discredit any public health officials who disagreed with things he was claiming, had a laundry list of former and current cabinet members actively work against him to prevent him from doing worse things than he ended up doing, flouted and mocked public health guidelines that high profile cheerleaders for him died for ignoring and things got so bad in the White House that people were attacking Biden's response to H1N1 while suffering from the COVID infection that Trump probably personally infected them with, and tried so hard to force pharmaceutical companies to force a vaccine out before he goes for reelection that the majority of Americans won't take one when first available. But people need to tone down their vitriol against Truml, because at least he ramrodded some textualists in the Supreme Court so now the gays won't be able to get married soon and people will have to go to Mexico for abortions again as the founding fathers intended."

Yeah, real shame there Omnis.
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How dare I what? You parachute into this thread ranting about stuff that even Fox News won't let Trump blindly claim when they interview him, and I'm supposed to take it any more seriously then when other members see Trump post it on his Twitter account and repeat it here themselves as if it's supposed to be super scary to anyone with half a brain?

"It sure is a shame that Trump blamed the Governor of Michigan for being the target of a kidnap/murder plot carried out by his followers, tear gassed peaceful peaceful protestors to have an election photo shoot, threatened to not step aside if he loses the election by a close margin, baselessly attacked a form of voting several states have done for years, openly stated that the election should be delayed to make it more fair for him, gave up on even trying to contain the pandemic that he already screwed everything up on, gave his support to voter intimidation, sanctioned government agents kidnapping American citizens before sanctioning having them killed first with questions asked later, threatened states that were doing anything he didn't approve of in their COVID responses, threatened private companies for not doing things he liked, publicly called to have his political opponents arrested for trumped up (ha) charges right before the election, wrote executive orders that weren't worth the paper they were written on so he could say how much he had done as President, repeatedly attacked/attempted to discredit any public health officials who disagreed with things he was claiming, had a laundry list of former and current cabinet members actively work against him to prevent him from doing worse things, flouted and mocked public health guidelines that high profile cheerleaders for him died and things got so bad in the White House that people were attacking Biden's response to H1N1 while suffering from the COVID infection that Trump probably personally infected them with, and tried so hard to force pharmaceutical companies to force a vaccine out before he goes for reelection that the majority of Americans won't take one when first available. But people need to tone down their vitriol against Truml, because at least he ramrodded some textualists in the Supreme Court so now the gays won't be able to get married soon and people will have to go to Mexico for abortions again as the founding fathers intended."

Yeah, real shame there Omnis.
You forgot the revolving door of 'only the best people', the 'best people' that are now in jail, the sexual assault and rape charges, the wall that didn't get built and Mexico didn't pay for and all the 'fine people' who should 'stand back and stand by'!

However it's bloody hard to keep track, so it's understandable.
Holy crap you guys are strung tight. Nevermind I said anything. I'm not in disagreement with anything that you guys have said about Trump, just thought it would be fun to have some fun with this thread. Guess not. The only thing I strongly disagree with is:
That's us, snowflake, liberal commies for you, we never get the joke!

Guess we should be cooler with blatant authoritarianism.

Minimum wage is only a way to make labor illegal.
Nope, I live in a country (and continent) with minimum wages, labour is still very much legal.

My team's situation is such that we work for the experience of working. Nobody does the job to eek out a "living wage". But if you make it illegal to pay us what we're willing to work for, then that opportunity disappears for us.
If they don't do the job for the wage then I'm not sure why you are making an issue out of it. Become a charity and make it volunteer work, or design a business model that makes it sustainable with a minimum wage, just as hundreds of thousands of businesses have done across the globe.

It actually should be like that. That was the point, with the Feds there only to support a military and deal with other foreign countries that weren't in the cool club. Instead of pushing for human rights across the board, it's probably actually cheaper these days to just pick up and move out of Woman-hating Alabama to have total control of your uterus, or to get out of Commiefornia so you can roll coal and have extra diesel money. You can still have your friends via Zoom.
A tax-funded and government-controlled military, how communist, surely it should be carried out by private companies, they will, of course, do it much cheaper and be utterly trustworthy with no oversight required. /sarcasm
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"I don't disagree with you guys about Trump, but also here's some arguments I'll repeat over multiple posts that are verbatim from Trump's base; and I'll even trot out Trump Derangement Syndrome as well."

You forgot the revolving door of 'only the best people', the 'best people' that are now in jail, the sexual assault and rape charges, the wall that didn't get built and Mexico didn't pay for and all the 'fine people' who should 'stand back and stand by'!

However it's bloody hard to keep track, so it's understandable.
And praising how great of a guy Kim Jong-Un actually is once you get to know him in a presidential debate.
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On a different note, this forum has given me faith in humanity that there are, in fact, some right-wingers who can see right through Trump's BS and have no problem calling out the hypocrisy, unconstitutionality, and utter absurdity of the Republican party. Such as Tornado, Danoff, Joey D, Eunos Cosmo, and a few others too I'm sure. Sometimes it really does seem like the entire right-wing constituency is completely beholden to Trumpism and the madness of the Republican party.
I just don't want to see Biden and a democrat congress. That would be super bad. I'd rather have opposition so that no laws get passed. Democrat Presidents and Republican congresses are usually pretty good. One big problem now, however, is that the democrats are now the war party. No bueno.
The only people to blame for full Democratic control are Republicans themselves. They failed to keep Trump in check, biting their lip anytime he got into trouble, usually over racist remarks. And the nail in the coffin was Barrett; Republicans went back on their words of, "Only the next President should get to pick a SC justice", then Trump picks a highly controversial nominee with clearly religious-guided intentions, literally rush her through and get her sworn in ahead of schedule. Even the 2 or so Republicans who led people to believe they would not agree with Barrett's confirmation, actually did it anyway.

They managed to get this done so fast, despite the top priority for everyone being a new Covid-bill. And just to wipe dog **** on the white carpet on the way out, McConnell adjourns the Senate immediately after Barrett's confirmation, meaning no talks of a Covid-bill til' after the election & Trump's moronic White House Administration proclaiming a Covid victory, with highly respected STEM expert... Ivanka Trump's name attached.

The Republican Party at the hands of Trump will possibly bring about their own downfall & they make matters worse by continuing to let Trump do-whatever & say-whatever he wants. This complete mess is the reason I no longer even try make any arguments for the Conservative Party, despite years of debating others on this forum for them.
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How dare you, sir? I'm dissatisfied with both options. But, hey, at least I don't have to worry about becoming a criminal overnight with Trump in there. (But maybe I should) Then again, I'm lucky I don't have to worry about whether I'm going to get kidnapped by some ABC agency thug.

I have bigger problems, like whether economic ignoramuses and their ballot initiatives for $15 minimum wages are going to put my whole team out of a job.

Those are not bigger problems. Those are smaller problems. Still problems, but smaller. Much much smaller. A $15 minimum wage is neither her nor there when we're talking about freedom of speech, due process, freedom of assembly, and illegal seizure.

On a different note, this forum has given me faith in humanity that there are, in fact, some right-wingers who can see right through Trump's BS and have no problem calling out the hypocrisy, unconstitutionality, and utter absurdity of the Republican party. Such as Tornado, Danoff, Joey D, Eunos Cosmo, and a few others too I'm sure. Sometimes it really does seem like the entire right-wing constituency is completely beholden to Trumpism and the madness of the Republican party.


The reason some of us can see through it is because some of us are in the lower right corner of the political spectrum plot instead of the upper right.
The only people to blame for full Democratic control are Republicans themselves. They failed to keep Trump in check, biting their lip anytime he got into trouble, usually over racist remarks. And the nail in the coffin was Barrett; Republicans went back on their words of, "Only the next President should get to pick a SC justice", then Trump picks a highly controversial nominee with clearly religious-guided intentions, literally rush her through and get her sworn in ahead of schedule. Even the 2 or so Republicans who led people to believe they would not agree with Barrett's confirmation, actually did it anyway.

They managed to get this done so fast, despite the top priority for everyone being a new Covid-bill. And just to wipe dog **** on the white carpet on the way out, McConnell adjourns the Senate immediately after Barrett's confirmation, meaning no talks of a Covid-bill til' after the election & Trump's moronic White House Administration proclaiming a Covid victory, with highly respected STEM expert... Ivanka Trump's name attached.

The Republican Party at the hands of Trump will possibly bring about their own downfall & they make matters worse by continuing to let Trump do-whatever & say-whatever he wants. This complete mess is the reason I no longer even try make any arguments for the Conservative Party, despite years of debating others on this forum for them.
If only one thing could change and it not be Trump, it would be nice to see McConnell voted out of office.
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Trumpism, man.

Just in time for Trump to claim Californians have to wear & eat with a special mask they can not take off under any circumstances; a "very complex mechanism".
I had to look this one up because it seemed like you were proposing a sarcastic hypothetical.

Amazing. They're also getting rid of weddings and they're talking about getting rid of Thanksgiving.