America - The Official Thread

  • Thread starter ///M-Spec
Not sure if this has been posted in other threads, and I'm not breaking any news here...but this feels disturbingly appropriate for the waning days of a Donald Trump presidency, in the midst of a pandemic that is unnecessarily consuming us. Could it have even ended any other way? We elected a reality TV character.

and almost on cue, China fires up their home-brew Tokamak.

Edit: I should add that China recently completed a telescope larger than Arecibo was, becoming fully operational just this year.

While the reality TV conman has been trying to make a strongman show in dealing with China, they've just been doing there thing - relentlessly progressing. I think, in time, Donald Trump will be remembered as one of the most damaging presidents of all time. I'm biased as I have always hated Donald Trump - long before he announced his candidacy, long before he identified as a Republican. He is a con man and it's unbelievable to me how many people buy his ****.

Its perhaps a minor example in the grand scheme of things, but still indicative - Donald Trump cannot understand that things like the Arecibo Telescope is what has made America great. Materially, what has Donald Trump even done to make America great? Lower taxes? Attempt to build a border wall? Keep out brown people? Where do those figure in the list of things that make America great? Even being generous, they are basically boilerplate GOP line items - hardly imaginative policy. After Steve Bannon left, the Trump administration went from bad-faith ideas to simply no ideas. The Trump administration might be one of the most visionless ever. The man himself had no answer for what his second term would involve, not because he was being cagey, but because it hadn't occurred to him. This is the guy that 70 million people still voted for. Why?

Donald Trump has no capacity to understand leadership. He cannot understand what made great leaders great - tough choices. If he were president in Lincoln's time, he would have complained about how the Civil war made him look bad. If he had been president during FDRs time, he would have said that the economic depression was not his fault and, at best, the war was Europe's problem - I struggle to see him as being truly opposed to Stalin, Mussolini or Hitler back before they were the losers and villains of history. His understanding of the world is entirely through one lens - television. His obsession with "central casting" people I think is revealing, he only cares about the appearances of things. He wanted to be a "great leader" by looking the part, not doing the work. Faced with real crises of the type that would actually reveal true leadership, he has only reacted with agitation or even jealousy at the attention diverted away from him. Donald Trump's only enduring legacy will be the President who willfully disregarded the threat of a monumentally deadly pandemic because it was too hard of a problem and too hard to make it look good on TV. Donald Trump never wanted to be President of the United States, he only ever wanted the prestige of the title and the self-importance of signing things with his made-for-TV signature, and all of us are paying for it.
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Donald Trump cannot understand that things like the Arecibo Telescope is what has made America great.

While I agree with your overall point, I'm not sure I would blame Trump solely for Arecibo falling into disrepair and eventually collapsing considering funding for the site has been shrinking since 2006.
While I agree with your overall point, I'm not sure I would blame Trump solely for Arecibo falling into disrepair and eventually collapsing considering funding for the site has been shrinking since 2006.

Absolutely. I wouldn't (and carefully didn't ;)) say it's his fault really...I more meant it's symbolic of a nation that would elect Donald Trump - an increasing hostility to intellectual pursuits. You'll not find any comment (or at least I couldn't) from him about Arecibo - it clearly doesn't matter at all to him.
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Absolutely. I wouldn't (and carefully didn't ;)) say it's his fault really...I more meant it's symbolic of a nation that would elect Donald Trump - an increasing hostility to intellectual pursuits. You'll not find any comment (or at least I couldn't) from him about Arecibo - it clearly doesn't matter at all to him.
Arecibo was going to fail eventually, it just didn't help that it became irreparably damaged less than 6 months ago and they already stated they couldn't fix it.
"China virus"

Out of sheer, morbid interest, what was the previous most corrupt election in the history of the USA, and what level of corruptness did it achieve to be quantifiably "by far" less corrupt than this one?
Out of sheer, morbid interest, what was the previous most corrupt election in the history of the USA, and what level of corruptness did it achieve to be quantifiably "by far" less corrupt than this one?
And why isn't it the current president's fault that the election was so corrupt?
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Out of sheer, morbid interest, what was the previous most corrupt election in the history of the USA, and what level of corruptness did it achieve to be quantifiably "by far" less corrupt than this one?


The election was marred by voter suppression, violence and disenfranchisement towards black people in the South as was common at the time anyway but there were four specifically disputed states (Oregon, Louisiana, South Carolina and Florida) with a combined EC value of 20. As it stood, Democrat Samuel Tilden led Republican Rutherford Hayes 184-165, a gap of just 19 EC votes with 20 left to grab. If Tilden won any of the remaining four states, he was to become President but Hayes needed all four.

What happened was that the four states were so disputed that a special commission was set up to arbitrate the matter. The panel ended up being 7 Democrats and 8 Republicans (a longer, boring story) and the commission voted on each disputed state. Unsurprisingly each vote ended 8-7 in favour of the Republican Hayes. Hayes was ultimately awarded all four remaining states and won the 1876 Presidential election 185-184. By one vote. The most astonishing thing about this loss is that Samuel Tilden actually won an outright majority of the popular vote; 50.9%.

What actually ended up happening was dubbed the Compromise of 1877 in which the Democrats agreed to concede the four states to Hayes, giving him the election and Presidency, whilst the Republicans agreed to removing federal troops from the former Confederate States of America and bringing an end to "Reconstruction".

The legacy of this is that it gave birth to the traditional, right-wing, white Democratic Solid South that we're all familiar with. The whole Jim Crow laws period. With no more federal troops in the way, the Democratic Party in each state was free to put in all kinds of segregation laws, laws against interracial marriage and legal disenfranchisement. The most common method of disenfranchisement was "literacy tests" so that the black population, who weren't allowed to go to school and learn to write for the most part, weren't able to pass the test and be allowed to vote.

It reversed all the relative political and economic gains the black population had achieved under Reconstruction.


The 1876 election was a crooked deal that basically legalised racist policies in the South.
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The 1876 election
Hmm, a bunch of States under Republican control got together and decided to ignore the popular vote and give their EC votes to the Republican candidate, so he could win by 1 EC vote.

That does sound pretty corrupt...

Edit: Wait, why is Trump revealing Giuliani's medical status?
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The whole Jim Crow laws period. With no more federal troops in the way, the Democratic Party in each state was free to put in all kinds of segregation laws, laws against interracial marriage and legal disenfranchisement. The most common method of disenfranchisement was "literacy tests" so that the black population, who weren't allowed to go to school and learn to write for the most part, weren't able to pass the test and be allowed to vote.
"See the Democrats are the real racists"
I'm surprised Covid went for Rudy. If I was a virus, I'd rate that opportunity as "hard pass"
Those Covid spys [sic] posing as journalists got to him.


When you can't admit it's not a hoax, when you can't admit it's more dangerous than the flu, when you can't admit that wearing a damn mask stops the spread... time to fall back on the old "it's germ warfare" scenario.
Hmm, a bunch of States under Republican control got together and decided to ignore the popular vote and give their EC votes to the Republican candidate, so he could win by 1 EC vote.

That does sound pretty corrupt...

This was already discussed, but it was the Democrats who agreed to give their electoral votes to the Republican candidate in return for the removal of federal troops from the southern states leaving them a free hand in suppressing blacks. Pretty corrupt all round.

I'm surprised Covid went for Rudy. If I was a virus, I'd rate that opportunity as "hard pass"

Yeah - I had the understanding that Covid only infected human hosts.
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Everybody in this picture is currently under quarantine. Except for Rudy who’s already in the hospital. Unlike many people who are being turned away or finding no beds available, Rudy was given first class accommodations and will be treated on the taxpayer’s dime.

Yep, you guys are in for a fight all right. But not for the Republic.
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