And Now For Some Good News

  • Thread starter Joey D

Joey D

United States
Lakes of the North, MI
GTP Joey
I think we can all agree that the current state of the world is a bit of a dumpster fire. But there are still plenty of good things happening and I think it's important to focus a bit on the positives going around. So let's see some good news stories from around the world. Whether it's something heartwarming about a puppy, mildly amusing like a Tiger King baby, or something cool like the discovery of a new kind of toaster, post it up. I do ask that you refrain from posting stuff that's really not good news (i.e. some leader you don't like getting COVID-19). Also, please refer strange news to the appropriate thread.


So to kick us off, I give you Tiger King toddler (you thought I was making that up didn't you?):


Utah photographer dresses baby as the Tiger King for quarantine photo shoot

I found this site a long time ago, probably through StumbleUpon. Nothing but good news every day. We need this now more than ever. It's not all the newest thing up to date but it's stuff you probably haven't seen before.

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