Schools are the second foundation after ones family to prepare the next generation.If you allow schools to take up such dumb a*s action,it will at one point down the road turn around and BITE you in the ass

.When these SO CALLED students are done with their schooling,who in the hell will hire them? If they can't speak proper English.And that will,in time, lead to more unemployment,more crimes,more goverment taxes,so that these DUMB basterds can eat.
It all fits togather,it might not happen today or tomorow,or not even in our life time,but it's coming.........I have met some Americans,and in talking to them about schools,found out that some scary things
One in which,and I think this is FUNNY AS HELL, something that goes like this......and this is in math,of all subjects, .................YOU don't have to get the right answer

.........so long you come close to it????!!!!!!! WTF is that???
You keep crap like this up,and sooner or later,it will happen