and so begins the demise of america

  • Thread starter SS69
Hell Raiser

Schools are the second foundation after ones family to prepare the next generation.If you allow schools to take up such dumb a*s action,it will at one point down the road turn around and BITE you in the ass :sly: .When these SO CALLED students are done with their schooling,who in the hell will hire them? If they can't speak proper English.And that will,in time, lead to more unemployment,more crimes,more goverment taxes,so that these DUMB basterds can eat.
It all fits togather,it might not happen today or tomorow,or not even in our life time,but it's coming.........I have met some Americans,and in talking to them about schools,found out that some scary things :nervous:
One in which,and I think this is FUNNY AS HELL, something that goes like this......and this is in math,of all subjects, .................YOU don't have to get the right answer :drool: long you come close to it????!!!!!!! WTF is that???
You keep crap like this up,and sooner or later,it will happen
I agree the idea is stupid. But United States turning into third world county because of it is crazy.
I agree the idea is stupid. But United States turning into third world county because of it is crazy.

The way the schools are acting is STUPID.But to say that the States will become a 3rd world country,is very doubtful.The people might be acting that way,but not the whole country,not yet anyway :sly:
What I think is funny is that they want to teach ebonics like the CHILDREN didn't invent it!

And yes, this article is quite old.
Hell Raiser
The way the schools are acting is STUPID.But to say that the States will become a 3rd world country,is very doubtful.The people might be acting that way,but not the whole country,not yet anyway :sly:
OK. Sorry. Way I was quoted, I thought you were supporting the idea of the U.S. turning into a third world country.

P.S. I never read the article. :lol: It sounded kinda familiar, but I never thought about it. :D
OK. Sorry. Way I was quoted, I thought you were supporting the idea of the U.S. turning into a third world country.

P.S. I never read the article. :lol: It sounded kinda familiar, but I never thought about it. :D

It's cool.and yes I have read the article a while back,and thought that it had to be the most moronic thing I have ever read in my life,but hell life goes on :sly:
basically the California school board wants to recognize "Ebonics" as a foreign language in order to "better" teach students.

If it were a private school doing this the response would be "oh well, they'll lose customers" or "they'll go out of business when their students start failing stardardized tests". But since it's a public school and it uses public money, we all feel the need to be certain that they're teaching exactly what we want them to.

I say we stop funding it.
If it were a private school doing this the response would be "oh well, they'll lose customers" or "they'll go out of business when their students start failing stardardized tests". But since it's a public school and it uses public money, we all feel the need to be certain that they're teaching exactly what we want them to.

I say we stop funding it.

Not a bad thought. Too bad it's taken from property taxes....
Not a bad thought. Too bad it's taken from property taxes....

Not all of it is taken from property taxes - but a lot of it is. What's your solution? People should just move away if they don't like the school? They should find a school that they like and then live there?

I say we stop funding them with tax money (regardless of the type of taxes).
Wow. If this passes I hope to God that sometime we will have a president who only speaks ebonics just to punish those idiots who voted for it. Foreign relations would be shot to **** and everyone would hate us more than they already do.
Not all of it is taken from property taxes - but a lot of it is. What's your solution? People should just move away if they don't like the school? They should find a school that they like and then live there?

I say we stop funding them with tax money (regardless of the type of taxes).

Like I said, I like your thought. However this must be taken care of throgh legislation. That's just the way it's setup. If the parents don't stand up against this, then it will come to pass.

What scares me is that all major cities could adopt this stupidity.
Not all of it is taken from property taxes - but a lot of it is. What's your solution? People should just move away if they don't like the school? They should find a school that they like and then live there?

I say we stop funding them with tax money (regardless of the type of taxes).

And this is why I support school vouchers. If you don't like the school where you live you can choose another school without moving and the funding moves too. If I had that option growing up I would not have gone to Po'dunk Country School, in the middle of nowhere, Kentucky.
What scares me is that all major cities could adopt this stupidity.
Honestly, it's not likely to happen anywhere outside of California. Everyone else is smarter than that.
Honestly, it's not likely to happen anywhere outside of California. Everyone else is smarter than that.
It's the heat wave, I'm telling you! :D
It's the heat wave, I'm telling you! :D

ROTFL......................but really,it's always the same,all kinds of **** starts in California,then it spreads like wild fire else where.........................WATCH OUT :sly:
Do you realize the debt america is in? Do you realize the over-population we're having? Do you realize the um-employment we have? Do you realize the illegal immigration we have? Do you realize the increasing crime rate we have? Do you realize the increasing failure rate we have? Im not here to argue this point but america is declining. Yes it will take a long time for us to be third world, hence the word i used; SLOWLY. But it WILL happen.

Do you realise that 19% of all of Africa is wilderness? Do you realise that 48% of America is all wilderness?

Overpopulation is also BS. Just look at China, THAT's over-population, and you haven't even reached half that. Including the fact you have more land as well, is just stupid.






Academic material!
Ok i keep seeing posts saying that the article is 9 years old. I DID Say that i just posted the first one i saw and wasnt sure how good of one it was. I DID update the link to one that was written on JULY 17, 2005. This is a more recent topic now because like i said, it seems to have recently taken affect. So if you read the OLD article and are complaining, please go back and click on the updated link. And now i realize that saying America becoming a third world country may have been pushing it, i mainly stated it that way to further display my disgust in the way things are being handled. This country is slipping. As far as i see it we aren't as strong and great as we used to be. Just take a look at the U.S. today and the politics and then try to think if this is the dream our forefathers really had in mind.
Nevertheless, as your language has evolved from ours, your country has become the dominant superpower on the planet. Your language is, evidently, still evolving and there's little reason to think that this is directly linked to any demise which may occur.
Nevertheless, as your language has evolved from ours, your country has become the dominant superpower on the planet. Your language is, evidently, still evolving and there's little reason to think that this is directly linked to any demise which may occur.

Actually my English teacher taught me the opposite. According to her the current American English language is closer to the English that the original puritans brought along across the Atlantic. The language has evolved ever since in England.
Nevertheless, as your language has evolved from ours, your country has become the dominant superpower on the planet. Your language is, evidently, still evolving and there's little reason to think that this is directly linked to any demise which may occur.

Well if talking like a caveman on crack is your idea of evolving then i want no part of it. I DO NOT consider ebonics a form of evolving in the english language, i see it as a form of laziness. Now if these people want to talk this way aroung thier friends or in the privacy of thier own home they can, but when the schools actually start saying that bad english is good english. That shows the teachers are lazy. That shows that they let the students win. As i said its all just a money game. They know that its only going to hurt the students, they just want to line their own pockets with that green government money.
Well if talking like a caveman on crack is your idea of evolving then i want no part of it. I DO NOT consider ebonics a form of evolving in the english language, i see it as a form of laziness. Now if these people want to talk this way aroung thier friends or in the privacy of thier own home they can, but when the schools actually start saying that bad english is good english. That shows the teachers are lazy. That shows that they let the students win. As i said its all just a money game. They know that its only going to hurt the students, they just want to line their own pockets with that green government money.

I consider such phrases as "most winningest coach" as talking like a caveman on crack... Go figure.

smellysocks - your English teacher is wrong. Has she ever read anything published before 1650? Apart from more formal and more florid use of the language (and the unusual cursive S), English hasn't changed much since the Puritans left - and has barely changed at all in the last 200 years - save for the invention, or adopting, of new words.
Ebonics is not a language. Kids who want to speak all this garbage are plain old morons. I hate shorthand and it always irritates me upon listening to incorrect english. Anyone can be a moron. I don't understand why ebonics has to be linked to black people. I feel that most of "these" black people are just ignorant and too proud for their own damn good. What in God's name could possibly be keeping them from communicating in and speaking english as well as possible? They are. That's the answer, short and sweet.

English doesn't need to change, they do. If they can't, then tough.
Isn't that what I've been saying for the last two days?
That's what British people have been saying for the last 200 years.

In fact, American English is a direct result of American linguists in the early-to-mid 1800s making a deliberate attempt to streamline spellings and usages in order to purposely separate the new country's language from the old country's. It's not like we're not smart enough to keep it the old way, it's that we deliberately wanted to distance ourselves from it.
That's what British people have been saying for the last 200 years.

In fact, American English is a direct result of American linguists in the early-to-mid 1800s making a deliberate attempt to streamline spellings and usages in order to purposely separate the new country's language from the old country's. It's not like we're not smart enough to keep it the old way, it's that we deliberately wanted to distance ourselves from it.

Yep - and this is my point.

To SS69, Ebonics looks and sounds ridiculous. To Brits, American English looks and sounds ridiculous (I mean, you invented a new, two-syllable word for "tap". "Tap"!). American English is obviously an evolution of English and, as such, is a valid language. Ebonics is obviously an evolution of American English and, as such, is a valid language. He's only resistant to it because it represents change.

American English has evolved apart from English and, in that time, the US has become the world's dominant superpower. There is little reason to assume that if it continues to evolve, the country will go down the pan.