and so begins the demise of america

  • Thread starter SS69
Anyone can speak ebonic, the wannabes who do it to look cool are retarded, yes. But if someone grew up in an environment where everyone around them speaks the same type of slang that can't be retarded. We all speak the way our parents and friends do, if you wouldn't have had anyone close to you speaking proper English, you wouldn't speak it either.

I never said that the person who said that is racist, just said that the comment was. Maybe if he would have explained what he meant it wouldn't have sounded racist.

Btw I'm white and I don't speak ebonics, do listen to hiphop, the good type of it...

I still didn't find the comment racist at all, despite what you claim. And no, my mom speaks with slang words and terminology all the time and I don't write/type/speak like that. She says "yous guys" all the time and I never say it. Many kids should just quit being lazy and pay attention in English class, WHERE THEY ARE NOT TAUGHT SLANG WORDS.
Anyone can speak ebonic, the wannabes who do it to look cool are retarded, yes. But if someone grew up in an environment where everyone around them speaks the same type of slang that can't be retarded. We all speak the way our parents and friends do, if you wouldn't have had anyone close to you speaking proper English, you wouldn't speak it either.

I never said that the person who said that is racist, just said that the comment was. Maybe if he would have explained what he meant it wouldn't have sounded racist.

Btw I'm white and I don't speak ebonics, do listen to hiphop, the good type of it...

Yes anyone can speak ebonics, but saying the wanna be's who do it to look cool are retarded, i hope you mean every single person who speaks it, not just whites.

Everyone who talks like they goes down a few levels on my respect-o-meter, whether they are white or black, or my mom. I couldn't take someone seriously if they spoke like that.

And even though Bill Cosby spoke out about it, it doesn't help a damn thing. People would rather listen to the music than the people who seem to make sense.
why has white/black become an element of the conversation? It doesn't matter because race means nothing. A human is a human.
No, ebony = dark hardwood. Ebon = black. Ebonics is just a poor stereotyped name, and what you say still has no bearing on my previous opinion. You've clarified yourself many times, but it's just wrong, it doesn't make sense.
I said he made himself sound racist because of saying that people who speak 'ebonics' are retarded. It is racist to say this, while not calling people who speak other types of slang retarded as well.

Besides that if someone can only speak a certain type of slang it still doesn't mean they're retarded, probably not very educated, but being retarded doesn't mean uneducated.

You're trying to over-analyze it. I could easily say that someone who speaks ebonics is retarted and not necessarily mean the full definition of the word. I would be refering to the fact that i think they're ignorant or un-educated. Although i would never say retarted i would actually say what i mean. Its the same as ragging on someone who called another person a "fag." 90% of the time they arent using it as derogatory term, they're more or less using slang meaning another person is stupid or such; but that doesnt make them a gay basher or a homo-phobe. And i dont see him as being racist because of what he said.
Then explain to me, what makes someone talking ebonics more retarded than the average Texan farmer who talks like "Yeee haw, howdy partn'r, 'taters are my fav'rite meal"? Sorry if I can't even immitate those farmer guys but I hope you get the point.

They just talk like that because they don't leave the area where people speaking like that live. Rednecks in redneckville don't leave their town often, neither do people in a ghetto leave their projects often since they have bills to pay and have to work their ****ty jobs (even though mentally they would be able to do more, if they would have been able to get a good education when younger). This is not taking in consideration the "wiggers".
To bad it's not Jive they're going to teach. That would have been more helpful. Well, to me, at least. That way I could understand what those two dudes in Airplane were saying without needing to read the subtitles.

Ebonics is the language of ignorant morons who are usually black. How's that racist in any way? Does that make Sickle Cell Anemia a racist disease since it usally effects black people? Blow this racism crap out the window, please. :rolleyes:
Then explain to me, what makes someone talking ebonics more retarded than the average Texan farmer who talks like "Yeee haw, howdy partn'r, 'taters are my fav'rite meal"? Sorry if I can't even immitate those farmer guys but I hope you get the point.

They just talk like that because they don't leave the area where people speaking like that live. Rednecks in redneckville don't leave their town often, neither do people in a ghetto leave their projects often since they have bills to pay and have to work their ****ty jobs (even though mentally they would be able to do more, if they would have been able to get a good education when younger). This is not taking in consideration the "wiggers".

I think you're stuck in the 1800's. As far as i know a farmer doesnt talk like that and farmers arent rednecks. Rednecks are ignorant, angry, and drunk from my definition. Same as a gangsta' or what not. And you dont see any texan in business talking like that. My argument is that people can talk any way they like in the appropriate situation, but when it comes to something such as business they should be able to speak like an educated adult should speak. Picture this: you work for a company, lets call its Conglomo Corp. You're in a very important business meeting with you're japanese client Mr. Tokoyano. You're about to finish the deal when all of a sudden you say. "So we be coo' 'ight?" You think Mr.Toloyano wants to close that deal now? Schools condoning this kind of speech are ignorant and so are the people who chose to use it in every aspect of thier lives. No one besides your "homies" will respect you if you choose to talk that way. Its childish and anyone who makes in thier 20's and still speaks that way amaze me in the most stupid way.
I think you're stuck in the 1800's. As far as i know a farmer doesnt talk like that and farmers arent rednecks. Rednecks are ignorant, angry, and drunk from my definition. Same as a gangsta' or what not. And you dont see any texan in business talking like that. My argument is that people can talk any way they like in the appropriate situation, but when it comes to something such as business they should be able to speak like an educated adult should speak. Picture this: you work for a company, lets call its Conglomo Corp. You're in a very important business meeting with you're japanese client Mr. Tokoyano. You're about to finish the deal when all of a sudden you say. "So we be coo' 'ight?" You think Mr.Toloyano wants to close that deal now? Schools condoning this kind of speech are ignorant and so are the people who chose to use it in every aspect of thier lives. No one besides your "homies" will respect you if you choose to talk that way. Its childish and anyone who makes in thier 20's and still speaks that way amaze me in the most stupid way.
I deal with lot of rednecks. They are not angry or drunk.... at least not all the time. Yes, they really do say "Howdy, partner" etc., etc.

Also, Tokoyano and Toloyano are not valid names. At least not in Japan. :P
I deal with lot of rednecks. They are not angry or drunk.... at least not all the time. Yes, they really do say "Howdy, partner" etc., etc.

Also, Tokoyano and Toloyano are not valid names. At least not in Japan. :P

I never said they didnt. And i pulled those names out of my ass.
Actually, yes, it matters how you say it. Yesterday's DJ and today's DJ on the college radio station prove that. Both were students approximately 20 years old. Both played virtually identical hiphop shows. Both were obviously black by tone of voice. Yesterday's DJ was nearly unintelligible with mumbled pronunciation, excessive urban jargon, and literally every sentence punctuated by "no wuddum sayn?" Today's DJ was no less black, no less 'real', but sounded intelligent and his show was interesting to listen to intstead of giving me a migraine. Remember, they played virtually identical music.

Let's call it urbanics, shall we?
Then explain to me, what makes someone talking ebonics more retarded than the average Texan farmer who talks like "Yeee haw, howdy partn'r, 'taters are my fav'rite meal"? Sorry if I can't even immitate those farmer guys but I hope you get the point.


Texan/redneck isn't trying to become a RECOGNISED LANGUAGE. THAT'S THE DIFFERENCE. It's more retarded because someone is trying to have "ebonics" gain OFFICIAL RECOGNITION FOR ITS LAZYNESS.
It makes perfect sense, and he's not racist. Yes, it's a dialect of sorts. But nobody's proposing to teach people of other American speech modes as if English was their second language.

I'm from the Mid Atlantic (Philadelphia area). I've been to the Northeast (NYC, Boston), the Midwest (St. Louis, Chicago, Minneapolis) the South (Atlanta), and the West (San Diego). Everybody in those places (including me) spoke with an accent and with certain expressions or word choices.

But I never had a minute of difficulty understanding them, no matter what their background. So if the people under discussion can't make themselves understood to the point that English must be considered their second language, then yes, they're retarded.
Also, Tokoyano and Toloyano are not valid names. At least not in Japan. :P

Tokoyano could be. To-ko-ya-no: All 4 syllables could be represented by kana. A name with "Lo" in it wouldn't, as it has no kana equivalent.

A few ago, the teaching of Ebonics was exposed for the "fraud" it was...see my post on Page 2 (for those of you viewing 20 posts per page).

Speaking it at home is one thing, but to teach it in school is another. I received a public school education for 10 years in Florida, and the word "ain't" was not part of any spelling test or a vocabulary word to be memorized.
Tokoyano could be. To-ko-ya-no: All 4 syllables could be represented by kana. A name with "Lo" in it wouldn't, as it has no kana equivalent.
:lol: Could be, but it isn't. And there is hiragana for "lo", from la li lu le lo.
Not on the modified Hepburn there isn't.
I left Japan, soon after grade school. I didn't even know what "modified Hepburn" was. :D According to the modified Hepburn chart, it's ra ri ru re ro, with ro=my version "lo". But as you already know, we(Japanese) suck at rolling of the tongue, so I opt to spell with "L" lot of times. :)

Texan/redneck isn't trying to become a RECOGNISED LANGUAGE. THAT'S THE DIFFERENCE. It's more retarded because someone is trying to have "ebonics" gain OFFICIAL RECOGNITION FOR ITS LAZYNESS.

I said before that the idea to make ebonics an official language is retarded. Of course that won't ever happen, because it simply isn't a language. I just didn't like the comment that everyone speaking 'ebonics' is retarded.
I said before that the idea to make ebonics an official language is retarded. Of course that won't ever happen, because it simply isn't a language. I just didn't like the comment that everyone speaking 'ebonics' is retarded.

I believe this conflict concerns no one of a retarded state. The problem is not retardation, it's ignorance and inadvertence.