Animate GIF faster than 10ms? (Need 4ms)

  • Thread starter Eric.


Is it possible to make the frames of an animated .gif display for less than 10ms? I'm trying to get rid of a stuck pixel on my 42" AQUOS myself before turning it over to Best Buy for replacement. I'm using the same technique used with first generation PSPs (video flashing red, green, and blue solid images to "revive" the pixel) except using a .gif with red, green, blue, white, and black frames. GIMP will not let me export less than 10ms, and I'm sure that getting 4-5ms will be more effective seeing that the LCD has a 4ms refresh rate. 5ms will probably be the best if possible. The image is attached below. If you can get it to be 5ms please edit it and let me know!


  • PixelFixer.gif
    12.7 KB · Views: 37
From my experience, some free and even cheaper photo editing programs like Photoshop Elements 3, won't let you animate quicker than 10ms.

Here is the edited version with 5ms delay. Hopefully this is correct, as the speed of it is beyond my CPU...:

Note: I'm sure I don't need to warn people, but just in case: NO DOT click this thumbnail if you are epileptic. It is starting to do my eyes in now, too.

Edit: By the way, did you want 5ms or 4ms? The title says 4, yet the end of your post says 5.
From my experience, some free and even cheaper photo editing programs like Photoshop Elements 3, won't let you animate quicker than 10ms.

Here is the edited version with 5ms delay. Hopefully this is correct, as the speed of it is beyond my CPU...:

Note: I'm sure I don't need to warn people, but just in case: NO DOT click this thumbnail if you are epileptic. It is starting to do my eyes in now, too.

Edit: By the way, did you want 5ms or 4ms? The title says 4, yet the end of your post says 5.

Thanks, 5ms is what I probably need. 4ms will probably be too fast for the TV, even though it is rated at 4ms. I'll get it running now. :)
I'm gonna try that Vonie, but if it doesn't work after 30 minutes I'm just going to go get it exchanged at Best Buy. I talked to their customer support (100% rating from me!) and even though they don't normally carry the 42" (they ordered it for me) they can order one and let me exchange it once that comes in. Unfortunately their warehouse is out of stock so he told me to check back in in about a week. I can live with the pixel for that long, but I need a new remote! For some reason it just loves batteries. Its ate about ten of them.

Edit: Dougie, its on my TV. I'm displaying the image through the PS3, which doesn't display .mov as far as I know. It wouldn't even animate my .gif through its XMB, so I had to put it online and use the web browser for it to animate. I will have a 25ft DVI to HDMI cable for the PC in around a week though.

Edit2: Vonie, the PS3 won't display that either. No big deal.