Any Artists Here?

  • Thread starter aidan8500
Yea I do some painting. I'd take a photo and post it but I don't know who to upload photos to anymore now that imageshack is being a pain.
I second Imgur.

Anybody able to view kikie's art?
The computer I'm on now is giving me the raspberry.

They're .pdf attachments, and they're not bad at all.

Nice contributions, Andy - you are most definitely talented - if not downright hardworking at your craft.

Hardworking I am! Thank you for the compliment. :)
It's not an original composition, but I painted it.

Stunning picture, Danoff. What size is it? And the medium? That would be great 8 foot wide and gracing a living room wall.

kikie - those drawings show great sensitivity and have subtle emotive power that lures one into the beauty of the human body. The representation of the hand is almost Michelangelo. The drawings look stained and old. Have you drawn lately?
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Stunning picture, Danoff. What size is it? And the medium? That would be great 8 foot wide and gracing a living room wall.

kikie - those drawings show great sensitivity and have subtle emotive power that lures one into the beauty of the human body. The represention of the hand is almost Michaelangelo. The drawings look stained and old. Have you drawn lately?
Nope, haven't drawn in many, many, many years. I drew these when I still pretty young.
Okay, not really stuff I'd make for myself but I recently got asked by a few parents to do some small paintings for their little kids, one boy who for some reason was heavily into fish and one boy who had a perhaps more understandable interest in dinosaurs.
Thought I'd share them here (thought some context was necessary though) as I think they're quite amusing. ;)


Dig the fish, not so much the dinosaur for some reason.

Same. The fish just has something about it I quite like. Must be the orange blue combo :lol:

My most recent bit of work, with some Photoshop wizardry to get the depth of field needed to have both my friend and windmills in focus...

Dig the fish, not so much the dinosaur for some reason.

Could it be the background colour? I was limited by the kid's request of a bloodred background (only 5 years old...) whilst personally I perhaps would've gone for a pink background to contrast the green/brown-ish dinosaur.
The Fish is about perfect - maybe a little more shading around the mouth.. . .

As for the Dino - it seems to do with the lighting. The sources seem to come from all directions, and therefore has flattened the Dino, and taken away the illusion of bulk that is needed.
And Dinos won't have such clean teeth - again a bit of shading for depth, and it should come to life.
Final words - Well done, different, brings a smile to one's face; if you did it for kids as you say - then you've probably rocked their socks, alright. I don't think they would be anywhere as fussy as me. :)
Feedback appreciated guys, I've already sold them so I can't change them anymore :lol: (both were pleased by the way but yeah, they're small kids who aren't fussy), obviously the teeth aren't those of a real dino but an attempt to 'humanise' it, you know, a bit of a cartoon (or kid friendly) version.
And indeed, the light sources aren't even approaching accuracy, mainly used light and shadow for contrast as realism obviously wasn't my aim.
It was my first attempt into this direction and there was a tight deadline (birthdays I think), in hindsight I agree that the contrast of the teeth could be more pronounced amongst other things :).
Sorry for bumping an older thread but I would like to add a few things..


This is an older doodle I found in a notepad I was looking through.


Not finished yet.
Oh wow. No new posts since October?! I'm pretty surprised, but now less.

Anywho, I'm interested to see that last one. I can see that eraser smudge on the top hat. :P
Was moving things around recently and came across this oil on canvas I did about 20 years ago. Yes, it has existed on Earth a little longer that some of you. And still looking as fresh as the day I finger-painted it.

Nice work all. And Cano, I'm seriously impressed! 👍

I've drawn on and off troughout my life, sometimes pausing for years and I've just recently gotten back into it. This time trying to learn the fundamentals, perspective etc. I don't have any work to show of though yet.
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I think everybody is an artist at heart - we seem to be wired to 'create' - and art, as in 'drawing' (even doodling) is the most simplest expression of our creativity. When we look right back into history we find so many of these 'drawings' - on clay, on rock, on papyrus - that tell us art has been a part of our lives since we inherited the very freedom of volition to express ourselves.
I believe art isn't something we "create". It's like an intangible concept similar to mathematics. We just establish a foundation so it's easier to grasp.

We are all candidates of art, but those we refer to as "artists" are those who pursue the activity further than others, which doesn't necessarily mean that one is more artistic than another.

That's how I see it anyway.
Photonrider, that fingerpainting is pretty cool :0

Dang. I must be good if you speak up! :embarrassed: Thank yea. I'll put up a few more later. No hurry to this stuff. :sly:
However . . . we do need to see more of you. Talent Scouts are ninjas, too, you know. You can never say who might be watching. ;)
Photonrider, that fingerpainting is pretty cool :0


:0 why?

The car drawings you posted at the start of the thread. I should probably have quoted the post since it was so long ago, which I didn't realize.
In homage to my favorite player:



This one below was my first try.


After reducing the opacity of the picture in pixlr editor, I confirmed something that I noticed when I started drawing the second, which was that the mouth was too "tall", and that the ear was a little small, but I like it anyways. It's been a while since I bothered drawing something, and I was never good at it to begin with.