Any Artists Here?

  • Thread starter aidan8500
I drew this last year, ended up spending ages on getting the headlights looking good and then got bored of the drawing. I never finished it as a result.


It doesn't look very accurate to the "real" thing to me, I've always been bad at perspectives :lol:
I drew this last year, ended up spending ages on getting the headlights looking good and then got bored of the drawing. I never finished it as a result.

It doesn't look very accurate to the "real" thing to me, I've always been bad at perspectives :lol:

Sometimes a drawing or painting we work long and hard on can get boring . . . so it's a good idea to put it away for awhile. Then restart it when you feel inspired to complete it.
I think you should keep working on it again; never know where it can go - and at this point it's looking good.

Just a couple of quick anatomy sketches I did.

I really need to study a lot more.

Your drawings are excellent. But there is always room for improvement. Even Michelangelo (according to Irving Stone in The Agony and the Ecstasy) used to steal into the local morgue at night and cut up the bodies to look inside so he could really study the muscles.
But don't do that - just study some drawings of the Great Ones . . . and draw, draw, draw.. . .

There's always prostitutes.

Good call. It was good enough for Van Gogh.
Just let the Escort Service know you want someone to 'talk to'. The trick is finding someone who will sit still.
Aaugh you're wasting that illustration board by bending it like that :crazy::P

I'd draw all over it. 24x36?

It's the back of a PETERBORO Medium Thick Illustration Board, Plate finish, High rag content, #27.

Great for fine pens, inks, and so many other things of course depending on how warped one's creativity is.
Decent layout for a budding copywriter, but you may have to work on balance, perspective, proportions, foreshortening, etc, etc, if you want to make it as an artist.
As always advised though, when it comes to drawing . . . practise, practise, practise.

Or in other words - draw, draw, draw . . . you may be surprised how quickly your brain picks up what your hand is supposed to do. ;)

Still in progress.. I have a lot to work on still. Great the picture did not show up, how can I delete it?
I have a picture of a '69 Mustang convertible I drew somewhere. I suck at drawing though. Most of it was from memory.

That and I drew Eddie from Iron Maide (zombie mascot) several times in different forms.

Assignment was to do a self portrait incognito. Incognito meaning in disguise. I chose to do the lame choice we call "a mask". But however, that mask is really a drawing of my face. What does the drawing say about myself? I look like a cold person on the outside, but am timid internally. The cold exterior comes from years of not standing up to people and having to deal with people who lack common sense. The expression from the eyes is most notable as it generally doesn't change significantly when I'm expressing other emotions. The timid face I've got on plays on how I make less eye contact than I ideally want.

Overall, I am pretty damn pleased with the level of contrast in the mask and hand. Hand lacks detail (as always), the hair is alright, neck and related tissue, bone and flesh are pretty nice too. Only thing that kills the whole drawing (for me) is the fact I goofed up the location of the right eye and I am damn ashamed of myself for it. It also makes me like dumb lol.

Stuff used: Canson paper (don't have a clue on the specific type as I bought it 4 years ago), and Coates Willow Charcoal (medium sticks). Time? 6-7 hours?
Assignment was to do a self portrait incognito...................Hand lacks detail (as always).............

How many fingers do you really have? And you should take that extra finger out of your mouth anyway. Germs.

Great work for charcoal; there's no doubt you love to draw.

Full-size upon clicking image.

Embodiment of Human or Embodiment of Life

The assignment was to compose a human body (using a previously drawn pose from class) keeping in mind how the background or whatever other elements will interact or create some kind of meaning.

I did a bit of "clustering", a fundamental strategy for creative writing and I ended up with something along the lines of the big bang theory and how it is suggested it was the start of the universe and possibly life on earth. I broke it down a little further and I had the idea how the stuff in the universe is essentially gases and dust, which then lead to me thinking about a nebula. Looked at photos and I was taken by how the clumps of gas simulated a solid form and I saw the possibility of connecting that to the human body (it's a life drawing class), how complex organisms we are were formed from the earth which was amass of gases and dust, so I decided to draw a clump of it with the forms of a human. I picked that pose because it depicted a freedom of movement or being (since there's no tangible boundary that hinder movement in a designated spot in space).

Black bristol board with chalk pastel. 6-7 hours. That background ain't even the colour of the paper :lol:
Posted this in the drawing thread over at the photography section. Figured I might as well post it here as well. Photoshop, like my other sketches.

Sculpting to make a mask. Clearly rough at the moment, but just getting the basic forms down first.

What material is that - on the form? Plasticine?
The face is familiar, but I can't place it; the nose and chin seem fairly done, but the rest is still forming. Would be great to see the final product.
What material is that - on the form? Plasticine?
The face is familiar, but I can't place it; the nose and chin seem fairly done, but the rest is still forming. Would be great to see the final product.

Thank you. I am working with oil base clay so it doesn't dry out. I haven't really had much time to work on it, but here is how it looks as of a few weeks ago.

I like that you captured that with such intense shadows in the front. Trick of the trades in photography and illustration.. 👍