But even I have to recognize that the 24hr races where a pain on arse for those who just want to finish the game, and I really can't take off a day just to play GT. Pausing the game and going make other things is not even an option, the electricity must be saved to preserve our planet and our money, so even for a traditional player like me, the in-pit save option is a real deal.
As you said many of us have become rather old farts by now, so time is an issue that simply has to be taken into consideration.
And as I'm always for the player being able to enjoy a game the way he thinks he will get the most out of it - I see your point.
Which leads me to...
If your so dissaproving of the save feature, don't use it and you cannot call it cheating either.
If you want to keep things realistic then participate in a real 24 hour race and don't complain when other people want to enjoy the game in their own way.
P.s. It is impossible to run a whole 24hour by yourself anyway as there are regulations and safety hazards preventing it. You would need to take a break and switch drivers after a certain period.
It's not meant to be a "I'm a far more dedicated GT person than you" talk.
I find it quite difficult to put in words, but the nature of the challenge is unique in my eyes. It's not that difficult either, because you could simply spice up your ride to give you a tremendous advantage over the competition so that even an average racer (like myself) can tackle it.
But yet, any endurance races reaches out and takes its toll on the real life. Basically, it's only real life that makes it hard and challenging.
So the challenge is there, and it's there for a reason. It's been made deliberately so.
You are right in saying in the real world no-one would be able to do 24 hours just by himself. And I'm all for letting the player enjoy the game the way he wants to.
But then again, I face the fact that I was never able to "beat" GT4 and I'm not going to "beat" GT5. Because I haven't got what it takes - it's as simple as that. If there's a car I simply must own, then I'll cheat. If there are challenges in GT5 I can't be bothered to tackle because I don't fancy the track/car combination, then I won't do them.
If it's no longer possible to include 24 hours races because times have changed, because it has become a bad gameplay design choice, then don't do them anymore but include other challenges.
I personally don't have to have endurance races, I'll find something else to keep me occupied in GT5. I'm not dogmatic about those things. So whatever makes the game more enjoyable for a broad audience will suit me.