anybody beside myself hope PD goes light on the endurance races?

  • Thread starter A2K78
Enduros are ok if they are not compulsary, otherwise they get boring after a while(i just let bob do them for me!!)

I like that idea. Infact more parts of the game should be that way. There should be other ways to get the cars you want, and these things don´t necessarily have to account for any percentage. I´m talking endurances, drifting, rallying and similar, wich may not appeal to the grand audience, and actually provide only the "extra topping" to GT mode.
I like that idea. Infact more parts of the game should be that way. There should be other ways to get the cars you want, and these things don´t necessarily have to account for any percentage. I´m talking endurances, drifting, rallying and similar, wich may not appeal to the grand audience, and actually provide only the "extra topping" to GT mode.

Next thing you want the Driving Missions to be excluded from the percentage completed, as they definately don't appeal to the grand audience because they're way too hard for them. The percentage is there for a reason, to show how much of the game you've completed. Why should it say 100% if you haven't completed all the enduros and rally events? PD have been very generous already by not including License Tests gold medals in the percentage in previous editions.
But you have thought about it, haven't you? ;) [...] That's the magic for me, and that would have been totally lost for me if there would be a save feature. Because the real challenge wouldn't be there, because it would be just another 2 hours or 4 spent racing on the same track.

Yes i've thought :), and I agree that the 24h events are not just races, they're challenges to your body, your mind, your skills and of course to your patience. But It's really hazardous to your eyes playing four or five hours straight, so what about 24hs? I'm like you, a GT purist, so to me there must be only pro physics, no TCS in cars which don't have TCS and the same applies to ABS, no driving line in GT mode, full damage with possibility to completely destroy a car and a lot of endurances. But even I have to recognize that the 24hr races where a pain on arse for those who just want to finish the game, and I really can't take off a day just to play GT. Pausing the game and going make other things is not even an option, the electricity must be saved to preserve our planet and our money, so even for a traditional player like me, the in-pit save option is a real deal.

Again, I'm a player who thinks exactly as you about GT game tradition, but when it comes to 24hr long endurances, I must say that the game must have an smarter approach to it, the challenge must continue, but it may be refined, and I'm sure what KY decides, is the best for the gamers, even if they are newcomers to GT series, or are traditional players such us. :)
I would say that they should include mini endurance races for every track. Two and Four hour races for every track. Then at least 25% or so have 12 hour races. I would be fine with say (6) 24 hour races. Hope they have daytona prototypes and more lemans cars. Also really want Watkins Glen, would fit good with the inclusion of Nascar.

Lemans 24 hours
Daytona Road Course 24 Hours
Nurmburg 24 Hours
Infininion 12 Hours
Laguna 12 Hours
Indy Road Course 12 hours
So what people are saying is, we either want enduro's to incule a save feature, or we want them to be the same as GT4 enduros.

The main argument is over the save feature and its effects on the gameplay. Personally, i'm all for the pit save feature. As others mentioned, some could not complete say, a 24 hour race, because of the thing called life. The save feature would open the game up to a different audience, and think of the benefits.

Generally, a ten year old with GT5 will get bored pretty easily. But a ten year old with a love of driving and racing may not so. In GT5P, we see those bored TYO's as punters, rammers, blockers and utter morons because this is what brings enjoyment to their GT experience. Now a save feature could distract these kids, and give them something to do without making them bored or unhappy when B-spec man had the wrong car and is stone last 23 hours into 'The ring'. It would make the enduros more flexible and forgiving to appeal to a wider audience. If your so dissaproving of the save feature, don't use it and you cannot call it cheating either. You cannot disconnect to eat dinner in a race. Realistically no garage will hold 1000 cars. You cannot be assured your car won't be stolen at night and left to burn in the bush. And an electrical blackout will not cause your car to disappear.

If you want to keep things realistic then participate in a real 24 hour race and don't complain when other people want to enjoy the game in their own way.

P.s. It is impossible to run a whole 24hour by yourself anyway as there are regulations and safety hazards preventing it. You would need to take a break and switch drivers after a certain period.
I think there should be some kind of rewards like trophies for someone that does an entire endurance race without using some kind of saving game mechanism by going into the pits. However, for the people that do use such feature should not be penalized because I REALLY doubt I'll be doing 24 hours straight of racing.
I think there should be some kind of rewards like trophies for someone that does an entire endurance race without using some kind of saving game mechanism by going into the pits. However, for the people that do use such feature should not be penalized because I REALLY doubt I'll be doing 24 hours straight of racing.

Agreed, give those people a trophy, or even a note on their game status screen. But not a unique car you couldn't get any other way or anything like that...
As far as I know there has never been in any GT Title a car that has only been available to those who won a 24hr Enduro in A-spec only.
Everyone who won each of 3 24hr GT4 races won the same prize regardless of whether they'd won 200 A-spec points, 1 A-spec point, or won the race with a 1200HP+ ovekill B-spec monster in 3x less time.
Everyone who won GT4 Nurb 4hr for 1 A-Spec point, vs. everyone who won for no A-spec points in B-spec mode, vs. everyone who won in A-spec mode only for 200 points each has their own way of doing stuff. None is the "right" way per se and each is entitled to their own prizecar, and it's the same whichever way it happens.

I do have to agree with the GT Philospophy of giving a different car to gold medallists. It's hard to get Gold. Therefore the rewards should match the achievement.
But even I have to recognize that the 24hr races where a pain on arse for those who just want to finish the game, and I really can't take off a day just to play GT. Pausing the game and going make other things is not even an option, the electricity must be saved to preserve our planet and our money, so even for a traditional player like me, the in-pit save option is a real deal.

As you said many of us have become rather old farts by now, so time is an issue that simply has to be taken into consideration.

And as I'm always for the player being able to enjoy a game the way he thinks he will get the most out of it - I see your point.

Which leads me to...

If your so dissaproving of the save feature, don't use it and you cannot call it cheating either.

If you want to keep things realistic then participate in a real 24 hour race and don't complain when other people want to enjoy the game in their own way.

P.s. It is impossible to run a whole 24hour by yourself anyway as there are regulations and safety hazards preventing it. You would need to take a break and switch drivers after a certain period.

It's not meant to be a "I'm a far more dedicated GT person than you" talk.

I find it quite difficult to put in words, but the nature of the challenge is unique in my eyes. It's not that difficult either, because you could simply spice up your ride to give you a tremendous advantage over the competition so that even an average racer (like myself) can tackle it.

But yet, any endurance races reaches out and takes its toll on the real life. Basically, it's only real life that makes it hard and challenging.

So the challenge is there, and it's there for a reason. It's been made deliberately so.

You are right in saying in the real world no-one would be able to do 24 hours just by himself. And I'm all for letting the player enjoy the game the way he wants to.

But then again, I face the fact that I was never able to "beat" GT4 and I'm not going to "beat" GT5. Because I haven't got what it takes - it's as simple as that. If there's a car I simply must own, then I'll cheat. If there are challenges in GT5 I can't be bothered to tackle because I don't fancy the track/car combination, then I won't do them.

If it's no longer possible to include 24 hours races because times have changed, because it has become a bad gameplay design choice, then don't do them anymore but include other challenges.

I personally don't have to have endurance races, I'll find something else to keep me occupied in GT5. I'm not dogmatic about those things. So whatever makes the game more enjoyable for a broad audience will suit me.
[...] And as I'm always for the player being able to enjoy a game the way he thinks he will get the most out of it - I see your point. [...]

Exactly, because B-Spec mode it's really really boring, so I must win a 24h endurance in A-Spec because I enjoy every lap of the challenge (and I'm always competing with my big bro to see who laps the second racer more times), however, there must be a safer and more practical way to do this, and pit-save is a more than plausible suggestion.
I love Endurance races as long as they are being done "properly" by PD. I think it should be like this:
1) Up to 3-4 hours - no save option at all. In this way the driver has to be concentrated throughout the whole race, that's what differs the good from the best...
2) More than 4 hours - should have saving option (in the pits probably), and again, a minimum of 3-4 hours of driving.
3) Tyre/fuel - should be align to real driving in terms of distances/speed
5) Damage - in many 24H races the damage is crucial for the race. Even if you have a good car you can blow up your gear box, engine or hit a wall. So Pit time should be longer than just fueling the car.

4) And the most important thing - PD should limit the endu races (and also others races as well.) in such a way that the differences in the cars performance will be minor. In this way the race will be more challenging & demanding (as a race should be). I really don't like the option of taking a fast GT car and race an endu race of stock cars. I want this option to be disabled by PD and not by me exiting the race, change a car, re-start the race and then find out that I took a much slower car (or again a faster one). PD could easily prevent this in the game data base.
Whats wrong with the save feature anyway? It is better than b-spec and it is certainely better than pausing. If you don't want to save, then don't. But I want to say something about this: If you have started an endurance, saved after x hours, quited the game and then launched it again then your only available option should be to continue the endurance from where you left off, not play online or something else(in gt mode)
Folks, as KY said, the GT series must change in order to meet the current players demands and these players have serious restrictions of time(like me), otherwise, GT5 won't will make the success that sony expects. So I'm pretty confident they are really going to put a pit-save feature in the game, this is not a nonsense speculation, it's a real demand, and must be present to fix the only weak point in GT4: B-Spec mode existence. To me, the game is about driving cars, and since you really don't drive in B-Spec, there's no need to put it in the game, however, we must find a replacement to it since we have extremely long endurances.

The guys who consider the pit-save feature as cheating, what are your opinions about B-Spec? It's the most disgusting game mode that GT ever had! But I sincerely can't imagine a 24hr endurance in GT4, without B-Spec, it's simply madness.
The guys who consider the pit-save feature as cheating, what are your opinions about B-Spec? It's the most disgusting game mode that GT ever had!

B-Spec Bob was only able to win races if he had a car far superior to the competition. They say he would improve eventually, with more practice, but I never came round to find out. So, if anything, he did such a bad job that you found yourself with the challenge to catch up with the pack after he was given charge of the drive. Fair enough I'd say?

edit: Anyway, save as much as you like if given the opportunity, I for one would still honour the achievement if you beat the game eventually. It will probably still be a real challenge.
I love Endurance races as long as they are being done "properly" by PD. I think it should be like this:
1) Up to 3-4 hours - no save option at all. In this way the driver has to be concentrated throughout the whole race, that's what differs the good from the best...
2) More than 4 hours - should have saving option (in the pits probably), and again, a minimum of 3-4 hours of driving.
3) Tyre/fuel - should be align to real driving in terms of distances/speed
5) Damage - in many 24H races the damage is crucial for the race. Even if you have a good car you can blow up your gear box, engine or hit a wall. So Pit time should be longer than just fueling the car.

4) And the most important thing - PD should limit the endu races (and also others races as well.) in such a way that the differences in the cars performance will be minor. In this way the race will be more challenging & demanding (as a race should be). I really don't like the option of taking a fast GT car and race an endu race of stock cars. I want this option to be disabled by PD and not by me exiting the race, change a car, re-start the race and then find out that I took a much slower car (or again a faster one). PD could easily prevent this in the game data base.

If 1) exists at all, let it be an option. The "hardcore" can flip it on and get some throphy or something. The rest of us should be able to save whenever.

4), I think PD should let people do what they want. If they need a faster car just to keep, don't punish them. All you need is a better description of what cars will enter the race. I kind of hated how in past games the rules for a race could be very undescriptive, and you could easily take a car in that's too fast or slow. If you knew the performance of the cars (which all should be very close, not widely spaced out) that the AI would use, you could use the right type of car for the type of challenge you wanted.
I want Endurance events to be hardcore..
To the people that complain there is no save option.. real life does not have a save option, you just switch drivers. So every couple of hours, give the wheel to the B-spec mode at the pits, after couple more hours pit the AI and you take over the wheel.. simple as that.
If 1) exists at all, let it be an option. The "hardcore" can flip it on and get some throphy or something. The rest of us should be able to save whenever.

4), I think PD should let people do what they want. If they need a faster car just to keep, don't punish them. All you need is a better description of what cars will enter the race. I kind of hated how in past games the rules for a race could be very undescriptive, and you could easily take a car in that's too fast or slow. If you knew the performance of the cars (which all should be very close, not widely spaced out) that the AI would use, you could use the right type of car for the type of challenge you wanted.

They should do like Forza and have a list of potential opponents. A save when pitting option would be great for everyone. For those who want to race in A spec only, give them a trophy or something.
I think a "Suspend Mid-Race" function would be a great idea, though I can already hear this thread being flooded with people claiming "In real life you can't suspend the race" or some other similar nonsense.

I don't see why this shouldn't be included. People that don't like it don't have to use it, it's as easy as that. What does it matter to them if someone else doesn't have 24 straight hours to play a video game?
^ True...but what's the point in the game having long-distance races if you're able to cut them up into smaller ones anyway? I mean, if you're not going to race for 1 or 2 hours at a time, why bother including races that are that long?
24-hour races are different, maybe a suspend option would be good for those.
What about the Dual shocks battery consumption? I wont be looking forward to sit one meter in front of the 40" in the middle of the night in a 24h enduro just to charge the freakin´ batteries!
Note: Yes, a wheel would do the trick, but then you would have to convince my fiancee the looks of a racing seat in the living room! ;)
Note2: Maybe Sony will bundle a extension cable for the dual shock with GT5 so you can "charge-and-play-enduros"! (joke, dont take it literally...)
I have nothing against the 24h races really, with day and night i think it could be really cool!

But I just cant play the same track for 24h, I would really like to se more 4h races. :)
Right now, I'm kind of torn with Enduros. Like every GT game I will complete the license tests first and Enduros last before getting back to the WRS (w00t!) but I have to say those 24 hr races were just pointless. I too am hoping for a pit save, better competition and more cars, but until the release who knows :scared:

I was only maybe 15/16 when me and my pal did the Nurburgring 24hrs on GT4 and it was a great experience but it nearly killed me because of the amount of time that you needed to watch the screen and the fact we didn't stick to our stints (our fault though). It was however an amazing experience because of the fact we had not completed anything like this before. However now i'm 20 and life's moving at a quicker pace, with the studying for exams at university and the part time work to fund the student lifestyle, i don't think i would have time to complete a 24hr race in one sitting like we did. Therefore a pit save option might be the best way to do things because for those of us that don't have the time we can use it; and for those that have the time they can complete the race in one sitting.....Sounds like everyone's a winner then, doesn't it?

it's crazy to have 24hr races, i don't see the point, it's boring and unhealthy, i have raced 3hr endurance races in live for speed, there are also 24hr races but they have 30 cars and 4 drivers per car, and they are online, so they are a really great experience, but something impossible to do in GT5, so i think that races longer than 4 hours are pointless
Oh, but there´s alot more to it now than it was in GT4. Imagine day/night, full damage and a better tyre/fuel simulation, 15 other cars on track and the experience of a 24hr race gets a new dimension alltogether. Even if you end up chopping it up in 4hr stints and then save, the car will take an enormous beating over 24hrs, so the way you approach a long endurance will be different to a shorter one. The strategies alone will make it worthwhile for me!
What would you consider Nascar then? Daytona 500 is 800km and 200 laps, if that doesn't take endurance then I don't know what does.
... i have raced 3hr endurance races in live for speed, there are also 24hr races but they have 30 cars and 4 drivers per car, and they are online, so they are a really great experience, but something impossible to do in GT5, so i think that races longer than 4 hours are pointless

Impossible? How? Why can't we have driver changes in GT5?
Oh, but there´s alot more to it now than it was in GT4. Imagine day/night, full damage and a better tyre/fuel simulation, 15 other cars on track and the experience of a 24hr race gets a new dimension alltogether. Even if you end up chopping it up in 4hr stints and then save, the car will take an enormous beating over 24hrs, so the way you approach a long endurance will be different to a shorter one. The strategies alone will make it worthwhile for me!

yeah that's true, but i still think that 24hr is way too long, but if i can save it wouldn't bother me

Impossible? How? Why can't we have driver changes in GT5?

with impossible i meant a 24hr online race in GT5

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