On the contrary, I have a pretty solid understanding of who was responsible for 9/11, what the rationale was behind the attacks, what the attacks on 9/11 mean in the broader context, and all of my views are based on real evidence. You, on the other hand, who knows absolutely nothing about me, my background, or my interest/research into the subject, seem pretty convinced that I am wrong simply because I don't buy into baloney claims made with zero evidential support, invented by any crackpot with an imagination.
Doesn't make a blind bit of difference to me either way - the fact that I choose not to believe that my life is being controlled or manipulated by "evil" powers beyond my knowledge or perception is my choice. I see absolutely no evidence that this is the case anyway, but even if it was, what difference does it make? Yours is the ultimate straw-man argument... aside from which, between myself, my friends, my family, my workmates and my professional contacts, I know plenty of people who directly contradict your argument that some unseen powerbrokers are "keeping us dumb". Perhaps I am priviliged, perhaps I am just lucky - but either way, your perception of society is clearly pretty different from mine.
So, Abraham Lincoln, James A. Garfield, William McKinley, Ronald Reagan and Teddy Roosevelt - US presidents who have all been shot, three of whom died as a result - were all members of satanic cabals (but were shot anyway...)? That makes sense...
What about the other 85 known assassination attempts on US presidents? Of course, if these cabals are so secret, then what makes you so sure of who was a member of one and who wasn't? You say Kennedy wasn't a member of such a cabal - how do you know? You say non-membership of a cabal was the reason he was shot - again, how do you know that? I am just as correct to assert that the Secret Covenant of The Turquoise Pantaloons had Kennedy shot for daring to wear white pantaloons on his trip to Dallas in 1963. Also, if these secret societies are so secret, then how come any Tom, Dick or Harry on the internet seems to know so much about them - who isn't a member, what they do, why they do it etc.? By all means, show me your evidence - but remember, factually incorrect and/or logically spurious comments don't count as 'evidence'.
Evidence? Sources? Without them, your allegation means nothing - it's known in soccer parlance as a fresh air shot. Even if this simple piece of pseudohistory/revisionism were even remotely true (according to some mangled logic or other), it still ought to be considered in the broader context - but you conveniently neglect to mention the small facts that America also spearheaded the allied campaign to drive the Third Reich out of mainland Europe, and provided sanctuary/asylum to those being persecuted by the Nazis.
Your assumption is that I haven't already done plenty of research into these conspiracy theories - but I have, and the conclusions I have come to are that the vast majority of them are a complete waste of time. Theories are built on facts, not speculations. Most conspiracy theories are, in fact, not theories at all, but are mere hypotheses - most are discredited by the presence of simple facts, and some are simply untestable. As a result, they do not merit the same level of time and effort as real scientific study...
...yeh, I am a wannabe scientist - which might explain why I actually am one.