Apex Drag Team (ADT) Officials Thread.

  • Thread starter Gucci alam
You need to put your foot down or they'll walk all over you. Oi ADT pull your fingers out of your dark hole and listen to gucci. If you want to be in a team do as the leader says or go back to solo tuners. That's what you say Gucci.
You need to put your foot down or they'll walk all over you. Oi ADT pull your fingers out of your dark hole and listen to gucci. If you want to be in a team do as the leader says or go back to solo tuners. That's what you say Gucci.

I agree with this and @levitt1991's other post, you need to take control or none of the members will take it seriously and they will walk all over you as @levitt1991 said, it's a common mistake that team leaders make, I've done it like forty times with all of my teams in the past (drag or circuit) that's why they all collapsed. I know how hard it can be to say no or holler at someone but sometimes it needs to be done.
ADT Stop messing about we have got a drag comp coming up and you dont have the cars you need at all i have so messing about and the car you need you guys wanted to be in the team so why dont you listen to what i am telling ya or saying to ya!!!! GET THESE CARS!!!! SALEEN S7 , MCLAREN F1 STEALTH MODEL , FORMULA GRAND TURISMO....... STOP MESSING ABOUT OR THE TEAM IS THREW!!!...
By the way, what is a good time to start the comp next Friaday? I was thinking around 4pm or 5pm EST (9pm or 10pm Euro) that is the best time for me while still not being too late for the Euro guys, any later would be bad timing for the Euro guys and any earlier would be bad timing for me.
By the way, what is a good time to start the comp next Friaday? I was thinking around 4pm or 5pm EST (9pm or 10pm Euro) that is the best time for me while still not being too late for the Euro guys, any later would be bad timing for the Euro guys and any earlier would be bad timing for me.
I'm Ok with that, sounds good
By the way, what is a good time to start the comp next Friaday? I was thinking around 4pm or 5pm EST (9pm or 10pm Euro) that is the best time for me while still not being too late for the Euro guys, any later would be bad timing for the Euro guys and any earlier would be bad timing for me.
9pm is totally fine for me, 10pm might be a little to late for me, as I have to football on Saturday so I need to get up early.
I'm Ok with that, sounds good

9pm is totally fine for me, 10pm might be a little to late for me, as I have to football on Saturday so I need to get up early.

Okay cool, I'll try my hardest to get everyone there at 4pm EST 9pm Euro. We're also going to do first to 15 on each car, once one team gets 15 wins on one car we go to the next, it could be anywhere from 45-87 races lol it's going to be a long night next Friday :P
Okay cool, I'll try my hardest to get everyone there at 4pm EST 9pm Euro. We're also going to do first to 15 on each car, once one team gets 15 wins on one car we go to the next, it could be anywhere from 45-87 races lol it's going to be a long night next Friday :P
Lol so true
Also. I made this team back in GT5, I may not be leader or in it anymore but I'm not going to watch everyone take the wee out of it. It's not a little noob team so don't treat it like it is. I will not see this team crumble. Gucci, they either listen or you boot them. You said you can handle the team and you are ready. Prove it, I'm not doubting you as leader but don't let me down bro. Rant over.
Okay cool, I'll try my hardest to get everyone there at 4pm EST 9pm Euro. We're also going to do first to 15 on each car, once one team gets 15 wins on one car we go to the next, it could be anywhere from 45-87 races lol it's going to be a long night next Friday :P
87 lol, that would be a nice trophy ;-)
By the way, what is a good time to start the comp next Friaday? I was thinking around 4pm or 5pm EST (9pm or 10pm Euro) that is the best time for me while still not being too late for the Euro guys, any later would be bad timing for the Euro guys and any earlier would be bad timing for me.
Good 4 me too how many time we stay on the comp?
Good 4 me too how many time we stay on the comp?

I don't know how long it will take, hopefully it can be over within an hour lol, but if we go back and forth with wins and have close calls or ties it could take even longer, we still need judges and a neutral ghost for the two US guys, I was thinking Canada seeing as how Canada is 7 hours away from me and the UK is around the same (by plane) if not Canada the only other country I can think of would be South America (Brazil).
I don't know how long it will take, hopefully it can be over within an hour lol, but if we go back and forth with wins and have close calls or ties it could take even longer, we still need judges and a neutral ghost for the two US guys, I was thinking Canada seeing as how Canada is 7 hours away from me and the UK is around the same (by plane) if not Canada the only other country I can think of would be South America (Brazil).
There also a south African in comp so Canada would be good
I don't know how long it will take, hopefully it can be over within an hour lol, but if we go back and forth with wins and have close calls or ties it could take even longer, we still need judges and a neutral ghost for the two US guys, I was thinking Canada seeing as how Canada is 7 hours away from me and the UK is around the same (by plane) if not Canada the only other country I can think of would be South America (Brazil).
I meant because in 2 hours after start the comp my mom say me : go to the ****ing bed lol