
scooter1265, GTP_scooter1265
So back in March-ish, all fat PS3 owners went off the grid.

Another sign has risen.

GameStop has correctly predicted the release date for GT5. No joke. See it for yourself.


Those of you unfamiliar with GameStop's pre-ordering online, I shall explain. They ship out the game the day before it releases, so it ends up on your doorstep on the day of release. Day before November 2nd is November 1st.

Just a thought, regarding the awesomeness that is GT5.

By the way, to all the people who may think that this date isn't legit, you're dead wrong. Kaz is going to pull through now. By the way, who is not going to work/school/leaving the house on November 2nd? I'll start out being first.
Yeah. That was pretty funny. GamesStop's "release dates" are usually WAY off. and can be up until the game is released. (happened to me with Motorstorm for the PS2) So for them to ACTUALLY get a release date right, is pure luck...or they knew someone on the inside.

I'm not sure if you checked GS before the press conference, but I would assumed they changed it when they were informed?
Nope, that release date has been up for about 3 months. But, as #2 said, sheer luck. Nobody at GameStop is smart enough for industry inside buisiness.