Appropriate N-Tires for Different Types of Cars to Simulate Real Life Control?

  • Thread starter DuckRacer
Now that years have passed and many people have moved on to GT5P, I am assuming that the hardcore GT guys have figured out which tires work with what car for real life comparisons in stock form. I just recently saw that in GT5P, the manual suggests which N or S tire to use to simulate a RL comparison, has anyone figured this out for GT4 yet? We all know N2's do the job best, but some cars have more or less grip than what an N2 can provide. Any thoughts?
Now that years have passed and many people have moved on to GT5P, I am assuming that the hardcore GT guys have figured out which tires work with what car for real life comparisons in stock form. I just recently saw that in GT5P, the manual suggests which N or S tire to use to simulate a RL comparison, has anyone figured this out for GT4 yet? We all know N2's do the job best, but some cars have more or less grip than what an N2 can provide. Any thoughts?

I think the last part of your statement stands true. 👍
N2 tires seem the best in some cases but for the most part a blanket statement isn't adequate.

Further, I believe people judged N2 to be the accurate for the lap time comparison, not the feel of the car. Fact of the matter is, when you are a fast racer, not even the N2 tires will be accurate in lap time (I've driven a stock Z06 (C5) down to well under 8 minutes at the Ring with N2 tires even though real life has the z06 at over 8 minutes).

Basically, I think each car is best represented on different tires.
The NSX-R seems great on N2 tires for both feel and lap time. On the other hand, cars like the Zondas seem better on N3.

The main problem with this sort of subject is that it really boils down to opinion and experience.
Test the cars on different tires and eventually you'll find the right tire for that car. Do the same for a different car if you want to try again but in the end there isn't one tire that works best for all of them.
Yea I think you hit the nail on the head Kent, it does boil down to opinion and experience. I was just amazed to see that there was progress being made by PD that they actually listed what tire goes with what car! There has been a lot of debate over this subject in GT4, and I love driving cars in their stock trim so much that I always wish there was an easy explanation for all this.
Ya i typically drive regular street cars (under 150hp) on N1s, sporty cars (under 400hp) on N2s, high end sports cars (400-650hp) on N3s, and racing cars on S3s or S2s. this "feels" most realistic to me.