April Fool's Day!!

I was doing work experiance at Force India this week, I needed to polish some carbon Fibre so i needed to get some polish from the stores, I asked the guy who was Incharge of the department what type to of polish to get. He said "Get some Black Dictonite" (read it a couple of times to get the joke, and then imagine what I would say to the person in the stores "can you get me some........")

Nearly got me, I realised however, got some normal polish (which worked fine) and then came back to him and said "they didn't have any, they said you took it all last night."

Win for me ;)
This morning my mum believed a clip about "Google Indoors", which is supossed to be something like Google Streetview just inside your building, house and apartment :D

I can see Google doing this, they have in a way invaded our privacy with Google Streetview and Google Earth.
I got a text of my girlfriend today telling me she had broken her leg. Needless to say I hadn't realised it was the first of April...

At least I didn't have to suffer the 'I'm pregnant' prank, I might have been found the bottom of a canal with weights round my ankles.

Bumping this thread as it's that time of year again.

I'll have a football match so I might text my friends early and tell them it's cancelled and then they'll get told of by our coaches.
Well I did my trolling on thursday, with purported PS4 "news". I fished two fellow GTPers.

That is the result.



It's already April Fools here. But I don't see it as a day for silly April Fools jokes, it's just another day here.
Love the smilie.

It's not April fools day...

Little early pal it's still the 31st.

Not from where I'm sitting... :D

It's been April fools day for ages here. 👍

Yeah cause the world revolves around the USA.

Its been April Fools for over 15hours here, let alone NZ (whom are a further 3 ahead of me) :rolleyes:

Anybody got anything funny/decent to report?

I guess people easily forget that there are different time zones. And to have the longest April Fools day ever, you start in Australia, then you fly to UK, then you fly to America... :)

Click here for a free Buggati Veyron!!!! OMG


It will be April Fools Day in 15 minutes for me
I think this is an extreme failure of an attempt, links to free things in an April Fools thread? I don't think so. :lol: It's like going on a killing spree at the Military.
Anyone tried out 8-Bit Google Maps yet? I'm wondering how effective that entire software is compared to the modern Google Maps :)