This entire thread is going to share in it so don't worry about that.
This my be a painful truth but the Team APX thread is not a chat or social group for you guys to post as you wish in. Its to organise and discuss drift event and you all need to keep that in mind.
Using it as a general chat thread will see it locked and I'm quite sure you don't want that to happen.
We have social group functions here at GT Planet in which your team can discuss anything they want, they can be found here....
and you can set one up here...
...they are still subject to the AUP, but can be used to start discussions, chat, etc.
However public threads need to keep on topic (the AUP is clear on this), or run the risk of being locked.
Keep in mind this is simply the same set of rules that are applied to any thread on the forum. However the staff have been seeing a lot of activity within this thread that shows a lack of respect to the AUP and as such also to the members of GT Planet that do follow the AUP.
I have no wish to lock this thread, but I also can not stand by and let the AUP be ignored on a daily basis in it. What happens next is in your hands.