Change the tittle's thread! I don't know what but I love this machine, a very beautiful burramen for me. Surely, they could need a little leveling touch to be shown as they are, but I'm still liking the first angle, and of course the famous 5th camera haha. Seems like you have done this last one for me man, you now that I love that kind of compositions. The 3rd shot catched my eye because the position of the car, it is the same I use to draw my cars many times.
I also have noticed what you have tried in the sliding blurring. Sometimes I think that 1/60 of aperture isn't enough , and I made a lot of experiement with the same, even in high speed circuits...
Overall, a little bit dark shots this time, but you have kept the EV in a just amount to avoid lossing a lot of contrast. Some of them aren't very spectacular with the angles you used, like 6th... but well, you're the photograph! You should have to know what are you doing!