Arcade Calsonic/Loctite Skyline at SSR11....

;) thanx man :cool:

i'll go back on this before i go to work , i can smell a 45 on the horizon :D just gotta hold it together .

hmmm might just test the momo again as well 😈 u never know :P
haha, just gonna post this one because it's .001 seconds off of Mr. Hollands time. I had a faster time, not by much mind you, that I forgot to save. :mad:



  • boom@ssr11 calsonic.sps
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Originally posted by Mr P
;) thanx man :cool:

i'll go back on this before i go to work , i can smell a 45 on the horizon :D just gotta hold it together .

hmmm might just test the momo again as well 😈 u never know :P

You enjoy rubbing in your skill and top 1% status, huh?
Yo Talentless ! i think i should have 2 times in there ;)

2 - Mr P - Loctite - 1'46'349 - DS2
3 - Mr P - Calsonic - 1'46'636 - DS2

:D thanx man !
Originally posted by Talentless

You enjoy rubbing in your skill and top 1% status, huh?

i'm not top1% :D but thanx for the compliment :cool: as for rubbing it in :embarrassed: ? would i ?? 😈 :P
Hey Mr. P did you find that the Loctite had some front end plow to it? That it bogged down under hard braking?
oh, your time is with the loctite? i think i'll have to reedit it. i dunno if jb would want that. i'll just leave it alone and let him decide.

Originally posted by boombexus
Hey Mr. P did you find that the Loctite had some front end plow to it? That it bogged down under hard braking?

yep definately :( thats why when i go back on it , its back to the sonic :cool:
:eek: im ashamed to post this up 149.020 i suck i might as well be going backwards that was using the Calsonic

But i will not give up i will give it a proper go later ;)
Originally posted by Mr P
Nice run JB 😈 😈

i'm going on it now , dont worry i'll get an mpeg done when i take a 45 😈 i reckon you'd be faster on ds2 btw ;) :cool:

Even if i would be faster with the DS2, I'm having too much fun with the Wingman. Never again will these hands touch a DS2 (on GT3 anyway). ;)

Besides - even though I have the occasional spin out with the wheel - (that was VERY RARE on a DS2) - it doesn't happen very often, and I'm MORE CONSISTENT with the wheel than I am a DS2 - and I'm more concerned about races than laps - so the wheel is the deal. :P I ran so many 1'46'7xx and 1'46'8xx laps before that 1'46.198 lap came out. I only stopped where I did because it was faster than your time Mr. P. - Then again, I stop when I beat a time, or I feel it's not worth taking the time to get.

I would like my team mate for the boards challenge to think more about races than laps there - that means you Mr. P - so which are you more consistent with? The wheel, or the DS2?

jmr has even stated that enduros are a possibility - (God I hope so. :P )
Got a 1'47.223 in the Loctite. On the Momo 😈

Will try and improve both times today sometime :)
Enduros are a possibility? If that refers to the board challenge I'd say my conistency push makes some sense now, huh? Praise be unto me. Oh, for that mild bit that think I might make an ok team member, look at my times here and in other challenges and be assured of the suicide my presence is. :P
A half hour session netted me a best clean lap so far of......
T1 23.263 T2 46.593 T3 1:23.755 Lap 1:46.987
Will post my X-port replay up later guys..gotta fly, Cheers ;)
Hey PH! How ya doing mate? Glad to see that you have joined us at GTP for the board comp. Looking forward to talking with you and racing along side of ya.

Here's my replay.



  • boomssr11.sps
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Having rarely run a lap with an arcade car, I was not in tune with the Racing set-up on the car, and severly out of practice around SSR11.

Which reflects in my miserable posting after 15 laps of 1'50.205. Now given a few more laps, and Boom's replay, I shall improve. I'm running the DS2, with a manual transmission.

I used JB's replay (first post), and built this up as a comparison. Which shows a few major points that I need to clean up. I'll rebuild it with Boom's replay tonight, and take a few midnight runs at it again. Tomorrow I'll upload an SPS file for review.

The Excel spreadsheet is not my own composition. Original credit is due to Vat_man, and additional credit due to Quattro_bro for a further development.

edit: having downloaded JB's latest (am I correct that you uploaded a new one over the old?) gives me a vantage point to work from. I've got Boom's to run from as well.

LM said:

I dunno man, it's a lot of work to just get totally smoked by you guys. Maybe I'll give it a run tomorrow afternoon.

My sentiments exactly, but I'm still going to give it a try. hopefully there are a few people that can point out my mistakes and I can rise to the occasion.



  • davsgtp.jpg
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Originally posted by jbschumacher

I would like my team mate for the boards challenge to think more about races than laps there - that means you Mr. P - so which are you more consistent with? The wheel, or the DS2?

Hmmm :rolleyes: cant see a reason why your telling me to think more about races ? you make it sound like it was you that took part in the original 9 Boards, Revolution , both GTDS Drafting comps , Torc 6 + 7 (winning 7 btw )and the O.Z v Mr P comp to name a few , trust me i can do 3 laps :rolleyes: yes i put a bit of time into TT's and the odd hotlap ! and fulltime job with 4 kids to add :rolleyes: so please ! next time! no pointers please ;) i do as i please 😈 , and as for enduro's i dont run them :sleep: i'd rather have a file that can be xported for validity and not bore the **** out of the recipient 😈? (do enduro's save on a card ) :confused:
as for consistency ! still find more use with the ds2 but i am pretty hot on rally with the momo 😈 wanna try me ? :P ;) maybe .... :D
high 1'47 with too many errors to even start talking about, give me some time...GTA Vice City is too distracting :D
Originally posted by Mr P

Hmmm :rolleyes: cant see a reason why your telling me to think more about races ? you make it sound like it was you that took part in the original 9 Boards, Revolution , both GTDS Drafting comps , Torc 6 + 7 (winning 7 btw )and the O.Z v Mr P comp to name a few , trust me i can do 3 laps :rolleyes: yes i put a bit of time into TT's and the odd hotlap ! and fulltime job with 4 kids to add :rolleyes: so please ! next time! no pointers please ;) i do as i please 😈 , and as for enduro's i dont run them :sleep: i'd rather have a file that can be xported for validity and not bore the **** out of the recipient 😈? (do enduro's save on a card ) :confused:
as for consistency ! still find more use with the ds2 but i am pretty hot on rally with the momo 😈 wanna try me ? :P ;) maybe .... :D

Enduros will save completely with a DS2 (with a few exceptions - Tokyo R246 for one) - all my other DS2 runs at the enduros save completely. I cannot speak for the wheel yet. I believe the other race that it will not is Mistral, because of the constant change in speed and direction. (Time is not that much of an issue, it's the amount of change in input)

And with enduros, of course they don't have to be 100% clean - in fact, I remember bk over at GT3Times ok'ing IForceV8's 78 lapper at Monaco (not the enduro, the FGT race) and I quote him saying "even though he is hitting the wall more than I do" - it still passed.
sorry about my earlier posts, i missed the thread's full title. oh well, jb can add the times in.
ok had a few more runs in the Calsonic today :cool:

best so far 1.45.976 :fdevil: totally clean ;)

still loads left ! maybe mid 1.45 if i push harder but i cant be bothered