Arcade Calsonic/Loctite Skyline at SSR11....

Originally posted by Rod
first laps done by a friend. ;)

1:44,7xx Momo Steering Wheel

more should be online at the database this evening. :D

hello mr force btw :D hope you ll find the key for the arcade calsonic again :P

i think your friend will be in the 43's by now :P fast bas.. that he is ;) cant wait to see the replay 😈 :cool:
i think your just being coy arco 😈 a 1.43 is just around the corner for a driver like yourself :cool: then you can post the replay and let a slow ass like me chase it till doomsday :P its in the bag :cool:

btw nice job on the 1.44 :rockon:
I tried the pads. Some good points, but very uncomfortable. Bothers my right thumb a lot. Can't stand it for long.
I am officially retired - someone egged on me to try some arcade race with the Calsonic, so I whipped out my DS2 to see what I could here.


SharkPort replay will be available later, I have to cannablize the old computer for it's CD drive, as the new one's drive pooped out. (Before I could install SharkPort software)

There is another second or so, just never got the 100% best at every corner. (Sure was about 50 or so 1'45'1xx to 1'45'3xx laps though in between.)

And for the heck of it, I'm going to go win a Calsonic and see what I could do with T8's on it. Laters.

T8's so far - 1'42'943 - no replay as I'm waiting for my dad to get home with my truck - and plenty to come off with T8's. (0 mileage sim Calsonic, default settings, except ASM set to 0 to reflect me turning off ASM for the arcade car.)

Before the night is through, I will have the arcade replay attached AND my T8 tires run replay attached. (Having so much fun at SSR11, might take the F094/S and do that 1'19 that is waiting to be done.)
Like I said, I didn't have that 1'42.943 saved, as I was busy with my truck. (reason why I didn't post the replays until today as well) But I went back and did a few laps, and came up with a 1'43.3xx ??? I believe it was, I'd have to check it to see what the exact time was, as I did it just to make up for not saving a replay. (And it was only like 5 laps anyway)

I might go back today and see what I can do with the stock HP but messing with the settings. (max downforce, etc...) - but AFTER I get the heater core replaced in my truck.


  • jbs_ssr11_default_sim_calsonic_with_t8.sps
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