And you've first hand experience of the real thing? Either way, for racing cars you have GTR, GTL and RFactor that cover thoes bases better than anything else...
...The road cars with the road tyre's arn't too bad, I can enjoy driving them, though they still arn't as good as FS, NKP, RF or DR promises to be. The one area LFS fails at mostly is in terms of content, it's the weakes of any sims I have that arn't in testing phases.
I've tried GTR, GTL, RFactor, and NetKar, but I always come back to Live for Speed. Sure, the sounds, graphics, and presentation of GTR/GTL are top-notch, but the physics feel a bit lacking, probably because the games are based on an old engine that was designed for a completely different kind of "car" (GTR was originally a mod for EA's F1 2002, called GTR2002). I just don't get the same feeling of driving a
car as I do with Live for Speed.
As for RFactor, there are plenty of people who say that it's better than Live for Speed, but I just don't get it. Like GTR/GTL, it's very similar to EA's F1 games (since ISI was the developer who made them), perhaps using the same basic engine that GTR is based on, and its graphics and sound are very good...but the cars don't communicate with me even
slightly. Perhaps this is exacerbated by the fact that I only tried the demo when it first came out, and never looked back. I don't know if the game has improved significantly since then.
I haven't tried NetKarPro, but NetKar was very disappointing...almost as bad as RACER. No communication from the car whatsoever, chronic understeer, and a very hard-to-use interface...Is NetKarPro a million times better?
I have high expectations of Driver's Republic, but something tells me that it won't disappoint me.
Anyway, getting back to the topic of console racing sims, there's always Enthusia, which falls short of GT4 in graphics and content, but is better in terms of sound and physics.