Are manufactors in a way responsible for GT5 delays ?

That's what I've been thinking about lately.Gran Turismo 5 wasn't even mentionned ,GT5p just out and yet some manufactors were already including upcoming cars not even available on the market in the game , as :

-The Ferrari California
-The Lotus Evora
-Nissan GTR (at least for Europe)

Don't you think that some manufactors are responsible for the game delay ?

I mean by wanting to include new models or by asking Polyphony to wait a little before they release the game so that it can features their upcoming models .
No. If any car needs adding or updating then they can do that over the internet at a later date.
My take on why PD is so slow in development is quite easy actually: everything about Gran Turismo runs through Kazunori Yamauchi's hands, because it is his brainchild. He wants to see every single bit to get everything perfect. That basically is a tight bottleneck in such a complex development process, thus slowing everything down.

Just a thought...
Car manufacturers are responsible for allowing the cars in the game and Damage.. other then that. No delay. like daan mention, we have DL content. Remember SPEC III? They got special intro for that, so developers probably want that over anything.
My take on why PD is so slow in development is quite easy actually: everything about Gran Turismo runs through Kazunori Yamauchi's hands, because it is his brainchild. He wants to see every single bit to get everything perfect. That basically is a tight bottleneck in such a complex development process, thus slowing everything down.

Just a thought...

No i disagree, the reason why it takes them so long is the complexity of the game. KILLZONE 2 was also almost 5 years in developement, FF13 is still far away and Rockstar started the developement of GTAIV when they first got 360 dev kits afaik. Not everything in the developement of GT5 is completely bound to Kazunori Yamauchi, its far more complicated.
I highly doubt it's the cars since I believe they have a totally different team(or at least part of the development team)that goes out and does the measurements and all that. The main reason for the delay is probably because Sony isn't pushing them to get the game out this time, which allows PD to add more polish to the game.
Car manufacturers are responsible for allowing the cars in the game and Damage.. other then that. No delay.
More or less. If anything to do with the car makers is delaying GT5, it's the negotiations over damage and the threat to not include them in the most anticipated racing game in history. Although my personal opinion is this has been wrapped up, I'm sure that caused quite a few headaches for Kazunori and SONY.
I hear a rumor why the development of GT5 is taking so long is PD replaced their human game programmers with chimpanzees. Sure, they stink a lot less, and they'll work for bananas, but they take longer to program the game.
i doubt u put it on the manufacturers... i would put the blame on releasing GT:HD and GT5P... who here would have rather waited out, and stuck with GT4 until the full GT5 would have released... i know i would have, it would prolly be out by now and we would be having the times of our lives!
Nah, I disagree. Dave A already addressed this by stating that the combined work between GTHD And Prologue might be two months or so, which means a GT5 release by the end of June, which obviously isn't happening because there are no flood of pre-orders, as pre-orders don't really exist yet.

Instead, assuming Christmastime - Dec 10th or so, this would put the release out in October. Which by the way could still happen, so don't fret. I'm very glad they took those several weeks to give me a big HUGE taste of what's to come in GT5.
I still believe it may be chained to the version. as each version of gran turismo took a year of development for each version. I'm not expecting GT5 to come out until Christmas time of '10.

other factors I believe are inclusive

• KY's attention to detail
• trying to talk manufacturers into damage
• the current state of the economy...and Manufacturers
• licensing rights

unfortunately, Gt5 is coming off as being the "last hurrah" for the current generation of Consoles before the shift.
Yes it is, the manufacturers make too many cars. They should feel terrible about it.

Seriously, how many speculative threads are there on the reason that GT5 is delayed? It's practicaly normal for a GT game to take longer than we want.
I hear a rumor why the development of GT5 is taking so long is PD replaced their human game programmers with chimpanzees. Sure, they stink a lot less, and they'll work for bananas, but they take longer to program the game.


It was the best of times, it was the BLURST of times!?

Well, it was the first thing to come to my mind, at least.

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