Are my Bob's from Wisconsin

First, if this is posted somewhere else I apologize but I have searched for 2 days.

My 5 Bobs have been "down" for about 20 races now. They are between level 24-28 and all experience bars are full. I recall reading a post ages ago about someone needed to fire or retire a Bob.

Have they unionized, joined a social networking site to overthrow me? I have always treated them well, being careful not to race them unless they are blue or green.

And I am not exagerating, it has been 20 in game days with them all in the yellow.

Thoughts? Similar problem? Posted somewhere else I am unable to find?

Any help would be appreciated.
Have you recently cut 900 million from their racing education budget? Did you take away their right to collective bargain and force them to remote race and endurance race against their will? That would put any Bob down.

Edit: My Bob's are private sector but spirits remain mixed. They have race about 14 hours today.

In all seriousness though, if their experience bar is full they may need to be retired.
Why is this posted in the Opinions section?

After almost 8yrs, this forum never ceases to surprise me.