That was quite a post Famine. I was going to skim over it, but its not that heavy going really
However I do want to pick over a couple of your assertions.
You can see that physical advantages in humans are not really advantages when it comes to gathering or procreation. We have so many labour-saving devices today compared to even one generation ago too - why waste energy washing at the river, when we can have a machine do it? Why waste energy walking to the shops when our car can do it? In fact why waste energy pressing the brake pedal, turning the wheel or changing gear when we can use the car to do it for us? While none of these labour-saving devices confer an advantage to the physically weaker, they also give no advantage to the physically stronger - who need more resources just to survive.
I totally agree that we no longer need strength like our animal cousins who have to run hunt hide etc just to survive, our technology and supermarkets mean we have very little to do physically to survive. However, evolution is all about breeding, and women still desire a strong physique in a man, just as much as men desire a fit girl. We are animals after all and these desires are primitive and strong. I doubt we will ever lose them.
Now let's move onto intelligence. Does being smart carry an advantage to being stupid for resource gathering? Yes - clearly. We live in an essentially capitalist world. Smarter people get better-paid jobs and can afford more or better resources. So intelligence gives better survival prospects.
Yes intelligence is the most important factor these days, just look how far it has come from those first tiny mammals that worked out if they were quiet and kept out of site they could sneak in and eat the eggs of a huge dinosaur without it knowing...easy life, and it didn't have to fight anyone. I just want to point out tht intelligence comes in all kinds of forms, raw intelligence is actually a disadvantage. ie. Autism.
How about procreation? Do smarter people have a better chance of procreating than stupid people? Well, while there's a case to be made that men do like to screw the odd dumb blonde it can be generally said that people like a long-term partner to be on a par with them insofar as intelligence is concerned. Long conversations with yourself about the meaning of the universe can be unproductive and annoying.
Your dumb blonde may not be academically smart, but don't think she is dumb. She knows just how to manipulate men, and is extremely good at networking and socialising. These are abstract skills that require intelligence. Gathering resources and providing security for your children plays a huge part in our lives. Blondes are good at it
Evolution has shown us that traits which offer no advantage are "selected out" over many successive generations (I'm actually interested in where we're going with breasts - men like big tits, due to a maternal link, but we're artificially creating them in women who have small knockers, giving flat-chested women a procreational advantage), since they are inefficient. Physical strength gives no advantage in humanity and so will, logically, disappear. Intelligence, however, gives a distinct advantage in humanity and so the ability to learn more - raw intelligence potential - will be selected for.
Yes traits that are of no use are selected out, like our tails and our fangs, and our claws, even our fur. I don't agree that strength has no advantage, as we love sports. There is a beauty to be admired on a high level in a top athlete as well as their obvious physical prowess. Top sportsmen can make millions and that means resources and security for children, they are VERY attractive to women, and men. So there will always be exceptional physically developed humans.
You mentioned George Foreman as not being very smart, not academically I agree, but stupid boxers don't make champions.
There are tactics to learn, you anticipate your opponent and learn techniques.
In a fight, the number of neurons firing and the calculations the brain makes about balance, where to move, were you will be when that punch moves are comparable to a chess master. No I'm serious
I'd suggest that the performance of G Foremans brain and its speed in terms of processing power (to use a computer analogy) when he was a boxer, would have been well above average.
Some computer scientists I know on the other hand, may well have a BSc Hons but don't know the first thing about people, and can act incredibly stupid in social situations.
To sum up
Intelligence is a very strong element in our evolution, but I think as animals, we will always desire the physical. Advanced as we are, 90% of our decisions are driven by physiological urges.
btw Famine you are hard to quote with all your /b /color