My thoughts exactly. There are definite issues in this game that need attention, and people are understandably impatient for bug fixes for many of the issues. I understand people complaining about that. What I don't understand is people complaining that SMS haven't put out enough DLC in the first 5 months...
Considering we haven't got this month's DLC yet, we have only gotten four months worth of DLC to assess, and it stands at 2 circuits, each with multiple configurations, and 28 cars. 28 bloody cars in four months and people are still whinging!?
As for NASCAR, there is a hilarious thread over at the official forum full of impatient people carrying on saying SMS are ignoring them and the NASCAR and ovals will never come etc. etc.
You just have to realise, as hard as it may be to comprehend, that the world doesn't revolve around you, and that the content you want will come when it's ready. I personally don't give a damn about NASCAR or ovals as I find it the most boring form of motorsport, just my opinion. I'm really hanging out for the historic DLC, but you won't see me carrying on at SMS because I don't have it yet. I'll just patiently wait until they start teasing it, and then I'll ride the hype train all the way to 1960's Spa Francorchamps!
TL;DR - Patience, they're pumping out DLC at a huge rate, it's only a matter of time.