Are you a goon or a moderator?

  • Thread starter Wity
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It may have gone off subject some but so what few conversations ever remain on subject for long. So unless someone is gonna close this thread down and ban me I'll carry it on here.

To summarise, I've said..

Freedom of speach is only allowed in an unmoderated forum.

Many mods on many boards are power trippers who enjoy throwing their weight around putting in the boot on opinions expressed to which they dislike like nazi goons.

Read into that what you like mods. better still post your interpretation it'd be interesting to see how well you understand English some of you obviously dont.

It may have gone off subject some but so what few conversations ever remain on subject for long. So unless someone is gonna close this thread down and ban me I'll carry it on here.

To summarise, I've said..

Freedom of speach is only allowed in an unmoderated forum.

Many mods on many boards are power trippers who enjoy throwing their weight around putting in the boot on opinions expressed to which they dislike like nazi goons.

So would you like it if everyone ganged up on you for no reason? No, you wouldn't. What is there in the way of that? Moderators. Moderators who saved my bacon when that happened to me. I don't know one moderator on gtplanet that "Throws their weight around". Have you got an example of this happening on gtplanet?
So, not only am I a

1. A thug hired to intimidate or harm opponents.
2. A stupid or oafish person.
but I'm a Nazi one too?

I love you too, Wity.
Hmm....well let's see. This all started from a thread that I closed and gave good reason for. I can understand ledhed's reasoning as I personally would've liked to have seen that thread develop. However, people were talking about the same stuff as in the other Katrina threads(after about 20 posts) so I closed it.

Now we have our long time, low posting friend Wity to come and say that we're power hungry Nazi's. Interesting. When he didn't take the time to enlighten himself as to what the subject matter of the aforementioned thread was even about.

Freedom of opinions is very much welcomed on these boards. It's the expression of said opinions that cause issues.

Read into that what you like mods. better still post your interpretation it'd be interesting to see how well you understand English some of you obviously dont.

And you don't understand PRIVATE forum. You or I don't pay for this site(except for my 4$ a month) so who are we to say what can and can't be done on someone else's site?
Freedom of speach is only allowed in an unmoderated forum.

Many mods on many boards are power trippers who enjoy throwing their weight around putting in the boot on opinions expressed to which they dislike like nazi goons.

Read into that what you like mods. better still post your interpretation it'd be interesting to see how well you understand English some of you obviously dont.
I stand by what I said here, Wity. I'm not telling you to "read into it what you will".
On second thought, after reading this little treat, I am not going to be successful in supressing my own thoughts.

Talk about blatant hypocrisy! Frankly I'm apalled and offended. First, Wity, you come in here and blast all mods - clearly implying that we're all Nazis and fascists - and by direct extension, the GTP staff in specific.

Then you insult Kent directly, with no "implying" involved at all.

THEN you have the friggin' nerve to say he's trying to weasel himself out of a corner by "playing around with words insinuating I meant such and such when I clearly said different."

You clearly said what you clearly meant. We all understood it perfectly. Then you tried playing around with words to get yourself out of the corner you talked yourself into.

What happened to calling a spade a spade, Wity? You are rude and arrogant. You are hypocritical. In all my dealings with you on any board I've never seen you do anything other than piss and moan. Now take it on the chin like a man when it comes your way. Don't try to claim that "clearly" you did anything other than insult the staff of this board, since everybody who read your words understood that you had insulted us.
I stand by everything I said here. Can you say the same about your words? These are my clear words and my real feelings. Let's hear yours. And don't claim I can't understand English.
And I'll follow up with a direct quote from the Acceptable Use Policy: You will not behave in an abusive and/or hateful manner, and will not harrass, threaten, nor attack anyone or any group. There will be no racially, sexually or physically abusive or inciteful language tolerated. Any abusive comments made by members will be removed by the Moderating staff and the user issued with a warning or banned, as deemed appropriate by the Moderating staff.

Duke has weighed in. I've weighed in.

The staff has weighed in. NoQuarter hasn't.
Wity, I will take you at your word that you were not accusing anyone from GTP of anything like you were describing (but your initial response to ledhed appeared to infer that you were accusing Swift of just that) and I will accept that you did not mean any offense.

That said, on GTP I feel your statements do not apply because the only thread locks I have seen have met with the TOS and AUP. I have had only good interactions with the moderators and I have debated with and against them. I have even managed to wipe the movie quote quiz thread floor with Swift. He did nothing Hitleresque in response, but he did say I was better than him.

So unless you have examples of this lack of freedom of speech happening here at GTP then your entire point is moot and you should apologize for offending the mods here and explain how you meant no harm. Sounding like a politician will not hurt you. Sounding hateful does.
Wity, if you're going to play smart and insinuate that others are dumb/ignorant/oafish/goonish/restrictive/oppressive, I suggest you set an example for others to follow—if what you're saying is true. If you have such a problem with something, why don't you deal with it, instead of whining?

BTW, your first post has many grammatical errors, is sometimes incoherent, and can be difficult to read. So, before you start calling others demeaning names and insulting their intelligence, maybe you should straighten up.
Sod it, I couldn't be arsed to argue If you think I called you a Goon then okay you are a goon. If you think I called you a little jumped up fart of hitler then so be it.

I stayed away from this place for 4 years as it was full of little kids moderated by cheats who even once caught remained mods. I thought it'd matured some but was wrong.

Maybe in another 4 years it might be a decent place but today's just taugh me it's the same the idiots have just got a bit older thats all.
The Opinions forum is great. If the moderators were truely goonish, we wouldn't have 2,000 posts in the Creation vs Evolution thread.

Or we would, but it'd be locked and Swift and Duke perpetually posting in it.

Out of interest, who were the cheats?
*playing the world's smallest violin for Wity*

You've certainly taken the high ground here. :rolleyes:
Sod it, I couldn't be arsed to argue If you think I called you a Goon then okay you are a goon. If you think I called you a little jumped up fart of hitler then so be it.

I stayed away from this place for 4 years as it was full of little kids moderated by cheats who even once caught remained mods. I thought it'd matured some but was wrong.

Maybe in another 4 years it might be a decent place but today's just taugh me it's the same the idiots have just got a bit older thats all.

I gave you the benefit of the doubt thinking that "surely he's not being specific to any body at this site", but I see this is not the case. Unfortunate you have such a skewed perspective that no one else shares. Feel free to leave for another 4 years, and come back when you have better attitude and are willing to take the time to actually read threads that you are forming opinions on. I gave you an opportunity to explain yourself, and in this quoted post, you have explained yourself all to well.
Umm, I find nothing wrong with the Moderating staff. I think they are mature and good at what they do. They do what they think is best for the community. If you can't accept that, you may as well leave.
Sod it, I couldn't be arsed to argue If you think I called you a Goon then okay you are a goon. If you think I called you a little jumped up fart of hitler then so be it.
This point is not exactly open to any interpretation colored by my itty bitty widdle feewings, Wity:
Yep definately goons
Fair enough you've proved your point you are Goons.

Zeig Heil assholes
So even now, you can't be a man about it and stand by what you said. I think that combined with your last post here, where you called me a little kid and my staff cheats and threatened to go sulk for 4 years, speak for themselves.

I certainly don't need to bury you any deeper than you've done for yourself.
The Opinions forum is great. If the moderators were truely goonish, we wouldn't have 2,000 posts in the Creation vs Evolution thread.

Or we would, but it'd be locked and Swift and Duke perpetually posting in it.

We should give that a shot...what do you say Duke? :sly:
Wity, you're not a turdburgler. Nor am I insinuating that you're not a turdburgler.
I see a new Rule for JPMontoya's Unofficial Forum thread brewing here. Maybe something like "always be the first to display a complete and utter lack of whatever it is you're demanding".


I NEED people to be MORE PATIENT, DAMNIT! Right NOW!!!!1!1


Lern how to spell, you moron.

Oh, happy birthday by the way, ///M-Spec.

I'm still wondering who the cheats are, because I've seen race replays from daan (obviously), Kent, CFM and Boom, the most frequent moderatored inhabitants of the WRS forum...
My 2 cents...

I've never seen the moderators here do anything unreasonable. Threads that I've seen locked have always been locked for a good reason. Members who were banned also seemed to be banned for good reason.

I think the moderators are fairly easy going around here. Especially in the opinions forum where tempers tend to run a little hot.
what's up with the influx of pompous englishmen?
It's the only national sport we're any good at.

Don't see YOU winning the Ashes.
Like G.T: the moderating staff here are brilliant and do superb jobs. I couldn't want a different team. 👍

Wity, you are just angry that the mods are doing their job, right? And you have managed to get 6 Mods and 1 Admin on your tail. 👎

Famine: Finally Australia lost the cricket for once! :D
Wity, it amazes me how you haven't got the word BANNED under your username, it really does. You seemed to have insulted mods and members numerous times, moaned on about how bad the site is, and still you remain. I think that should be a lesson to you. You've proved that the mods don't ban people unless they really really really have to, because you're still here, remarkably. I don't suppose it would matter to you if you were banned, by the sounds of your posts. if you don't like gtplanet, fine. Just don't pointlessly insult members in the proccess. Leave. Simple as that. If i were a mod you'd be triple banned by now, so show the mod team some respect, for your own sake.

I would attempt to persuade you to stay, and tell you that gtp is a great place, but you seem to have already locked onto the idea that all of us suck. I only hope that you don't act like this everywhere else.
Wity: shut up!

You're giving left wing Englishmen a bad name.

Why can't you stand behind the things you actually said?

People quote them at you and still you say that they're twisting your words..

Moan, moan, bloody moan.


Christ, the way you moan, anyone would think you were from the black country...
I don't think he's going to read any of this, but still, it's here encase he ever feels like coming back for a while ...
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