Are you a goon or a moderator?

  • Thread starter Wity
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I don't want this to become a "bash Wity" thread. He's said what he's said, and others have posted what they have said. If he doesn't know that what he said was uncalled for, he should be full aware of it now. Just as Wity is to adhere to the AUP, so are the rest of us as well.
Did you guys ( British, English ) lose a football game or something...? getting kinda cranky over there. Must be the little shorts you guys wear ...a little tight maybe ? Eltons getting the curse now ?
I personally feel the mods are a bit too strict here and there as well... but whatever, I don't own the site and I don't pay for the servers. I'm having great fun walking the thin red line though. :D
Der Alta
Duke has weighed in. I've weighed in.

The staff has weighed in. NoQuarter hasn't.


As Team GTX Manager for the BC5, I have to say, "No Comment"

*changes hats*

As a Moderator (GTX (GTF) & HGT), I've seen the "jackboot nazi" accusations before. I always find it a bit disappointing that otherwise intelligent, rational folks resort to this epithat.

Wity, you're certainly very entitled to your opinion, as are all of us who agree to the TOS/AUP at this and all the other forums in our community. But as it has been said by others here, and on numerous times elsewhere, the manner in which you chose to express your opinion is subject, at all times, to the rules of the TOS/AUP, and the perogative of the Moderators and Administrators who uphold those rules.

Cut your losses, mate, and move on.
Is Wity's name pronounced like "witty" or "whitey"? . . . Because I can think of an amusing verse from a song including the word "whitey".
Sod it, I couldn't be arsed to argue If you think I called you a Goon then okay you are a goon. If you think I called you a little jumped up fart of hitler then so be it.

I stayed away from this place for 4 years as it was full of little kids moderated by cheats who even once caught remained mods. I thought it'd matured some but was wrong.

Maybe in another 4 years it might be a decent place but today's just taugh me it's the same the idiots have just got a bit older thats all.

I love this guy! He's hilarious!

He brightened my day...
But seriously, it's just a forum. Don't like it? There's a million other ones on the internet that might fit you better.
Did you guys ( British, English ) lose a football game or something...? getting kinda cranky over there.

I'm sure that's not the problem. After all, they did just win the Ashes!
I don't get it, he wants freedom of speech, but claims the only way to do it is to have a completely unmoderated forum. Have any of you actually spent more than 5 minutes at an unmodded forum? Probably not, they are useless or have no information.

Here's an example of one:

It was a great site (Airtoons); but for some reason, the webmaster decided to attach a forum that has content that's useless and foul. No moderation, and thus, no use. Could you imagine if everyone started a "Too Many Skylines" thread in the GT4 forum, or posted another thread "OMG!!! Katrina Sux" again and again?

Nobody would want to stay, nobody would want to contribute, because their time and thoughts would be quickly discarded. Nobody would care. No rules, no order. Nobody has the time to wade through disorder, and nobody would bother with an internet account if it were impossible to find any useful information or insight.

Well, I've said enough that's already been said.
I don't want this to become a "bash Wity" thread. He's said what he's said, and others have posted what they have said. If he doesn't know that what he said was uncalled for, he should be full aware of it now. Just as Wity is to adhere to the AUP, so are the rest of us as well.
Is Wity's name pronounced like "witty" or "whitey"? . . . Because I can think of an amusing verse from a song including the word "whitey".
Don't press your luck, little man.
Don't press your luck, little man.

It was a legitimate question. I wasn't going to post the song...

It just seems ironic that had it been pronounced "witty", he had spelled it "wity".

It may have gone off subject some but so what few conversations ever remain on subject for long. So unless someone is gonna close this thread down and ban me I'll carry it on here.

To summarise, I've said..

Freedom of speach is only allowed in an unmoderated forum.

Many mods on many boards are power trippers who enjoy throwing their weight around putting in the boot on opinions expressed to which they dislike like nazi goons.

Read into that what you like mods. better still post your interpretation it'd be interesting to see how well you understand English some of you obviously dont.
I know I'm a little late on the scene, but you wouldn't happen to have once been known as Allah Almighty?

Your writing style, and attitude are very similar.
You agreed to the AUP and TOS.
Then you get up the gall to come in here and basically call the mods "jack-booted thugs."
Remember, when you close your little fist and point a finger, three are pointing back at you.
I have never seen a mod give a good "thrashing" to anyone that didn't need or deserve it.

And as far as freedom of speech: Why would Jordan who has made no secret of his faith, and Pako who has made no secret of his let a thread titled "Satanism and you" as well as the "Creation vs Evolution" and numerous other threads that have been blatantly anti-Christ, and anti-Christian continue to flourish?

The only thing that gets squashed around here is disrespectful asshattery.
I'm not trying to kiss a** or anything(maybe I am), but I just want to say if I'm comparing the GTP Moderators(+Jordan&Duke) to something, Nazi would be the very last thing. I did try 2, 3 forums before GTP, but this is the most laid back, friendly forum. I really belive this is due to Jordan's gang, leading by example.

As for Wity, he had a very bad day, today. :D I hope he will be back, when he's in a better mood.

The Opinions forum is great. If the moderators were truely goonish, we wouldn't have 2,000 posts in the Creation vs Evolution thread.
Bring on the Nazi Mods! :sly:
I haven't got time for a detailed response here (at work as ever :() but my tuppence worth is that Wity has always been bluntly spoken and has never taken kindly to being herded. So, in the absence of time to look into the background of this, I can only imagine that someone or something has gotten on the wrong side of him and thus prompted a tongue-lashing.

I've always found him to be plain-speaking but have never had a problem with him myself once I realised that his rough-hewn tone was nothing personal. Plus, he was the individual responsible for getting me into OLR way back when, so I'll always be grateful to him for that (except for those occaisions when I'm grinding my teeth about some irksome niggle or rule in a given competition :D).

As it happens, on the core topic of how the forum is regulated, I hold a different view than Wity in that I don't think the moderation here is tight enough and, with so many users, the ones who don't want to be polite or considerate of their fellows get away with far too much as they can hide in the torrent of posts. Mmm ... ponders the irony inherent in this position ... :lol:.
mods? Nazi's?

dude, you have some skewed visions of GTP. i only ever see closed threads when they are clearly spam/duplicate threads, and i hardly ever see anyone banned but people who abuse the forum. go and look at ultimate guitar. they are FAR less lenient about warnings and banning.
Wity , start a thread with the exact title of your beef , don't start a thread about moderators pointing to a thread you did'nt start
Well, this was the first forum i ever joined, after joining i found out what a nice place it was to stop by and talk about Gran Turismo and numerous other things - everyone willing to help (especially the mods) when i was in need or was confused about how things worked! I was always pointed in the right direction.

Now things are clear to me how good this forum actually is - since joining here i decided to join other boards forums and still this one is my favourite, it is just a generally more friendly place to be and i certainly think the mods around this forum do a good job and are well respected by most users!

I always respect their decision as i see their point in most cases as to closing a thread or banning a member, they do allow freedom of speech but they do not allow one persons opinion to become out of hand where they are seriously offending others, so i really do not see why the mods here would be critisized???

Sod it, I couldn't be arsed to argue If you think I called you a Goon then okay you are a goon. If you think I called you a little jumped up fart of hitler then so be it.
Ok, I suggested an apology for the misunderstanding. This isn't what I had in mind.

I stayed away from this place for 4 years as it was full of little kids moderated by cheats who even once caught remained mods. I thought it'd matured some but was wrong.

Maybe in another 4 years it might be a decent place but today's just taugh me it's the same the idiots have just got a bit older thats all.
So, I guess this means that we will never be graced with the example or apology I suggested? I'm speaking here assuming that you, Wity, are still reading this (since you are logged on and bvbiewing this thread right now). When peopel disagree with you it is best to defend your position or explain the misunderstanding with an apology. Stomping off angrily appears childish and causes no one to respect you. Maybe in another four years you will be better able to handle someone disagreeing with you.

I truly wish you would calm down to defend yourself or simply apologize for the misunderstanding. And as Famine asked, who cheated and at what?
"Are you a goon or a moderator?"

Can I be both? ;) :D

Last night I said sod it I aint gonna post here again but today I've changed my mind one or two of you are worthy of a reply. Thing is I'm not going to defend my words argue apologise whatever on this board. I've been in a simlar position before and goons just got narked when I proved my point deleted my posts banned me and continued their bull****. It got kinda boring resigning up to deny their lies only to be banned over and over again.
If you want bring it on here...

No need to sign up, though you can do so if you want. It's unmodded and no one gets bollocked by goons because there aint non. Posts will only be edited if they contain something illegal or jepodise the boards existance via the TOS of the hosts suddenlaunch.
A goon would have already banned you for the PM interactions you have held with moderators.

A goon would have banned you for the insults and bad attitude you constantly express.

A goon would bann you just so you would stick to your threats of leaving us.

To answer the question of this thread...

I suppose I am a Moderator since afterall, I have not banned you or deleted any of your replies.
Then again, give me a good reason to do either and I will be happy take action. :D
If you want bring it on here...

No need to sign up, though you can do so if you want. It's unmodded and no one gets bollocked by goons because there aint non. Posts will only be edited if they contain something illegal or jepodise the boards existance via the TOS of the hosts suddenlaunch.
Please, no one reply in that thread, he's just not worth it. No one here agrees with him so there's no point on keeping arguing?
Last night I said sod it I aint gonna post here again but today I've changed my mind one or two of you are worthy of a reply. Thing is I'm not going to defend my words argue apologise whatever on this board. I've been in a simlar position before and goons just got narked when I proved my point deleted my posts banned me and continued their bull****. It got kinda boring resigning up to deny their lies only to be banned over and over again.
If you want bring it on here...

No need to sign up, though you can do so if you want. It's unmodded and no one gets bollocked by goons because there aint non. Posts will only be edited if they contain something illegal or jepodise the boards existance via the TOS of the hosts suddenlaunch.

Have fun there, Wity. Congrats on making Max E. look like a perfect gentleman and politician - which, admittedly, has been starting to become of late anyway (well done Max). Where he has matured over the years, you sound like you were the same guy 4 years ago as you are today. And that's just sad.

Anyway, to each his own. If you are happy in your new home, then good luck. So far, no-one here at GTPlanet has a big issue with moderators. I have personally complained that I thought one moderator was a little preferential in his treatment of people crossing the line in favor of a personal political preference, but even then it was subtle, the mods listened and handled it fine.

In general, moderators here (and elsewhere) do a great job in saving a board from becoming a terrible mess that you just lose too much time plowing your way through countless pages of l337 and other crap. But here on GTPlanet, one of the biggest boards out there (it's made a listing on bigboards, you might like to check it out), and as such an easy victim to becoming a complete mess, the moderators do a fine job on keeping this place inhabitable.
Wity has been excused from this discussion. As he doesn't feel it's worth his time to discuss it here.

His 4 year excuse is not valid, as there are only 2 moderators still on the staff from that time. Neither one of which was involved in the incident Wity remembered.

The reason he was not banned after all his incidents, is because he is involved with the Board Challenge 5 competition. At the conclusion of that challenge, it will be discussed amongst the staff for an adequate response.

Feel free to venture to his forum and discuss it, however you will only be doing so as a member of his forum, and not a representative of GTP.

Thank you for your contributions Wity. Have a nice day.

Der Alta

Edit: Max E. a gentleman...? Arwin you've gone overboard with the medication again ;) Actually, I had Max E. as a guest at my place earlier this year. He is indeed a gentleman.
Der Alta
The reason he was not banned after all his incidents, is because he is involved with the Board Challenge 5 competition. At the conclusion of that challenge, it will be discussed amongst the staff for an adequate response.[/i]

How scrupulous...
I don't know what is worse, the fact that he is determined that all teh mods here are goons or the fact that he could have turned this into a more civil discussion with a simple and respectfult gentleman like apology. Maybe if I type it he will copy and paste it in.

I am sorry if I offended any of the modertaors with my comment. I did not try to imply that anyone here was a nazi. I was misunderstood and had no intention to offend anyone.

Oh wait, I read his forum, he did intend to get you guys worked up. :confused:
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