Are you a goon or a moderator?

  • Thread starter Wity
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Damn. I got too dipped into this thread and missed an item i wanted on ebay. When i realized there was only 11secs left. :(
I will pay the mods WOOON MILLIOOOOON DOOOOOOLLARS* to ban this guy.

*I won't. But it would still be funny.
Wow. I just read through his statements over there, and all I can say is that I have no intention of taking this up on his board because he's A) misinformed and B) nearly delusional.
Wow. I just read through his statements over there, and all I can say is that I have no intention of taking this up on his board because he's A) misinformed and B) nearly delusional.
And he admits to purposely trying to get you all worked up as a "test." So, either he is lying over there to look big and bad or he was lying here about you all not being able to read English and know what he meant.

I hope he is just trying to look big on his own board because if he lied to get you guys mad that is just low. That would mean that he was purposely acting billigerent. I hate when people do that just to piss others off. :mad:
And he admits to purposely trying to get you all worked up as a "test." So, either he is lying over there to look big and bad or he was lying here about you all not being able to read English and know what he meant.

I hope he is just trying to look big on his own board because if he lied to get you guys mad that is just low. That would mean that he was purposely acting billigerent. I hate when people do that just to piss others off. :mad:

It's beyond obvious that all he wanted to do was "see" if the mods would respond in a negative way. We of course did becaus ehe called us nazis. He called ALL mods on all boards nazi's. Yeah, I'm not going to take too kindly to that. Oh well.

I honestly wish there wasn't all this drama about him and his wonderous ideas.
I honestly wish there wasn't all this drama about him and his wonderous ideas.
It's like a gruesome car accident you pass on the highway. You don't want to look and you don't want to get involved, but still you do.
It's like a gruesome car accident you pass on the highway. You don't want to look and you don't want to get involved, but still you do.

Well, actually I despise rubbernecking so I do my best not to look at all. But I understand your analogy.
You know, I went to the NOPI Tour Stop last night. Yep. Hey, Jordan is viewing this thread. Hi, Jordan.

(I'm not trying to hijack this thread, honest)
Oh yeah, hi Jordan!

This is getting rather offtopic ...

I just took a look on his forum. Why does he waste so much time talking about how much he despises gtplanet? It's just sad in my opinion. That thread's posts by him are more like essays.
Well, since I can't hijack the thread, I'm going to post something legitimate.

I've been warned here, twice. I've been nearly banninated several times from what I understand. Due to my asshattery, about a dozen threads have been closed. I've pissed off countless people, upset a few dozen others, and there are even mods here that don't like me as a person (as far as I can recall).

If they were the "nazi goons" you claim they are, wity, I wouldn't have gotten one warning, and I sure wouldn't have gotten the second. They would've banned me the first time I stepped out of line, possibly even before it. But they didn't. Do you know why? Because they're not "nazi goons", they're moderators doing a job - One that needs to be done, I might add. Personally, I would've banned you already for flagrant violations of the TOS and AUP that you "didn't agree to", even though you have to agree to them in order to become a member.

GTPlanet is a child friendly environment, PG-13, meaning that there needs to not be personal insults and cusswords being flung around as if they were water flowing from the tap. How many parents do you think would enjoy their children coming to a website looking for Gran Turismo resources, only to see that their child is being exposed to obscene material? Not many.

I've insulted moderators before. Quite a few of them, in fact - I've probably at some point in time agitated each and every moderator on this website somehow. But I'm still here. Why? Because they're not "nazi goons", they're just normal guys who have a tough job to do. And you're making it even harder on them by acting like a jackass on purpose.

So now that we've concluded that the mods are not, in fact, "nazi goons", that leaves one possibility. That is, you're the goon, and you claim the mods are Nazis because they won't let you run rampant and destroy a site which has taken years to become what it is. And I for one am not going to hold it against them.

All I have to say is, if you don't like the way things are handled here - Piss off. You won't be missed, I promise.
I don't know, but it seems like some of you guys have never run into a provocateur before. I mean, come on now. The guy's hobby is getting people steamed. He does this for fun. Its what he does. He doesn't mean a single word of what he says. Its pure BS. To him, this is an amusement.

I used to play a lot of MechWarrior online, and every MW forum had one or two of these guys. The remarkable thing was how many took the bait and actually let those goofballs get to them.
I know what he is. I used to be him.

But there's no point to it. It doesn't impress anyone, it doesn't make you cool. It's not fun for long, and you usually just end up getting thrown off the forum straight onto your butt with absolutely nothing to show for it.

Debating is more fun than arguing, and you can't get in trouble for it.
Ghost C
Well, since I can't hijack the thread, I'm going to post something legitimate.

Rest of a great post
I actually agree with Ghost C

Ghost C
I know what he is. I used to be him.

But there's no point to it. It doesn't impress anyone, it doesn't make you cool. It's not fun for long, and you usually just end up getting thrown off the forum straight onto your butt with absolutely nothing to show for it.

Debating is more fun than arguing, and you can't get in trouble for it.

You have come a LOOOOOOOOOONG way Ghost C. 👍 :)
Der Alta
Wity has been excused from this discussion. As he doesn't feel it's worth his time to discuss it here.

His 4 year excuse is not valid, as there are only 2 moderators still on the staff from that time. Neither one of which was involved in the incident Wity remembered.

The reason he was not banned after all his incidents, is because he is involved with the Board Challenge 5 competition. At the conclusion of that challenge, it will be discussed amongst the staff for an adequate response.

Feel free to venture to his forum and discuss it, however you will only be doing so as a member of his forum, and not a representative of GTP.

Thank you for your contributions Wity. Have a nice day.

Der Alta

Edit: Max E. a gentleman...? Arwin you've gone overboard with the medication again ;) Actually, I had Max E. as a guest at my place earlier this year. He is indeed a gentleman.

I had his evil twin then at my place :)
There's no excusing Wity's doubt about it.

But for folks to continue to throw barbs at him, when he longer has access to the thread shows a similar lack of class.
Indeed, though I'm not about to sign up to the other forum, so someone can report this across from me.

How are the following statements both true?

Freedom of speach is only allowed in an unmoderated forum.

(forum link) It's unmodded ... Posts will only be edited if they contain something illegal or jepodise the boards existance via the TOS of the hosts suddenlaunch.

Not unmoderated then, is it? If your posts can be edited then someone must moderate the board in order to edit them. If posts need to be edited at all, then freedom of speech (or typing) cannot exist.
I've been in the same position as Wity before and I've learned to not even bother.

Nobody will be prepared to listen to you Wity. This argument comes up time and time again, the person questions a mods actions, the mod cuts said person down, parrots join in on the arguement backing up the mod for some brownie points and then the person is punished and everyone goes on their merry little way.

I've never once had a moderator say to me 'Alright, let me hear what you have to see and we'll make an effort to sort this out' No, you - the user are wrong and there's nothing that can be done about that. End of story. Maybe they are headstrong? Possibly, I can't freely express that opinion.

I've had my fair share of arguements and it isn't worth it anymore, it's a waste of energy. That is why I prefer to stay away from the general forum most of the time.
Yep its a funny thing . The whole mess started because I posted a comment on a thread I thought was closed hastily . I did this knowing from my past experiance with moderators ON THIS BOARD that not only would they listen , but if I made a good point they would reconsider and reverse their decision . So taurine are you saying that my experiance was a dream ? Or would you care to go back and look for yourself at how many threads have been re-opened . I actually aggree with some of wittys points , I do not aggree with how he made them . from my point of veiw he seems quite insane ..but who has not been at times ? Did he actually open his own forum because he didnt like the way forums are handled ? :)
reading his stuff I imagine an middle aged white guy sitting back pounding down a few pints with his hair sticking up and frenzy face going on...he leans forward and pounds on the keyboard with two fingers cursing like a mad man ..( in an cocney accent of course ) . Outside the dogs are howling at the full moon on a deserted street with a mist comming in over the cobblestones . You can from the end of the alley here the pounding ...and the mad cackling laughter...and the curses ..Or maybe its just the mushrooms we had for dinner .
And now, since there's a forum for this (Wity's; link above) and we've all had our say, I believe it's time to put this to sleep and move on.

Thanks for everyone's comments.
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