Are you faster with DS2 or DFP? For those who tried both only!!!!

When I first got my DFP I was a lot slower, but after I got use to it my times got better. I would say that I'm a good bit faster now with my DFP than with the DS2. Give it some time so that you can get use to it and I'm sure your times will get better and you won't want to play any racing game with out it.
Oh yea, and I know I didn't realize this, and I think a lot of other people didn't either, but the hood view isn't actually a hood view, it's a view from on top of the roof. I figured this out by driving with the mini with a different colored roof than hood..
The DS2 doesn't shake when your car is unstable, but it also has disadvantages of its own. The DS2 has, what, 2 cm of stick space. While the DFP has 900deg. rotation. You get better throttle control and a more fine turning system. If you can get used to it, than you will come out with better lap times. I don't know about myself getting better lap times because I've never really cared, but on the licenses I took about 15min on one of them with a DS2 and only got silver. (yes I know I'm a HORRIBLE driver.:indiff: ). But with my DFP, the very first run I got silver and in no time i finally got gold. So in the end, if you can get used to a DFP, than it is a great improvement over the DS2 for lap times. :dopey:

Also, before the DFP I wasnt able to beat touring cars on the "0" difficulty setting. Even though my car was faster I couldnt do it. Now its easy with the DFP.
Much better with the DFP, way more steering control, the DS2 gives me very little compared to the DFP
DFP. Now and then I use the DS2 when my DFP ain't in the mood for working properly, but I can only come close to my times then, not beat it. I'm a really smooth driver, so the DFP is my ideal weapon of choice. The DS2 is more suited for the aggressive driver, since it's more forgiving.
(...) and to make things worse, the FF made it nearly impossible to recover when I had a wobble. (...)

I agree.

That is the only problem, though, and I love the added control you get with a DF. I noticed I drive a little more carefull with the DF than with the DS2. I'm currently working on that :)