Are you planning on getting a PS3 and GT5?

I think I'll wait for the PS3 to drop to the 200-250 dollar price range. However long that may take, I have no idea. I don't like the idea of buying the first generation versions of a new console because I fear that something may be wrong with it. Some of the first PSXs burned some of the CDs or something. The first PS2s had the disc read error. The first PSPs had that square button problem. The first versions of the XBox had a really ****ty DVD-Drive.

By then I hope that GT5, DMC4, RE5, FFXII and MGS4 will be all out. Let's just hope that the blu-ray format doesn't increase the prices of these games substantially. I don't like how X360 games are having prices on the average of 60 dollars. I better not see $70 PS3 games. Right now, I'm just reveling in the fact that many PS2, Cube, and Xbox games are 10-20 dollars.

But to answer your question, yes I will be getting PS3, primarily for Gran Turismo 5. I think Gran Turismo 3 was the same reason I decided to get a PS2.
I am definitely holding out on the 360 and will get a PS3 for sure! Consider how old the PS2 was when the Xbox came out. Sure the Xbox had some things that were better, but the games developed on the PS2 seemed to utilize the hardware more efficiently then the Xbox. I think Microsoft's attitude is to throe brute strength at things, while Sony seems to take a smarter approach with lends itself to a better product in the long run.. I am really excited about the PS3 as should everyone else. I just hope the release can support the demand for these consoles.

Right now iam trying to pull myself away from Test drive unlimited. Hopefully it will come out onthe PS3. But I will always be a GT Fan and always have been since I was 4 years old back in 98 :) so PS3 and GT5 is a must!
Considering the PS3 architecture as well as it's CPU architecture I would say that PCs will be left behind.

  1. It has all of the esential parts of a gaming system
  2. It has all of the stuff you need to game, and nothing else
  3. End product=the ulimate gaming MACHINE
PS3 is going to be expensive no doubt about it and if GT5 comes out somtime after I think I'll just ignore the price tag and think about it later!

Other than that I'll be waiting for a price drop plus its always worth waiting for the bugs ect to be fixed first... look at some of the Xbox 360's that have been less than perfect ;)
I thought long ago I made a post on this and didn't show up. I guess I never sounded off. I usually pre-type posts before giving them away. That's why I usually have detailed posts. But here is my view on this issue:

Will I get a PS3? Most likely. Will I get it with GT5 (granted it's a launch title)? Maybe. I say maybe on the basis of being more of a guy who wants to play when I get the chance. I don't want to get involved in fighting people just to get the last copy of Tourist Trophy the day it's released. I can wait. It's probably a great idea to see if another store has GT5 set up already so you can play it beforehand. That's just to give you experience heading into the actual game.

This is a good question, but this is a chance for me to sound off on a certain issue I've seen mentioned in posts on GTPlanet. I hate the comments which people will get GT5 only as long as certain conditions are met. You know what I'm talking about. The "I'm not buying GT5 if _________ isn't in the game" comment. There is always a certain hook to a Gran Turismo game- the racing. Race a variety of vehicles and do your best with them. The best racers are the ones who can win races regardless of what car they use against the level of competition they are up against. I've always thought it was about crawling before you walk, and GT4 is likely going to be no different. Since this is going to be a PS2 -> PS3 deal, you can likely forget about transferring credits and stuff to GT5. I always start clean from an older GT to the latest GT. Challenges and license tests change. Why be exempt like you could in GT2 and GT4(?)? Start clean. Every GT is a new GT contrary to popular belief.

It isn't the best game in which everyone aspires to be or beat Gran Turismo. It is, however, the best racing game series I've ever played. I personally love the series as it has done many things right in my view. I actually look forward to the next GT amid the many complaints it is given. If they stick to their guns and not make GT5 the next GT2, then I'll likely fall in love with the next GT regardless.

Chalk me or pencil me as a guy who will get a PS3 and GT5... for Christmas or if I get lucky.
G'Day JohnBM01
Haven't been here in a while.I wouldn't hold your breath for GT5 at launch or christmas..this year at least.My guess,based on past experiences with PD is that we won't see GT5 until at least Mid '08.
To answer the topic question yes I'll buy a PS3 the week its released,same for GT5.
I fully expect everyone to be flabbergasted when they get their PS3s. And then flabbergasted again when they load and fire up Gran Turismo 5. A lot of flabbergasting there. ;)

Considering how well GT4 came out for a now lame, hard to code for system like the PS2, think of what's possible for the next Gran Turismo...

The backgrounds are rendered to exquisite, photoreal detail.

The sounds are reproduced in at least full CD quality.

The cars and their physics will be in very high definition and much more realistic. Damage, yay. Modifying the car will have a more tangible effect in the way it handles. As someone mentioned above, the game could conceivably be the best racer in videogame history, due to the sheer number crunching power of the PS3 over anything but a supercomputer.

The bot drivers will have the capability for much more individual, lifelike and variably competitive A.I. They may well adjust to the way you race.

There's the capacity for virtually everything that affects a racetrack in real life to be included in the virtual GT world, like the day as it warms up, the track having its personality changed as the cars tear across it, clouds cooling things down, weather with wind sheer as well as gusts, rain, you name it.

Add my wished for Career Mode, and I might have to retire early. :D

Would I preorder for capability like this in virtually every game in the lineup? Heck yea I would!
Tenacious D is right. You can never tell what GT5 may offer. Now if you're going to be like one of these cats who thinks that the Gran Turismo series will never evolve and just be the same repetitve game (how do you describe the "Dynasty Warriors" series?), then you likely aren't going to be getting a PS3 and GT5. I wanted to say "...then you don't deserve to play GT5," but I didn't want to be a complete meanie.

Anyways, you can never know what to expect. We may see a progress report on GT5 at E3. And if we don't know enough about the fifth installment of the series, then surely the Tokyo Game Show will answer our questions. So speculate until PD makes its campaign at this year's gaming conventions.
Yeah,maybe PD will show a new video or some info at E3.
Just hope it doesn't fall of the map like GTMobile seems to have done. :nervous:
Yes, even if GT5 will be GT4 with high resolution, new graphics and more cars on the track, i will preorder GT5 + PS3 and then waiting every single day till they deliver it to me :)
I do think that if Polyphony made a special GT4 Elite Edition for the PS3 and made it available at or near launch, it would sell like crazy. It would give us something to tide us over till GT5 finally came out in 2007 (or so).
How many of you think that what "Tenacious D" just mentioned COULD happen come release day for the PS3? Not saying it's a great idea or a stupid idea, but more like "do you think this would or could happen?"
I'm more hopeful than sure. It really depends on what Sony thinks will be ready for the Christmas rush. But if there's only one or two confirmed racing games like PGR3 or Test Drive Unlimited, which many of us won't be interested in, Sony might have Polyphony massage some of the GT5 coolness into the GT4 format, or even revamp it to something resembling what GT5 will offer. This will be even more likely if Forza 2 will be ready by the holidays.

I said this before, but if a version of GT4 came out with even better graphics, proper bot A.I., car damage, more than six cars per race, a paint shop and racing conversion, online racing, trading and more, I'd buy it without question. Just notice how many have mentioned that they'll wait for the PS3 when they can get a Gran Turismo game for it. I know they say "GT5," but many of us have already said that we'd pay for a GT4 A-Spec for the PS3. I think the race nuts among us would buy it in droves.

And there's another thing. There are rumors circulating that GT4 Online Edition may not get released after all, at least for the PS2. Hmm... Vision Gran Turismo may become a reality.
If they made a GT 4.5 for the PS3 I would definitely get it. Especially if it has everything Tenacious D said.
I'm playing Forza right now, and... okay, the bots suck dead batteries and are ultra cheap, but it has so many cool features, some of which we'd been asking for in our wish posts. Just having two more cars to beat is cool. Online capability is cool. Having body kits and paint shop, so we can race mod any car we get is awesome! There's a trainable B-Spec driver (drivatar), and jeepers, if you train him right, he's scary good! Mine is scary good, but is still not good enough to get me through the highest class races. Still have some homework to do I guess.

If Sony knows Forza 2 is coming out for the 360 this holiday season, I don't think they'll take that lying down. They'll do something to make sure that a serious racer is available for the PS3. GT4 Elite Edition, A-Spec, Ultra Cool Version or whatever is more likely in that case.
I,m so going to get a PS3 and GT5, at the moment it looks like I be playing any PS3 games in 1080i.
Tenacious D
I do think that if Polyphony made a special GT4 Elite Edition for the PS3 and made it available at or near launch, it would sell like crazy. It would give us something to tide us over till GT5 finally came out in 2007 (or so).

I think it's entirely possible. We already know they have "GT4.5" running on dev kits.

And truth be told, they do seem to have put a fair amount of work into the GT4 engine on PS3, which is odd seeing as how GT5 probably won't use it. Things like better lighting and reflections, bloom effects and so forth.

My only stipulation is that it sell at a very cheap price. GT4 is already a Greatest Hits title, it would be stupid to sell the same game, even in an upgraded form, at full price.
That's true Jedi, I hadn't thought about that part, all the work done in the older engine with better graphics.

But... eh, if it came out at $49.95, I'd still buy it. I was so desperate to play something cool and remotely next gen that I bought an XBox Forza bundle and steering controller to the tune of $280.
The primary problem I still have of the PS3 is that I have no idea how high the price can possibly be. I really do not want to pay more than 300 dollars for a console. As for the full price of "GT4 Special Edition" I think $49.99 is a bargain compared to most next-gen X360 games.
I'll say this much - if GT5 has the same lame engine sounds that plagues GT4, I will not buy it. They have to do at least as good as Simbin did on GTR with respect to realistic engine sounds and road noise or they shouldn't bother trying.
Yeah, we all know the PS3 is marginally better than the PS2. What can Polyphony squeeze into that little shoebox? ;)

I am curious how many have been scared off by the $500-600 price point. Anyone bailing for a year, hoping for a price cut?
I still think it's ridiculous to say that a person will only get a game system just to play one game. Forgive me if I sound cheap, but buying a console is a huge investment Spending it all one one game is ridiculous unless you can find at least two or three other games to play with it. Otherwise, congratulations. You wasted money on one console for only one game. To me, it's a waste of money.

I'm not going to be the one saying "if GT5 even remotely reminds me of why I hate GT4, I won't buy GT5." Every GT is a new game. Tracks and cars are different, but each GT should be taken as a new game and not "the same boredom." I'm not buying a PS3 if I don't like at least three games to go with it. I have about 20 or 30 titles for the PS2, so it's obvious I loved the PS2 and not just for GT3 and GT4. I also hope the price doesn't get to be TOO high, though. The PS3, that is.
I do understand your argument, but I will buy the PS3 only for GT5, and I won't feel like I've wasted money, cause I'll spend more time with this game than with all the other games I play (on my PC) combined.

the Interceptor
I still only have Forza for my XBox. Then again, I do plan on buying three or four more games.
Well, I will buy a PS3 when it hits the shelves, and I will BUY, not preorder my GT5 copy! I preordered GT4 as soon it was possible, like at the end of 2003 or so, and when the releasedate came, I HAD NO COPY!! I simply went to my local dealer and bought it. A week later, I recieved a note from the postoffice, saying I could pick up my preorder. The note was also dated, and I could see that the postoffice had had the game for well over a week, without giving me a notice about it! So thanks to postal service in Sweden, I will not preorder things anymore.