Are you planning on getting a PS3 and GT5?

Personally I don't see my self buying it. Firstly, I need to buy an HDTV, then move on to a system. PS3 is just way too expensive. So I'll go with the 360 eventually. Forza will have 300+ cars (which is plenty, I don't need 63 versions of a skyline) as well as Lambo's, damage, online, ENDLESS customization, as well as photomode. Customization is a HUGE + in my book. Price is a also the biggest concern for me. But for this gen I'm very happy with my GT4.
$500 for the PS3, anoter 50 at least for GT5. I was a year late getting GT1. Only reason I bought a PSP. Got 2, 3 and 4 the first day available. Doesnt look like GT5 will be a possibility for me jut too much outlay of cash.
I still think it's ridiculous to say that a person will only get a game system just to play one game. Forgive me if I sound cheap, but buying a console is a huge investment Spending it all one one game is ridiculous unless you can find at least two or three other games to play with it. Otherwise, congratulations. You wasted money on one console for only one game. To me, it's a waste of money.

I'm not going to be the one saying "if GT5 even remotely reminds me of why I hate GT4, I won't buy GT5." Every GT is a new game. Tracks and cars are different, but each GT should be taken as a new game and not "the same boredom." I'm not buying a PS3 if I don't like at least three games to go with it. I have about 20 or 30 titles for the PS2, so it's obvious I loved the PS2 and not just for GT3 and GT4. I also hope the price doesn't get to be TOO high, though. The PS3, that is.
I did exactly the bought a PSone for GT and GT2, bought a PSP2 for GT3 and 4. Only games I have are GTs
why isnt it going to be for the PS2 too? No way in hell am i gonna buy a PS3 until its down to at least 300.. som of us arnt as fortunate as others to just go blow 500-600 bucks and be no big deal.. its kinda ridicilous if some 1 would but a PS3 just for GT5 too.. kinda like what JohnBM01 was saying.. If its gonna be on the PS2 too (dont know why it wouldn't) then ill get it for my PS2.. Definately not spending 500 - 600 dollars just for some entertainment.
The PS2 already put heavy limits on GT4. Why on earth would Polyphony make a very seriously selling title for the PS3 and then scale it down for the PS2? It would pretty much need to be programmed from ground up again, and would presumably not be much better than GT4.
That makes absolutely no sense, and noone would invest the time and money to do so = won't happen.

I understand that 500$ or 600$ are the hell of a lot money for the absolute majority, and that many won't be able to affort the PS3 until the price has dropped immensely. However, we've had fun with the PS2 for many years now, and there is the day where you have to upgrade to a new generation. Imagine you'd have constantly upgraded your PS2 like a PC over the years, and in November, you'd have a PS3. 600$ wouldn't sound that much, cause you stretched them over a period of time. Buying it all at once is so hard because that money is gone in just a moment. Considering what piece of machinery you get, 600$ is not too much though.

the Interceptor
I was looking at spending at least $500 to get a 360 Elite a couple of months ago, with garbage I didn't want. But then the 360 still doesn't have a game I want to play on it yet.

I think the PS3 is a bit more elite myself. ;) I said that if the price was over $500, I'd still buy it, and I'm still buying it.
Yep, PS3 and GT5 for christmas... plus it's a tradition:tup:

Oh but wait, considering GT4; I might have to wait a bit longer for GT5...
you got 7 months left, put €100,- in your safe deposit and by then you'll have around €700,-

if you really want a ps3 you can make it happen, no doubt...
you got 7 months left, put €100,- in your safe deposit and by then you'll have around €700,-

if you really want a ps3 you can make it happen, no doubt...

Nah, my parents are wealthy enough.

Doesn't always sound that way though...
Ummmm no.... I'm 14 buddy:tup:

I'd advise that you check people's profiles before you decide to make smart comments, thanks.
I will most likely wait a month or two before next installement of Gran Tursimo is released before even seriuosly considering getting P3. That could all change in by October, if alot more info is released about the game. All I know is that I would expect GT5 to be way better then GT4 in everyway. If they release rehashed GT4 with 12 plus cars on track, full blown online mode and maybe a few new cars etc, then yes I would be very tempted to get one.
just a quick question... Do we have to get a good TV with HDTV and stuff? or can we just use our normal TV to play the ps3?
GT Pro
Ummmm no.... I'm 14 buddy:tup:

I'd advise that you check people's profiles before you decide to make smart comments, thanks.

OWNED !!! lol

Unfortunatly I won't be getting a PS3 because of the price. I don't have the budget for that. So no PS3, no GT5 :(
Until the price drops for the PS3 I will play my old GT games on my PS1 and PS2.
From past experience, that may will be when GT5 is released in 2 years time.
Well I sure hope everyone thats complaining about the PS3's price doesn't buy one, that way & can pick one up off the shelf without having to wait in line all day!!!

I have an HDTV & want the Blu Ray player as well as the game console, & I will pick up GT5 as soon as it's released!!