(Article) Could We Still See a 2009 Release Date for GT5?

  • Thread starter NoLimitz80
Hmm would be nice but after calming down I think March is ok... I like the damage (how it looks) but so many people whined about the damage so PD got to do it better... otherwise whining will never stop...

And be carefull with news like this... the dissapointment will be much higher than now when they announce an september release date for EU/US (Summer release makes no sense and also no april or may release)

But I thin its possible that we get that game earlier... The game sells more here than in Japan and they also got GTM wich will sell awesome in Japan... We get a monster system seller in march with GOWIII wich will mean that they can´t release GOWIII and GT5 in the same month here...
Maybe there just making sure, if they can do a world wide release in March! Before they say anything else that will piss people off more. I really doubt we here in the U.S., will get GT5 before Japan!!
2009 Sony PSP Go is scheduled for release on October 1, 2009 in American and European territories and on November 1, 2009 in Japan. In India it will launch in early of 2010.
This was copy and pasted from a technology website. It was the 3rd website I found that said this.

If the release of the PSP GO is later in Japan, why is it inconceivable they do the same with GT5?
2009 Sony PSP Go is scheduled for release on October 1, 2009 in American and European territories and on November 1, 2009 in Japan. In India it will launch in early of 2010.
This was copy and pasted from a technology website. It was the 3rd website I found that said this.

If the release of the PSP GO is later in Japan, why is it inconceivable they do the same with GT5?

Great point! With your style of 'out of the box thinking' one could have a little hope of a release date before Christmas of 2009. It sure is good to have community memebers that dont just rant and complain, and instead of being negative they see the glass half full. What a breath of fresh air!
I think christmas sales are in EU/US much higher than in Japan? God I can´t understand why they let this chance pass to sell (I suspect) 20-30% or more consoles if an GT5 bundle is out...
People need to get over the thought of this game releasing in 2009, it is just not going to happen. Rest assured if the game was to release in NA + EU this year it would have been announced by now. Also Ratchet is out in November in Japan unlike October in NA ane EU so that 80% could very well be true. % so not mean much as it's just debugging and what not at the end but 65% does not sound promising.
People need to get over the thought of this game releasing in 2009, it is just not going to happen. Rest assured if the game was to release in NA + EU this year it would have been announced by now. Also Ratchet is out in November in Japan unlike October in NA ane EU so that 80% could very well be true. % so not mean much as it's just debugging and what not at the end but 65% does not sound promising.

To everyone like the guy I quoted, Please listen to this song-
I was really believing in a December release until this...

Now I don't think it's possible.
When was the last time you had a piece of software launch earlier than expected? never!
And later than expected? 90% of the time...

Well... if it means a really better GT5, so be it :)
no. Just leave it be. In time, everyone here will own the greatest racing simulator again. Besides, we all don't know how hard and long it takes to fully create a video game so let it be.
Great point! With your style of 'out of the box thinking' one could have a little hope of a release date before Christmas of 2009. It sure is good to have community memebers that dont just rant and complain, and instead of being negative they see the glass half full. What a breath of fresh air!

Did you just quote yourself and then praise the quote's poster (i.e yourself) in the third person? Or did you forget to log into your other account? ;)
Did you just quote yourself and then praise the quote's poster (i.e yourself) in the third person?

WHAT?! That is unbelievable someone would do that. The point being made was seriously super logical, and makes a lot of sense to me.

4th quarter release makes sense if the game is released in Japan at the beginning of March, and everywhere else in December. I thought I would enlighten you guys to that also.
I wouldn't be too hopeful or hopeful at all of a 2009 release date unless the Japan 2010 date gets pushed forward drastically.
I'm actually fine with a later release date. The reason being that more time spent on GT5 means a better game. A GT5 with more tweaking means
  • A more comprehensive online setup, including Team, League and Season Builder features.
  • Livery editor, or a better one, and Race Modification.
  • A more comprehensive single player game, perhaps including extensive Season and Career Modes.
  • More cars and tracks.
  • Weather and time of day changes.
  • Damage on all cars, which we might not have had.
  • More than 16 cars offline in dry asphalt races, more cars in rain and snow.
  • Replays with a higher frame rate.
Yes, I'd rather see GT5 as soon as possible, but also with as many goodies as possible.
People need to get over the thought of this game releasing in 2009, it is just not going to happen. Rest assured if the game was to release in NA + EU this year it would have been announced by now. Also Ratchet is out in November in Japan unlike October in NA ane EU so that 80% could very well be true. % so not mean much as it's just debugging and what not at the end but 65% does not sound promising.

So, using that example validates nothing, nor does not dismiss the possibility of an '09 release for some regions.

Words are powerful, except when they are not used.
I'm actually fine with a later release date. The reason being that more time spent on GT5 means a better game. A GT5 with more tweaking means
  • A more comprehensive online setup, including Team, League and Season Builder features.
  • Livery editor, or a better one, and Race Modification.
  • A more comprehensive single player game, perhaps including extensive Season and Career Modes.
  • More cars and tracks.
  • Weather and time of day changes.
  • Damage on all cars, which we might not have had.
  • More than 16 cars offline in dry asphalt races, more cars in rain and snow.
  • Replays with a higher frame rate.
Yes, I'd rather see GT5 as soon as possible, but also with as many goodies as possible.

Well if PD has anybody reading this thread, you just pushed GT5 to 2011 release date!!:sly::sly:
I was really believing in a December release until this...Now I don't think it's possible.

no. Just leave it be. In time, everyone here will own the greatest racing simulator again. Besides, we all don't know how hard and long it takes to fully create a video game so let it be.

I wouldn't be too hopeful or hopeful at all of a 2009 release date

Little boxes, and they are all just the same. :lol:

Give it up guys, anything you all say has been said. Go ask Judge Judy what it says about someone when they repeat themselves.
All we know is the release window is not yet revealed for U.S or Europe, so we'll see.

Also, I'm thinking if it did, maybe they would handle it like Prologue. It was released in Japan first in December as Spec 1 with little features then the U.S. got it in March with Spec II. All Japan had to do was update to catch up to the most current Spec. Kaz also mention about implementing damage through a spec update (thus it's possible), so maybe if we didn't have damage for all cars from the start, maybe through a spec update?

All this sound unlikely and I'm just in an optimistic mood right now cause my take home exam is finish. :) Anyway, if the game were to progress through updates, they wouldn't be the first to do it in a mass scale. I think Burnout 5 was one of the first to do it. They ended up having motorcycles, night racing, and everything.
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I am surprised GT members have overlooked this rather interesting factor. No other than the marketing manager of SCEA in September stated they have a commerical ready for GT5 almost as if the game was on the horizon. Are you telling me this marketing manager is thinking of an horizon past March? If so he would not have even mentioned it. He just added fuel to fire. The game GT5 cannot come out in March because of GOW 3 and any later will take it into Heavy Rain and The Last Guardian territory as well as FF13. And any later; again the marketing manager would not have mentioned an advert. There is still a real possibility this thing is coming in December unless something drastic has happened in the last two weeks.
I am surprised GT members have overlooked this rather interesting factor. No other than the marketing manager of SCEA in September stated they have a commerical ready for GT5 almost as if the game was on the horizon. Are you telling me this marketing manager is thinking of an horizon past March? If so he would not have even mentioned it. He just added fuel to fire. The game GT5 cannot come out in March because of GOW 3 and any later will take it into Heavy Rain and The Last Guardian territory as well as FF13. And any later; again the marketing manager would not have mentioned an advert. There is still a real possibility this thing is coming in December unless something drastic has happened in the last two weeks.

Well if what I think happened is true - PD set a release date and all depts got on track to hit that date - but then it turns out they fell behind and realized they needed more time - then it makes sense to have a commercial ready back in sept.

Imagine this:

KY says "when can we release?"

Licensing says Q3 2009
Coding says Q4 2009
PR says anytime, just give us a months lead to put together the PR work

So KY says, ok Q4 2009 it is, go.

Licensing does it's thing and gets sales licensed in all territories on time.

PR Cranks out some adverts, some posters, basically gets ready to go and is set for a Q4 2009 release and announces as much.

Coding comes back and says "beta testers keep finding niggling bugs that are being more complex than we thought to fix... we are behind scheulde... sorry, q4 2009 is just not gonna happen"

KY says "ok give me a revised estimate"

Coding says, 3-5 months.

KY says you have 3 months, move into your cubicles and work 7 days a week if you have to.

And thats where we are now.
Pre Christmas European launch? Wishful thinking but possible. Why?

65% complete was not a Sony or PD statement. It was found and assumed to be a game complete figure by someone who doesn't read Japanese. It could simply be the status of the game that the playable demo is a snapshot of. The game itself could be at a more advanced stage than that. I don't now that of course. It's a guess.

Final Fantasy is huge in Japan. That is the Sony box shifter for Japan.

Gran Turismo is huge in Europe. That is the Sony box shifter for Europe.

So how about this, Sony release Final Fantasy in Japan this year to boost console sales in Japan and releases GT5 in Europe this year to boost console sales in Europe.

It's slim. Very slim. It's wishful thinking, but possible. No one should get their hopes up about it though.

Ultimately it's only a game and it will come out when it comes out.

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