Well if PD has anybody reading this thread, you just pushed GT5 to 2011 release date!!

SHHH... don't give them any ideas...
I am surprised GT members have overlooked this rather interesting factor. No other than the marketing manager of SCEA in September stated they have a commerical ready for GT5 almost as if the game was on the horizon. Are you telling me this marketing manager is thinking of an horizon past March? If so he would not have even mentioned it... There is still a real possibility this thing is coming in December unless something drastic has happened in the last two weeks.
I'd recommend reading
my post at the top of this page.
The main point I bring from it is near the bottom. Back in 2006 when SONY was saying that the PS3 was going to be released in November worldwide, things began to go wrong. Primarily, there was a shortage of blue-violet laser diodes needed for next generation players, which of course meant a shortage of PS3s. They decided to stagger releases after all, first in November in Japan, the first week of December in America, and in March for Europe.
The bad thing was, SONY didn't tell anyone. Even their own divisions around the world.
SONY Europe had commercials running in November the day the news hit, and there was a firestorm from angry people. It was very,
very bad for a while, and SONY Europe was utterly humiliated by this. It took quite a while to win back some of their fans, but all is forgiven now.
But the lesson from this is that SONY Japan has a less than equal view of the rest of the world, which is typical of many Japanese businesses. The people in game companies and SONY's game division are different, but the stodgy corporate bosses still look on the rest of the world as uncouth barbarians. Which... looking at the American public, I can certainly understand that, and I share that view myself.

But I digress.
What this neans is that SONY left the rest of their divisions around the world hanging,
including Kazunori, who is a high ranking vice president of something on the SONY board. I think SONY Computer Entertainment. But even he was forced to go through this incredible conspiracy, and was undoubtedly just for the sake of messing with the release of Forza 3. I thought he looked quite uncomfortable during many of his appearances and interviews, and during the E3 showing of the PSP Go, he almost looked like he wanted to cry. Now I see why.
But it seems pretty clear that SONY Japan told the rest of the SCE divisions around the world that GT5 was on a speed track for a holiday 2009 release, and once again, worldwide. Jordan was shown documents by people in SCE America which stated this. So once again, SONY threw the rest of the world a bunch of fibs.
There's this weird chance that we'll get something early, but it seems that being forced by SONY to work on GTPSP punched a big hole in the development cycle of GT5. Kaz even admitted that it was a struggle, and there were periods of time the whole team worked on nothing but GTPSP. I think this is one time we just need to be patient and let Kaz work his magic, and give him the time to do it. Look what benefits we might get:
- Weather and real time day/night changes.
- Race Mod and Livery Painting.
- Damage on all cars, even if it might not be as much on street cars.
- A comprehensive Season Mode, maybe a Career Mode.
- A more comprehensive online structure supporting teams and leagues, selling, trading and gifting, Season Mode Online, etc.
- 3D trees which leave skid marks and have working reverse lights!

Who knows what a few more months work might give us?