Yeah, I know, but I was hoping that someone would have an idea. Oh well.
I'd go with the wheel bearing. A CV Joint is more of a clunk-clunking... and it'd feel really bad on turns... though not having experienced a CV Joint failure on a Mini, I can't say if it'd be the same as more common Japanese cars.
Either way, replacing whichever is broke will necessitate taking the wheel off... so you'll find out when you have it taken down.
I have a buzzing sound coming from my front, passenger side area of the car. It is not anything on the interior nor is it any thing to do with the stereo system (that's all the advice I got on the MINI forums). It speeds up with the car and starts becoming audible around 35mph and really loud by 65mph, the engine speed has nothing to do with it as I can shift into neutral and the buzzing remains constant until the car starts to change speed.
Any thought?
My front passenger tyre is bald. I have to get a cheap one though the rest of the tires still have tread left on them.
The answer was right there mate! Dont play with serious things! Change the front tires as soon as possible:tup:! In my opinion they play the most important role on the safety on your car:tup:! Try second hand tires! Ive bought tires practically new (500km)!
I have a buzzing sound coming from my front, passenger side area of the car. It is not anything on the interior nor is it any thing to do with the stereo system (that's all the advice I got on the MINI forums). It speeds up with the car and starts becoming audible around 35mph and really loud by 65mph, the engine speed has nothing to do with it as I can shift into neutral and the buzzing remains constant until the car starts to change speed.
When I turn left, putting load on the passenger side, the noise gets louder and when I turn right, taking load off the passenger side, the noise gets quieter and almost goes away completely.
At first I thought it was my winter tires just being unholy loud and they were slightly under inflated. I pumped them up and the noise still continued, so I swapped the winter rubber for the summer tires and the noise is still there. So I've ruled out the tires being an issue. My only though now is either a wheel bearing or a CV joint but I'm not sure.
Any thought?
Is it common for the wheel bearing and the hub to be one piece
The Mini probably has no less than six special BMW-only tools to do the job.
38mm socket to change the oil.
Is that the drain plug?
I can see changing a headlight taking about half an hour on a new car. The bumper has to come off on the Civic, and I always have trouble with removing those plastic pins locking pins.
I'm almost positive that theft prevention is the main reason for all these hard to access bolts.Yep, they put bolts that you have to access on the bottom of the lights behind the bumper, when it could easily be designed to just do it all under the hood.
So I am going to be purchasing a car, and I've been looking nationwide for the right one. I've been debating between driving it home and having it shipped. Does anyone have any experience with shipping cars? What are the good companies? How much would it typically cost? Have you had any issues with shippers? Did you do to "protect" the car? Any tips?
My 2006 VW B6 passat has constant popping noises in the front of the car and I've checked everything and so has my tuner and we don't know WTF it is. I've replaced the bushings and I've checked my suspension (DTS Line coilovers) and tightened everything up and there is nothing loose. I just got my brake kit installed this weekend and it didn't solve anything. Anyone got any ideas???.
PS; this is not a new problem, it has been happening for nearly a year now.
Shipping can be very expensive...or it can be relatively cheap. It all depends on when you want to take delivery. If you want it ASAP, you're gonna pay. If you are willing to wait 2-3wks, it can be 1/2 the price.
If I were you and had the opportunity to drive it home, I would. Unless it is some exotic or collector's piece, drive the damn thing. Road trips are one of life's little pleasures that people do not take advantage of enough.