ASM and TCS question

when i was looking through for a setup for my f/686 m
i noticed a common setup-poster named "fumes" anyway i look at his many setups and they are good but one thing i noticed... the ASM is at zero and the TCS is pretty low (like level 2 or something) according to opinions people say his setups are awesome but i dont see why you would get good lap times wiith such low asm and tcs levels

-anyway could someone tell me how this helps in your tuning?:confused:
That's right. Those aids will help keep you from spinning out, but they slow you down. ASM takes away power in corners the second your tires slip, and TCS takes away acceleration. In an F1 car I put the ASM at 0 and the TCS at 1 just to help me off the line.

Der Alta says ASM can be used as a learning tool. Drive with it and keep the ASM from kicking in. If you can do that you're taking the corners about as fast as you can.
thx man it actually DOES help like alot i got like 54.3xx on midfeild with my f/686 m and an average of like 58 sec on the track too and races have been going quicker too :D guess i dont need that silly ASM anyway:rolleyes: