Assassins Creed III

I'm mad. It seems that Sandy somehow messed with the shipping schedule for my UbiWorkshop edition, and it's not going to be here until Thursday.

Anyway, here's the last Making of video from IGN:

Also, IGN gave it an 8.5 for it's "Inconsistency." I'm going to be mad if Black Ops 2 gets a higher score.
Got it last night at the midnight release. I've only played one match online in a simple deathmatch game. I just love AC multiplayer. Won't be playing story mode until I get Revelations finished, but I'll be playing online alot.

Also, IGN gave it an 8.5 for it's "Inconsistency." I'm going to be mad if Black Ops 2 gets a higher score.

I wouldn't listen to any review from IGN. The best reviewer is yourself. Theres way too much behind the scenes scamming going on with reviews these days.
Wish I could get it soon but the earliest will be tomorrow depending on when stores re-open here.
Got it last night and played for about 2 hours. I love it so far, although I am forced to stick to the storyline at the moment. You do not unlock full free roam until about 3 hours in.

The streets of Boston are incredible. I just sat on a bench and people watched for about 15 mins in awe. I don't think I saw the same animation or conversation twice. Pigs and dogs walking around, children playing, thieves pickpocketing then running off, horse drawn wagons riding through the streets, seagulls flying overhead, etc. They really did a great job here.

My favorite part so far, without giving too much away, was the entrance cut scene on Day 2 of the voyage. The camera sweeping down over the waves and then around the ship, it looked so real.

If it's any indication of how stunning this is, my dog, who's usually not interested in what I'm playing, was glued to the TV the whole time last night. Must be all the ambient noises. I'm off work tomorrow, so I'll probably be pulling an all nighter tonight.
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I just got my copy here in the UK to, been waiting for me after a long days work. I've had my reservations about this title but took a dive, now I'm sat on the start screen knowing I shouldn't play because I'll be having dinner shortly but it's safe to say I'm hyped. I am very excite #Borat
While I won't be getting my hands on it for another two weeks or so, can anyone let me know (approx) how big the install size is on the ps3. I only have an 80gb hdd and it's getting harder to find things to delete to make way for new games.
Got my ACIII Special Edition delivered to me today by Courier Post. 👍

If you guys want to add me in-game, my PSN ID is: gtone339
Theres way too much behind the scenes scamming going on with reviews these days.
I was only disappointed because I'm hoping that this will be the game to beat BO2 in sales, (wishful thinking, I know) and I'm guessing that a lot of sheep take IGN's reviews seriously. The lady who wrote it made it very obvious that she wasn't very excited for the game to begin with and really didn't care about the game or series at all, and the video review was littered with visual spoilers. (Desmond gameplay) I've heard that Gametrailer's review was better but I'm afraid of watching it because it also has spoilers.

While I won't be getting my hands on it for another two weeks or so, can anyone let me know (approx) how big the install size is on the ps3. I only have an 80gb hdd and it's getting harder to find things to delete to make way for new games.
As said before, the install is around 4GB, but the entire game is 15.5 GB if you were wondering.

Also, would anybody like to start swapping PSN IDs now? When we all get the game/switch to MP we'll be ready.
install is 4.5GB

the install is around 4GB,

Thank you. Now I have about a week and a half to try and find the space on my hdd. I've ordered three games and I'll get them all at the same time. Fortunately, of the two others, only one requires an install and that is only around 2gb.
The game is beautiful as ever and very atmospheric, but I fear the slow pace of the opening sequences may put off the uninitiated - I'm 90 minutes in and I haven't been the guy on the box yet...
Definitely planning on buying this game, looks great, I also played it on my friends console and it looks pretty fun. But yeah, I heard that the beginning is pretty slow paced.
They've got a good voice actor for Haytham Kenway (the guy you play as in the beginning). I wonder if he's done other voice work for video games?
I'am at sequence 3 where I kill the wolves. I can seem to be able to use any weapon but the gun. How can I use the hidden blade or sword to kill the wolves?

P.S. Never mind lucked out and killed the wolves! And yes I'm not very good at this game!
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You know, some of us don't have the game yet, so if you all could use spoiler tags that'd be great.

The naval missions are great, I haven't touched the main story the last few days.
Just got this today, As people have said the first 5 Sequences are more linear and setup to show the story wich sets up the rest of the game. Im past it now and controlling a fully grown connor. I miss Ezio, But i have to admit they did a good job with him. Heart of gold, But Fists of steel.:)
I'm just at "The Angry Chef" in Sequence 6. 100% Synch so far, but this mission's going to be a real sod.

It's been slow going to get here - 10 hours sunk into this so far - but they've really gone to town on the origin story. It's like AC2, ACB and ACR stuck together. Terribly pretty and the game world appears to be... well, all of New England. Can't rule out any of the rest of the east coast either.

There's some action for Desmond too - and since Connor's experiences are a precursor to Desmond hopefully saving the world, that's not really a spoiler. All very, very pretty and absorbing.
HORRIBLE GAME , I played the first 6 or seven hours yesterday at my pall's house... Lets just say me and my brother can take down the assassin if we decided to fight him at the same time! WHY UBISOFT WHY DO YOU MAKE THE AI TAKE TURNS FIGHTING ME!! Worst fighting mechanics ever... and I haven't played a game that started so slow before .. and i thought jak 2's first hour was bad * ohh it was bad.. * I'm starting to believe they do it to appease to the brain dead gamer's who can't counter multiple rapid succession attacks. In all reality its hack in slash slowed down to a snails pace , I mean , gameplay wise this games horrible, what I am glad is the parkour is almost as fluid as infamous 2 something I couldn't stand with AC brotherhood and the animations are much better , the story seemed to be going a bit slow, but interesting none the less. But in all honesty, in a game, game play matters the most and the AI is just horrendous. Il give it a 7.5 for effort, if they CHANGED that god awful combat system this game would be EPIC!
*EDIT: the ai will attack two at a time BUT , its a simulated situation since the counter results in the fight always being 1v1 not two vs one since they wont ever attack at the same time and most counters result in an instantaneous kill of the other opponent , plus when there's 3 or 4 .. they take turns..
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^Are we playing the same game? The AI frequently attack me two at the same time. Or as soon as I counter one attack, I immediately have to counter another from behind. The previous AC games had the "take turn" AI, but I feel like this one has fixed it.

Interesting how you start your post of with, "horrible game", but still give it a 7.5.
That's because an "average" game's score has been 73% since the mid 1990s (except in Amiga Power). Shouldn't be that way, but that's games reviews for you.

And yes, I've had the AI attack me two at a time - and Connor makes interesting counters if that happens, using one's weapon against the other - and the firing lines will do you four at a time.

All of the free running intelligence has been upgraded. I haven't leapt in the wrong direction to my death even once so far. Some parts are still a bit wonky - the free-running, ultra-lithe young Assassin able to leap over tall buildings in a single bound, but get confused by a table in his path as an example.
They've got a good voice actor for Haytham Kenway (the guy you play as in the beginning). I wonder if he's done other voice work for video games?

I'm guessing you're being sarcastic and it's Nolan North...
...Oh wait, he already does Desmond's voice, I forgot. That guy gets around.

If I liked Assassin's Creed, got bored of AC2, almost completely bounced off AC:B and haven't played AC:R, is there anything in AC3 to interest me? Ubisoft's digital distro prices tend to be fairly robust though (AC:R still hasn't gone below £10 as far as I know) so its unlikely I'd buy AC3 anyway, but I'm still curious.

And I do want to like AC:B, but I found the opening so dull I didn't really want to carry on. "Run here! Shoot that with this cannon! Run over there! Shoot that with this cannon! Quit the game in a fit of 'I can't believe I bought this instead of a Boots meal deal and a bus journey'-based annoyance!" I will try again, but... Urgh.
I'm guessing you're being sarcastic and it's Nolan North...
...Oh wait, he already does Desmond's voice, I forgot. That guy gets around.

If I liked Assassin's Creed, got bored of AC2, almost completely bounced off AC:B and haven't played AC:R, is there anything in AC3 to interest me? Ubisoft's digital distro prices tend to be fairly robust though (AC:R still hasn't gone below £10 as far as I know) so its unlikely I'd buy AC3 anyway, but I'm still curious.

And I do want to like AC:B, but I found the opening so dull I didn't really want to carry on. "Run here! Shoot that with this cannon! Run over there! Shoot that with this cannon! Quit the game in a fit of 'I can't believe I bought this instead of a Boots meal deal and a bus journey'-based annoyance!" I will try again, but... Urgh.

Well, I haven't seen the credits for the game, but google tells me the voice actor for Haytham is Adrian Hough.

It was quite obvious to me that AC:B and AC:R were expansions to AC2, so I didn't bother with them in spite of missing out on multiplayer. I might pick up AC3 somewhere down the line if I'm inclined enough. Maybe after it drops below $20.