Looking at the video and the twitchy of the car, it looks like someone using a controller ?.If that was all the footage they could manage theuy should not have bothered. That footage alone will have caused a fair few pre-orders to be cancelled.
Looking at the video and the twitchy of the car, it looks like someone using a controller ?.If that was all the footage they could manage theuy should not have bothered. That footage alone will have caused a fair few pre-orders to be cancelled.
Have Thrustmaster wheels been confirmed? Not going to buy day 1 if not, or until I read of people using them.
Another question the devs/pubs have failed to address. Their support/FAQ neglects to mention wheels at all.Have Thrustmaster wheels been confirmed? Not going to buy day 1 if not, or until I read of people using them.
There would be a good chance of upscaling to as high as 8k depending on the game.Question : if you played this on PS5,would it improve the things that the PS4 Pro would?
I listened to it live and it came across to me that they don't really care about it on console.
They will release it maybe fix a few issues and forget about it is my honest thought.
I hope I'm wrong but from what I've seen and listened to that's my judgment for now.
What would of been a day 1 purchase is now a wait for reviews and decide.
In competitive gaming 60 fps is minimum.I'm still in. 30FPS is disappointing, I was hoping for 60 with a PS4 Pro but I'll hopefully be able to deal with it. At the end of the day it's my most anticipated game in a long time so I hope it turns out well.
Yes, how silly of then to develop a game that people have been crying out for on systems that have sold 150 million units. I'm sure their investors will understand that 30fps is unacceptable.In competitive gaming 60 fps is minimum.
Very disappointed.
ACC console edition should've been developed for the next gen consoles.
How does the drivehub work?,would you recommend it?,I'm thinking about getting it..Usually my Drivehub emulates my TS-PC Racer as a T300RS and i will be playing / streaming on day one so we will findout.
How does the drivehub work?,would you recommend it?,I'm thinking about getting it..
Aristotelis Vasilakos
responded to some questions on FB
No, non credo proprio. Almeno io l'ho guidato e onestamente non ho avuto problemi, tutt'altro. Mi è rimasta la stessa voglia di continuare a guidare come sul PC.
Certo 30fps sembrano pochi e di sicuro non è la stessa esperienza come averne 100+ su un PC di fascia medio alta. Su questo non ci piove e non serve nascondersi dietro un dito o raccontare falsità. Tuttavia sono 30 stabili e fluidi.
Un compromesso? Sicuro, tuttavia resta il fatto che abbiamo portato nelle console un simulatore puro, che tanti ritengono il migliore sul mercato, per quel che riguarda la fisica di auto GT3, e non abbiamo cambiato nulla nel motore fisico. Il miglior sonoro in assoluto sul PC e uguale identico nelle console. Auto modellate in ogni minimo particolare e piste laser scan. Un meteo dinamico e illuminazione 24 ore e le tutte le regole del campionato SRO GT3 con tutte le loro particolarità.
IMHO non esiste nulla di paragonabile nelle console come complessità, realismo, attenzione nei dettagli ed immersività.
No, I don't think so. At least I drove it and honestly I had no problems, far from it. I have remained the same desire to continue driving as on the PC.
Sure 30fps seem few and for sure it's not the same experience as having 100+ on a medium-high end PC. There is no rain on this and there is no need to hide behind a finger or tell falsehoods. However, they are 30 stable and fluid.
A compromise? Sure, however the fact remains that we have brought to the consoles a pure simulator, which many consider the best on the market, as far as the physics of GT3 cars are concerned, and we have not changed anything in the physical engine. The best sound ever on the PC is identical in consoles. Cars modeled in every detail and laser scan tracks. Dynamic weather and 24-hour lighting and all the rules of the SRO GT3 championship with all their peculiarities.
IMHO there is nothing comparable in consoles such as complexity, realism, attention to detail and immersiveness.
Aristotelis Vasilakos Marco Maas yes, as far as I know, if your fanatec wheel is compatible with the console, then it is supported
More promising news folks, REAL footage from Kunos is here, and dare I say it looks quite tasty.
Why in god's name they didn't just release this a few weeks ago with complete info is beyond me.... This release would be entirely different, and would have a burgeoning console community at the ready.
To avoid confusion here, the "there is no rain" part is just an unfortunate translation error.Aristotelis Vasilakos
responded to some questions on FB
No, non credo proprio. Almeno io l'ho guidato e onestamente non ho avuto problemi, tutt'altro. Mi è rimasta la stessa voglia di continuare a guidare come sul PC.
Certo 30fps sembrano pochi e di sicuro non è la stessa esperienza come averne 100+ su un PC di fascia medio alta. Su questo non ci piove e non serve nascondersi dietro un dito o raccontare falsità. Tuttavia sono 30 stabili e fluidi.
Un compromesso? Sicuro, tuttavia resta il fatto che abbiamo portato nelle console un simulatore puro, che tanti ritengono il migliore sul mercato, per quel che riguarda la fisica di auto GT3, e non abbiamo cambiato nulla nel motore fisico. Il miglior sonoro in assoluto sul PC e uguale identico nelle console. Auto modellate in ogni minimo particolare e piste laser scan. Un meteo dinamico e illuminazione 24 ore e le tutte le regole del campionato SRO GT3 con tutte le loro particolarità.
IMHO non esiste nulla di paragonabile nelle console come complessità, realismo, attenzione nei dettagli ed immersività.
No, I don't think so. At least I drove it and honestly I had no problems, far from it. I have remained the same desire to continue driving as on the PC.
Sure 30fps seem few and for sure it's not the same experience as having 100+ on a medium-high end PC. There is no rain on this and there is no need to hide behind a finger or tell falsehoods. However, they are 30 stable and fluid.
A compromise? Sure, however the fact remains that we have brought to the consoles a pure simulator, which many consider the best on the market, as far as the physics of GT3 cars are concerned, and we have not changed anything in the physical engine. The best sound ever on the PC is identical in consoles. Cars modeled in every detail and laser scan tracks. Dynamic weather and 24-hour lighting and all the rules of the SRO GT3 championship with all their peculiarities.
IMHO there is nothing comparable in consoles such as complexity, realism, attention to detail and immersiveness.
Aristotelis Vasilakos Marco Maas yes, as far as I know, if your fanatec wheel is compatible with the console, then it is supported