Assetto Corsa EVO Early Access Discussion Thread

  • Thread starter Famine
Personally I don't understand why they're not using more stuff from the previous games to offer more content on launch and to focus on completely new stuff like the open world map. The first AC game starting with almost zero content was understandable. But a third game in the series?
I assume the new physics model and graphics model means they need to revise all their existing models. They plan to do this over the course of Early Access.

If they could just shunt all old content into the game straight away, they wouldn't need Early Access would they?
Played through all courses and tried some cars. I chose RWD Camaro which felt the best (to me).

I think the FFB and physics feel very nice. There's some extra feeling of car "floating" nicely around the curves which was kinda missing from AC1 and ACC. I mean that you can actually feel the car "tilting" towards the other side when you're turning.

Very positive feeling about this.

Of course I don't know this.... but I have a feeling that it can't be as moddable as AC1 and I don't see it replacing my AC1 F1 mods... ever.

Overall I wasn't excepting a "revolution". I mean similar like jump from Geoff Crammond sims to rF1 and then rf2/AC1. Let's be honest there can't be any "quantum leaps" anymore as AC1, ACC, iRacing and rf2 (and its incarnations) are so good. But I'm sure this will be a great game in the future. Well worth purchasing and supporting the company.

AI is garbage though... but that you already knew.
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Just bought it, unfortunately in work until 7pm so it’s gonna be a long ol’ afternoon, I’m not expecting to be blown away as it’s early access but still excited to play it ☺️
I was scared to say goodbye to AC1 because of AC Evo but now i feel better.

AC Evo actually has an horrible optimisation, blurry graphics, horrible interface to finally do what ?
Hotlap and racing bad AI on non week end gp, things i can already do on AC1 in far better conditions with unlimited content and mostly the same.

Yes AC Evo has good physics and good FFB (more or less the same thing than AC1, a little bit better i would say) but playing in these conditions has absolutely no interest.
LMU is trully amazing, but i don't have enough time to play it and i feel a little sorry for him, because it deserves it but this alpha of AC EVO is a mess (i was on the first day of AC1 beta, it was perfectly playable).

The only absolutely not essential thing i would like to see in AC1 i saw on EVO but maybe it's impossible (?), the 3D steward that walk around the pitlane and in general 3D animations for the crowd.
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I was scared to say goodbye to AC1 because of AC Evo but now i feel better.

AC Evo actually has an horrible optimisation, blurry graphics, horrible interface to finally do what ?
Hotlap and racing bad AI on non week end gp, things i can already do on AC1 in far better conditions with unlimited content and mostly the same.

Yes AC Evo has good physics and good FFB (more or less the same thing than AC1, a little bit better i would say) but playing in these conditions has absolutely no interest.
LMU is trully amazing, but i don't have enough time to play it and i feel a little sorry for him, because it deserves it but this alpha of AC EVO is a mess (i was on the first day of AC1 beta, it was perfectly playable).

The only absolutely not essential thing i would like to see in AC1 i saw on EVO but maybe it's impossible (?), the 3D steward that walk around the pitlane and in general 3D animations for the crowd.
Yeh it sucks badly. my AC1 Setup looks better than the max i can run AC EVO smoothly at, but most importantly AC1 drives better. hardly any feedback to the driver in AC EVO, it feels like AC1 with driving aids completely turned on, even when they are off. far too easy with no feeling, worse than ACC also. runs appaulingly bad too, so unoptimised is the new graphics engine, they would have been better to use unreal 5 engine.. can they optimize it? It will take another 10 years of AC Evo to catchup to what we now have in AC1. cant believe how bad they got the physics.
I was scared to say goodbye to AC1 because of AC Evo but now i feel better.

AC Evo actually has an horrible optimisation, blurry graphics, horrible interface to finally do what ?
Hotlap and racing bad AI on non week end gp, things i can already do on AC1 in far better conditions with unlimited content and mostly the same.

Yes AC Evo has good physics and good FFB (more or less the same thing than AC1, a little bit better i would say) but playing in these conditions has absolutely no interest.
LMU is trully amazing, but i don't have enough time to play it and i feel a little sorry for him, because it deserves it but this alpha of AC EVO is a mess (i was on the first day of AC1 beta, it was perfectly playable).

The only absolutely not essential thing i would like to see in AC1 i saw on EVO but maybe it's impossible (?), the 3D steward that walk around the pitlane and in general 3D animations for the crowd.
You can never go for sure with early access. Even AC1 wasn't that great when it came out.
I only had time for a quick try i managed to see a quick loading screen and some music before it crashed the pc 3 times after that it failed to even start ..........
huh as a vintage enthusiast there wasn't much for me at start, but at least i fixed the epileptic textures (for AMD users, ingame, anti-aliasing, filmic anti-aliasing, set to "balanced".

I agree that it should have been released a little later. I had a very good time with the Ford Escort that behave like a actual road sport car. I'm sure once i get access to the ffb and head motion advanced menu it 'll be much more immersive.

The graphic menu is tricky, as some options really **** up the overall look of the game, i suggest you guys go for youtube and watch the already numerous settings tutorial available, i managed to get mine to a very decent level. It's vanilla alpha, so it can only go up from now, especially since they didn't implement all the shaders.

I'm not too worried about its future as a driving experience simulator. Right now i'm very concerned about the AI being atrocious, the Online mode and how they'll implement a driver's rating, the track selection (cause c'mon, we already have numerous versions of the brands, Imola and Bathurst), and the overall immersivity options.
Anybody expecting EVO to be a replacement for anything from the start was not around when these legendary sims got released in the past, or maybe forgot how it was. EVO is at least 1, if not 2 years away from being a real threat to whatever is your go to sim at the moment. And we don't know how evolution of EVO will go, but 1 thing is certain, in 1 year the Sim will look and feel completely different to what it is today. So drawing conclusions on version 0.1 is kind of silly realy. I bought EVO instantly, not because I want it to replace anything from the start, but as a thank you to Kunos and all the fun times they brought over the last 10 years. But I don't expect to be putting hours into it any time soon. And even if I never do, I won't be sore about it. As said Kunos got my money as a thank you for everything they did in the past.
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I think the ai was the point that instantly kill all my beliefs in AC EVO in 2 secs. (more than optimisation, horrible UI etc...).

I started a race and 2 sec after the start ALL THE AI completely turn their wheel to the max to find the "ai racing line". I was like, damn 10 years after AC1 nothing has changed.

Anybody expecting EVO to be a replacement for anything from the start was not around when these legendary sims got released in the past, or maybe forgot how it was. EVO is at least 1, if not 2 years away from being a real threat to whatever is your go to sim at the moment. And we don't know how evolution of EVO will go, but 1 thing is certain, in 1 year the Sim will look and feel completely different to what it is today. So drawing conclusions on version 0.1 is kind of silly realy. I bought EVO instantly, not because I want it to replace anything from the start, but as a thank you to Kunos and all the fun times they brought over the last 10 years. But I don't expect to be putting hours into it any time soon. And even if I never do, I won't be sore about it. As said Kunos got my money as a thank you for everything they did in the past.
We are not doing conclusions, we are describing what we see on a 32€ product.
Thinking that thing will be completely rebalanced in 6 months or 1 year is also tricky for something in developpement for years.

I think nobody is happy to see what we have actually.
We love kunos and actually, the result is not good.
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I'll probably make this into a separate thread, but for now here's what I've worked out as "optimized" settings.

MSAA - 4x
Filmic AA - Cinematic
FXAA - Enabled

AF - Ultra
Texture Pool Size - Ultra (I can't test this as well as I'd like because the game appears to use (or at least reserve) a lot of video memory regardless, however, if you have an 8GB card I'd recommend going no higher than "Medium" here at the moment.

Level of Detail - Ultra
Experimental Static Level of Detail - Off (I can't discern what it changes yet so I'll leave it off until I can pinpoint it)
Static Level of Detail - Greyed out for reasons above
Vehicle Level of Detail - Ultra

Global Illumination Update Frequency - Ultra
Ambient Occlusion - Medium (No discernable/obvious changes on any setting higher)
Volumetrics - High (Placeholder setting, can't seem to find a reliable way to test)
Environment Reflection - Ultra
Car Reflection - High (There's a perceptible difference in reflection clarity and resolution when going up to "Ultra", however, there's also a perceptible performance drop

Shadows - Ultra
Experimental Sim Shadows - Off (For similar reasons to Exp. SLOD)
Sim Shadows - Greyed out because disabled
Screen Space Shadows - Full Resolution

Grass Density - Low (There's absolutely no difference in anything higher than this, I reckon this isn't working as it should)
Clouds Quality - Low (There is an ever-so-slightly apparent difference in the higher settings but you'd have to zoom in to see them, so leave this on low and you'll never notice anything. Alternatively, leave it on "Ultra" for the very same reason as it doesn't incur a performance cost)

Post Processing Presets - Personal Preference

Motion Blur - Personal Preference

Mirrors Mode - Multi (This is another personal preference setting, if I'm being honest)
Mirrors Resolution - Medium (As the game is right now, there's no need for anything higher outside of eye candy; once MP rolls around you can safely max this out)
Mirrors View Distance - (Haven't tested this with a full grid but it's literally just Render Distance through the sideview mirrors)
Optimized Rendering - On (You like performance, right? Of course you do, that's why you're reading this)
Mirrors Capture Mode - Dynamic (Another personal preference setting)

I'll come back to this again once I've finalized everything but this is what I have at the moment. For reference, I'm running with a 5800X with PBO enabled, 16GB DDR4 and a 6900XT
I copied your settings and went to do practice laps at Mount Panorama with capped and uncapped framerates. Capped at 90 fps my GPU usage is just 66% so it's actually a power-save mode, but uncapped I got 120 to 165 fps (the maximum of my monitor), now at 98-99% GPU usage, and the CPU usage doesn't go over 20%. My combo is an Intel i5 12600KF (not overclocked) and RTX 4070 Super, 32 GB of DDR4 RAM.
Anybody expecting EVO to be a replacement for anything from the start was not around when these legendary sims got released in the past, or maybe forgot how it was. EVO is at least 1, if not 2 years away from being a real threat to whatever is your go to sim at the moment. And we don't know how evolution of EVO will go, but 1 thing is certain, in 1 year the Sim will look and feel completely different to what it is today. So drawing conclusions on version 0.1 is kind of silly realy. I bought EVO instantly, not because I want it to replace anything from the start, but as a thank you to Kunos and all the fun times they brought over the last 10 years. But I don't expect to be putting hours into it any time soon. And even if I never do, I won't be sore about it. As said Kunos got my money as a thank you for everything they did in the past.
GTR2 and GTL were masterpieces already with V1.0
I like the driving and physics but I'll have to wait till they optimize triples better. Only getting 47-55 fps with just me on the track and down to 10-15 fps with a full grid. Running a 4090/i9 1300k. Looks like most people with triples are having the same issue.
At least on my setup with 7900 xtx ryzen 9 7900x ac evo does look better than ac1 with both pure and csp, specially when it comes to the car models them self, a lot better Lightning and reflections.

I am just pleased that i dont have to deal with things like pure or csp to make things looks good.

Had a go with Hyundai i30, Honda s2000 yesterday and never once was i bothered with the graphics.

But i think i am going to hold off playing until the game economy and driving academy is back running.

I was playing through resident evil 4 remake beserker mod before this got released and have some left of it to keep me busy.

I dont blame any issues on kunos for this, its early access at version 0.01 i belive most games starts at 1.0 and even then its not always without problems
They might have put the current ai there as an afterthought so that you can at least try racing against other cars. It's so bad. I mean they drive like grandmas even at 100. I wouldn't worry too much about it. It sure will improve.

People often complain about AC1 AI but If you have well done circuit and well done cars (and well set up aggression driver settings), AC1 AI is actually quite good. Very underrated. I'm sure they can at least duplicate that. The only huge issue about AC1 AI is the outlap / blue flagged cars which will race you normally and won't give space... that is an unforgivable issue on AC1. If they can fix that and duplicate even AC1 ai, I'm happy.
I purchased EVO yesterday. Looks good but is totally unplayable on my system. It is older but I can play AC with everything on full with fifty five cars at LeMans and the game runs great. Just one car with minimum everything and the game runs so chunky I can't even finish a lap.

System: I7 - 9700 @ 3 GHZ
16 GB mem
NVidia GF GTX 1650 w/1 GB
They might have put the current ai there as an afterthought so that you can at least try racing against other cars. It's so bad. I mean they drive like grandmas even at 100. I wouldn't worry too much about it. It sure will improve.

People often complain about AC1 AI but If you have well done circuit and well done cars (and well set up aggression driver settings), AC1 AI is actually quite good. Very underrated. I'm sure they can at least duplicate that. The only huge issue about AC1 AI is the outlap / blue flagged cars which will race you normally and won't give space... that is an unforgivable issue on AC1. If they can fix that and duplicate even AC1 ai, I'm happy.
The first corners in AC1 are always tricky, by trying to avoid contact, AI is ridiculously slow. But after that they find their pace.

The major issue happen in race. An AI can't overtake an other AI because they use the same racing line, same breaking point etc.. this is how ai line work in AC1.

For me it's not an issue but it could be great if a mod could add some randomness in breaking point in the ai line.
I purchased EVO yesterday. Looks good but is totally unplayable on my system. It is older but I can play AC with everything on full with fifty five cars at LeMans and the game runs great. Just one car with minimum everything and the game runs so chunky I can't even finish a lap.

System: I7 - 9700 @ 3 GHZ
16 GB mem
NVidia GF GTX 1650 w/1 GB
It is definitely a GPU intensive game at the moment.
I'm running an i7 8700 CPU and RTX 3060. My screen is 4K so currently I'm forced into running the game in 4K as well (would prefer 1080p for performance) but am running with 60 fps alone or with some AI cars. The GPU usage is pretty high though, and I'm running on low.

The 1650 should have 4GB Vram, right? Not 1GB. Still that might be the source of your issues
It is definitely a GPU intensive game at the moment.
I'm running an i7 8700 CPU and RTX 3060. My screen is 4K so currently I'm forced into running the game in 4K as well (would prefer 1080p for performance) but am running with 60 fps alone or with some AI cars. The GPU usage is pretty high though, and I'm running on low.

The 1650 should have 4GB Vram, right? Not 1GB. Still that might be the source of your issues
You don't have to run it at 4k, you just need to reset the resolution when you are in the pit lane via settings and it will run for that session at the selected resolution. It just resets to Native each time you change track.
You don't have to run it at 4k, you just need to reset the resolution when you are in the pit lane via settings and it will run for that session at the selected resolution. It just resets to Native each time you change track.
Hmm, I tried that yesterday but it didn't seem to have any effect there either. Will try again later. Thanks!
Does anybody know how to hide the UI or at least some parts of it? I watched Emmie´s stream yesterday and she had no UI visible ingame. Wonder how she did that.
You can move them with the mouse, maybe that streamer moved them out and cropped the stream window to hide the corner of the app
Assetto Corsa EVO update for 17 January 2025
Version 0.1.2 is now live
Share · View all patches · Build 17041232 · Last edited 9 minutes ago by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community
Version 0.1.2 of Assetto Corsa EVO is now live. This includes two key fixes:

fixed black screen issue showing only minimal UI on some systems

fixed potentially becoming stuck on the UI in locations such as the car setup menu

other minor fixes

Resolving server issues to enable full online mode for all is currently in active development as a priority. This current version is set to remain in offline mode for all players, with all cars and tracks available.

Thank you for your patience.
You can move them with the mouse, maybe that streamer moved them out and cropped the stream window to hide the corner of the app
It's quite hit and miss at working, I had no problem with getting it to disappear last night, today I couldn't do it.
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Anybody expecting EVO to be a replacement for anything from the start was not around when these legendary sims got released in the past, or maybe forgot how it was. EVO is at least 1, if not 2 years away from being a real threat to whatever is your go to sim at the moment. And we don't know how evolution of EVO will go, but 1 thing is certain, in 1 year the Sim will look and feel completely different to what it is today. So drawing conclusions on version 0.1 is kind of silly realy. I bought EVO instantly, not because I want it to replace anything from the start, but as a thank you to Kunos and all the fun times they brought over the last 10 years. But I don't expect to be putting hours into it any time soon. And even if I never do, I won't be sore about it. As said Kunos got my money as a thank you for everything they did in the past.
We are not doing conclusions, we are describing what we see on a 32€ product.
Thinking that thing will be completely rebalanced in 6 months or 1 year is also tricky for something in developpement for years.

I think nobody is happy to see what we have actually.
We love kunos and actually, the result is not good.
If anyone has faith in Kunos, then think of the Early Access purchase as a pre-order. :D As ales100i said, don't expect it to be an immediate replacement for your go-to racer.

I think it is completely fair to review Early Access product. But the reason for bugs will always be "it's early access." :indiff:
I tried it out for just under an hour, here are my complaints:
  • I can't assign Pause to either my wheel or keyboard.
  • The "Look Left/Right" buttons only work for a single frame, even if you're holding the button down.
  • Even when they've got twice as much power as you, the AI will just keep pushing you if you're on the racing line.
  • I had a massive freeze at the start of a race which lasted a couple of seconds, just as I was about to enter Suzuka's Esses.
  • Customisation is disabled when you're offline or the servers are down.
The FFB on my Fanatec GT DD wheel felt OK 95% of the time with default settings, but there were moments when it didn't give me enough warning that I was about to slide out. Besides the massive freeze I mentioned, the game ran at a stable 60fps for the whole time I played it. The way I see it, I've made stupider bets with €32.
The "Look Left/Right" buttons only work for a single frame, even if you're holding the button
"Look back" works the exact same way, you have to go into the settings for the specific mapping and set the control type (I believe that's what it is, forgive me for I'm not in front of the game at the moment) to "Constant"
  • I can't assign Pause to either my wheel or keyboard.
  • The "Look Left/Right" buttons only work for a single frame, even if you're holding the button down.
This binding is called menu in the setup, not pause.
The look buttons work but you have to set them to "hold" in the properties of that button. Ridiculous but I now have a look back button that works.
Try turning down all damping in FFB. That was was better for me on a DD2.
This binding is called menu in the setup, not pause.
The look buttons work but you have to set them to "hold" in the properties of that button. Ridiculous but I now have a look back button that works.
Try turning down all damping in FFB. That was was better for me on a DD2.
On my R9 I've turned everything apart from rotation and FFB gain down to zero, including vibration. Works much better for me.