Assetto Corsa EVO Early Access Discussion Thread

  • Thread starter Famine
Cheap enough, but i was all for insta purchase but watching YT some awful object pop in, UI is terrible graphically its not great. I'll keep my eye on it over the next few days and weeks see how it progresses. Right now can't see it taking over from what i already have.
Cheap enough, but i was all for insta purchase but watching YT some awful object pop in, UI is terrible graphically its not great. I'll keep my eye on it over the next few days and weeks see how it progresses. Right now can't see it taking over from what i already have.
After playing it for an hour or so, the game isn’t worth the purchase right now. Everything you mentioned is quite right.
First impressions from an avid FM/FH driver:
  • For PC performance it does take it cautiously with the default settings, so I bumped them, and I can report a steady performance at 120 fps at 1440p with most visual sliders set to high (including the experimental ones) with an RTX 4070 Super and Intel i5 12600KF CPU. I set DLSS on quality and the visuals are quite clean, and there were no stutters.
  • The lighting preset is set at natural, I believe, and since there is no apparent HDR support I used an Nvidia filter. The game would pop more visually with proper HDR support, I believe.

- I started with the rookie controller setting and it feels good right from the start: the steering response is not twitchy, there is a realistic input delay (as in any real car), and the force feedback enables me to feel the grip limits, the weight shift, the braking response and the curbs.

- I did my practice section at Brands Hatch Indy with the Honda S2000. The car model looks good inside and out, and the sound is good too.
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First impressions from an avid FM/FH driver:
  • For PC performance it does take it cautiously with the default settings, so I bumped them, and I can report a steady performance at 120 fps at 1440p with most visual sliders set to high (including the experimental ones) with an RTX 4070 Super and Intel i5 12600KF CPU. I set DLSS on quality and the visuals are quite clean, and there were no stutters.
  • The lighting preset is set at natural, I believe, and since there is no apparent HDR support I used an Nvidia filter. The game would pop more visually with proper HDR support, I believe.

- I started with the rookie controller setting and it feels good right from the start: the steering response is not twitchy, there is a realistic input delay (as in any real car), and the force feedback enables me to feel the grip limits, the weight shift, the braking response and the curbs.

- I did my practice section at Brands Hatch Indy with the Honda S2000. The car model looks good inside and out, and the sound is good too.
I agree with all of this. I maxed out all the graphics settings, but have DLSS enabled, set to Ultra Quality. At 1440p I'm getting around 140fps (4080) and the game is running nice and smooth, no obvious stutters. I'm not seeing any graphical problems, the game looks really good.

I also picked Brands to try some laps, and used the Golf and Escort Cosworth. They drive genuinely differently to each other, and there's lots of nuance in the physics, it feels more realistic to me than any driving game I've played before.

There's some oddness with PS controller support. Steam seems to think it natively supports it, but I couldn't get the game to respond until I turned the Steam translation on. Having done that, it warns me I'd be better off using the game's native support, but it does seem to work fine with Steam translation.

It feels good to me with a controller, though I wasn't looking to set world records, just enjoying the feel of the cars around the track.

The sound also seems very good to me.

I'm looking forward to being able to try a greater variety of cars when they fix the network bug.
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After playing it for an hour or so, the game isn’t worth the purchase right now. Everything you mentioned is quite right.
Me personally, I'd buy the early access but I wouldn't touch it untill version 1.0 official launch. I don't want to be drip fed a game. GT7 was like that and got bored of it, I'd probably enjoy it a lot more if I bought GT7 today instead.

Watching streams my opinion of the sounds are that it sounds just like AC, a major step backwards from ACC which sounded raw and natural.
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My 2 cents:
A bit sad that all cars available now are front-drive only. They feel a bit boring to drive.
Not sure about the sound. I went in the Golf around Laguna Seca and it seemed a bit buggy. The sound bouncing off the walls on the main straight is much louder than the car sound received elsewhere. I guess it's supposed to emulate being in the car but it just feels off.

Force Feedback is quite lackluster on my DD+. Apart from some vibration over kerbs, not much else going on...

Graphics settings can be buggy. I'm unable to set it below the native resolution of my screen (4K monitor, but want to run in 1080p. Game says it's saved but it's not), which of course isn't great for performance.
That said, with my 3060 I can hit 60FPS consistenly as long as there are not too many AI cars around at the same time.

It definitely has a long way to go for the full launch.
So i went back to Forza to compare..... and Forza is not perfect but graphics whise its miles ahead of ACE. Sound wise i would say both are okay/good on there own ways. Forza a bid more alive i think.

Controls with a controller, Forza is still king BUT i am surprissed how good it feels in ACE , but thats with the exprience from the cars that are there now to play.

Tracks how they look and feel.... FORZA is more alive feels more real for me.

About performance, its bad if you see what you get on screen and i am talking about real frames not the frame gen crap. BUT Forza was hell to on release so this can be fixed down the line. Froza does better now dan ACE with ray tracing better graphics hdr etc

The car models in detail and the paint does look nice in ACE also the physics felt and looked nice and a bid more real then Forza i think. Bud like them both but again that based on the playeble cars that are now there and on controller of course.

Menus etc i hate in ACE to old feeling just not nice and smooth.

For now it feels leek a alpha to me but since its official release is for away it can be fixed before that so we will see but it think now Forza is pretty darn good since the update this month i dont see myself switch soon to ACE.
First thoughts.

More stable than I expected for early access, no crashes yet.

Graphics need optimization as expected, running a 4070 with DLSS at quality I can get mid 70 to 90 with high settings at 4k, staying around 60 with a grid of cars and rain. I expect plenty of optimization on this.

Sounds are a mixed bag, with the i30 N they have the overrun pops and bangs as they should be, but down the start/finish straight at Brands Hatch the sound is just oddly messed up.

Physics seem solid and as a basic check pulling the i30 out of a slide using a pinned throttle works as it should. Ditto the modelling of the diff, how've I need more time to look for oddities.

FFB is better than expected with my Moza R9, even with zero tweaking and just using the settings from the wheel setup guide Kunos produced.

AI is currently utterly terrible.

Based on afterburner stats it's currently very GPU heavy and CPU light.

The Alfa Junior is also rather fun to drive.
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I'll have to lean on you experience PC racers for a little help, please

I've only ever played console racing games.

I managed to get the game running and map a few basic controls from my GTD Pro wheel but the HDMI cable from the laptop to the television only shows the game, it doesn't give me sound.

The sound is still coming from the laptop. Does anybody know why?

I have 0 force feedback Even though I am able to use my wheel. Does anybody know how that can be fixed?

Lastly, the only way to pause the game is through the escape key on the laptop. Is there a way I can pause the game from my wheel?
I'll have to lean on you experience PC racers for a little help, please

I've only ever played console racing games.

I managed to get the game running and map a few basic controls from my GTD Pro wheel but the HDMI cable from the laptop to the television only shows the game, it doesn't give me sound.

The sound is still coming from the laptop. Does anybody know why?

I have 0 force feedback Even though I am able to use my wheel. Does anybody know how that can be fixed?

Lastly, the only way to pause the game is through the escape key on the laptop. Is there a way I can pause the game from my wheel?
You can map the audio output device in settings
Graphics need optimization as expected, running a 4070 with DLSS at quality I can get mid 70 to 90 with high settings at 4k, staying around 60 with a grid of cars and rain. I expect plenty of optimization on this.

Based on afterburner stats it's currently very GPU heavy and CPU light.
It's good for it to be GPU limited, as we should be able to lower the DLSS quality when the new transformer model becomes available (which I believe will come with the Nvidia driver update on 30th Jan), and still get great image quality, but with higher frame rates. However, I just tried DLSS performance, and it didn't increase my frame rate all that much, and it was only showing around 95% GPU usage, so it might well be CPU limited for me with a 7800X 3D (at 1440p). I'll get a 9800X 3D when they're widely in stock at a sensible price. At 4k, you'll be more GPU limited, so you might get a much bigger frame rate increase with a lower DLSS quality.

So i went back to Forza to compare..... and Forza is not perfect but graphics whise its miles ahead of ACE.
Have you maxed out all the settings in ACE? I feel it's slightly better looking than FM when both have maxed out settings. There are differences in individual elements, some specific elements might be better in FM, others better in ACE, so the overall impression will depend on how much weight each person attaches to each element.

There's an update that enables online mode so we can now use all the cars.

I want to also say that I LOVE that we have true understeer with a controller, i.e. you can turn the front wheels beyond their grip limit, so the car just ploughs straight on.
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I will have to wait a few days to play it, but I bought it at Early Access launch just like I did with AC v1, because I support and believe in Kunos.

The comments about controller support are very promising. For me ACC was one of the very few PC sims which I could actually control reasonably with the Xbox controller, so I was assuming AC Evo would keep up that capability. I'll feedback when I eventually have time to try it.
I will have to wait a few days to play it, but I bought it at Early Access launch just like I did with AC v1, because I support and believe in Kunos.

The comments about controller support are very promising. For me ACC was one of the very few PC sims which I could actually control reasonably with the Xbox controller, so I was assuming AC Evo would keep up that capability. I'll feedback when I eventually have time to try it.
The game is optimized for controller support. It said so in a popup window.
You can map the audio output device in settings
Thank you and I'm embarrassed I didn't find this🤦‍♂️
I will have to wait a few days to play it, but I bought it at Early Access launch just like I did with AC v1, because I support and believe in Kunos.
I love and share this sentiment. Exact reason I purchased.
The comments about controller support are very promising. For me ACC was one of the very few PC sims which I could actually control reasonably with the Xbox controller, so I was assuming AC Evo would keep up that capability. I'll feedback when I eventually have time to try it.
It feels better than ACC to me - more nuanced and progressive. ACC felt to me like you could make it "hard" by having things like TC off, but it felt a bit binary. If you gave it enough TC to not have such fake difficulty, it became a bit sterile feeling. ACE is giving me more of a feel of balancing the vehicle around its limits. Having said that, I haven't done any experimenting with things like TC level in ACE, just driven the cars in default setup.
It feels better than ACC to me - more nuanced and progressive. ACC felt to me like you could make it "hard" by having things like TC off, but it felt a bit binary. If you gave it enough TC to not have such fake difficulty, it became a bit sterile feeling. ACE is giving me more of a feel of balancing the vehicle around its limits. Having said that, I haven't done any experimenting with things like TC level in ACE, just driven the cars in default setup.
I agree with the ACC sentiments, but the ACE difference could definitely be due to different types of cars. I have a feeling that GT3 machines will still feel somewhat sterile and on-rails in ACE...
I did a quick race with the Alpine A110 at Brands Hatch under drizzle conditions. The frame rate does dip at the start of the race, which is not surprising and also happens with FM, but as the field stretches the framerate does go up again. But I did detect some hiccups here and there, I wouldn't call them stutters, and FM does that too on occasion. The rain looked and sounded nice.

As for the AI, they were no more offensive than FM, if anything I didn't felt rubber banding from them, or unnecessary brake checking, or diving into you (tsk, tsk, FM), but it's just a small sample for now.
I agree with the ACC sentiments, but the ACE difference could definitely be due to different types of cars. I have a feeling that GT3 machines will still feel somewhat sterile and on-rails in ACE...
I did have a quick go with the Ferrari race car and it still felt more nuanced than ACC to me. Super GT also described it as feeling more refined than ACC in his live stream, and he's playing with a wheel where I'd expect it to feel less nuanced as you're not as likely to be constantly unsettling the car a bit like I'm tending to do on controller due to less ability to provide smooth steering input.

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