Assetto Corsa in VRPC 

  • Thread starter r3b3ld3
Been fiddling with my new (to me) G2. Very impressive!
With OpenXR tool and Open Composite, the performance and the clarity is more than I thought would be possible in VR.
Quite the experience.
AC looks marvelous, even ACC is better than ever, really playable in VR at last!
One question about AC, I cannot reach the outside right, to get the pop up menu, I had no issue with the Rift, what am I doing wrong?
Been a while but theres an option in CSP. I also found setting the resolution in video settings for your pancake screen seems to change the menu resolutions in vr. 1080p seems about right for me.
Been fiddling with my new (to me) G2. Very impressive!
With OpenXR tool and Open Composite, the performance and the clarity is more than I thought would be possible in VR.
Quite the experience.
AC looks marvelous, even ACC is better than ever, really playable in VR at last!
Excellent news, glad you got it sorted for use with AC.
I assume CM doesn't close when you exit the track like it does for me?
That particular issue is ruining the experience for me.
Seems to be when CM tries to appear back on my monitor after displaying the VR mirror... which has just given me an idea about changing the VR mirror settings to see if that is the cause...

Edit: nope. Bah.
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I assume CM doesn't close when you exit the track like it does for me?
No, it does not. actually, now, everything runs better than with the CV1.
When exiting the track, it goes back to the cliff house, and CM is available on the desk top there.
Using Steam VR, nothing was working, as soon as I switched to Open Composite, magic, all worked as intended.
I have no doubt, there is something interfering in your config and you will figure it out. By the way, my G2 is the V1.
Thank you again for the recommendation.
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No, it does not. actually, now, everything runs better than with the CV1.
When exiting the track, it goes back to the cliff house, and CM is available on the desk top there.
Using Steam VR, nothing was working, as soon as I switched to Open Composite, magic, all worked as intended.
I have no doubt, there is something interfering in your config and you will figure it out. By the way, my G2 is the V1.
Thank you again for the recommendation.
What exactly do you mean when you say "When exiting the track, it goes back to the cliff house, and CM is available on the desk top there"?
When I exit the track (all in VR), the cliff house appears, then the screen goes blank and the WMR music plays, then the cliff house loads again. In the meantime, CM has closed down.
Do you get this 'double loading' of the cliff house? I have a feeling that this might be related to my issue.

BTW, if you haven't done so already, use the OpenXR Toolkit Companion App as recommended by @Pekkahe and change the OpenXR Toolkit menu navigation buttons to something that's actually sensible. I can now access the menu in-game simply by pressing down on the arrow key, then navigate the menus with the rest of the arrow keys with Shift as the acceleration modifier. It can all be done by feel with one hand in VR. No idea why the default menu navigation is so obtuse.

spoke to him and he will look into it when he has a moment. sounds like hes busy atm so might be a little while


so I spent a few hours and tested all the options in VR.

FSR vs Singlepass etc etc

For us on Reverb G2 with a 3080 or more you can have insane clear visuals. Like monitor levels with amazing fps. Its so clear now. @Ken134 your 4090 will allow for you to go even higher.

everything still applies to other users. if your VR HMD has a lower resolution than the G2 or your card is lower than a 3080 simply change the forced resolution setting under step 5.

Step 1

So first you will need OpenComposite to replace SteamVR which is a resource hog and pants.

Download here:

Unzip it to a folder of your choosing, and run OpenComposite.exe. Click 'Switch to OpenComposite', and wait while the DLLs are downloaded. Games will now run via OpenComposite rather than SteamVR.


Step 2

You will now need OpenXR toolkit which will allow you force increased resolution, change post processing and do CAS sharpening directly.

Download it here:

Once installed start Content Manager

Step 3

In content manager go to Settings --> Assetto Corsa ----> Video

Copy these settings: (ignore fps counter i was testing big grid of million poly cars for a prject, these settings are 90 locked for me)

Yes, as well documented, turning off post processing doubles your frames and makes everything look better and cleaner. You still have rain, all the CSP benefits, weather control etc etc.

The only downside was tail lights wouldnt show but this seems to be fixed within the latest CSP (at least for me)

Step 4

Use this custom shaders preset Ive made and attached at the bottom of this post (remove .txt so the file is vr.ini)

Place this file within here:

xxxxx:\Users\xxxxx\AppData\Local\AcTools Content Manager\Presets\Custom Shaders Patch Presets

Its setup for the latest CSP and I have no loading errors or any issues.

Make sure its loaded up.

Step 5

Now start a session in VR and once on track press ctrl+F2

This will bring up the openxr toolkit. The buttons to navigate should be shown. Its a combination of ctrl + f1, f2 or f3

First go the menu tab and make sure show expret settings is set to yes.

Now the settings for each tab are:


Overlay : FPS (for testing, you can turn it off once happy)
Upscaling/Sharpening: OFF or CAS @ 70% sharpness (your choice)
Fixed Foveated Rendering: Custom
Inner resolution: 1x
Inner ring size: 55%
Middle resolution: 1/4
Outer ring size: 80%
Outer resolution: 1/16
Prefer Reolution: Horizontal
Horizontal Scale: 150%
Vertical Offset: 15%
Turbo Mode (experimental): On
Frame rate throttling: Off
Record Statistics: No
High rate statistics: No


Post processing: On ( now turn the saturation down to around 40% for personal preferance for more realism)
World scale: 110% seems to be the sweet spot. (personal choice again but the default 100% world scale is too small. Ive checked a 330mm steering wheel in game and real life and 110% seems about bang on)


Nothing to change here


Overide Resolution: Yes
Display resolution Per eye: 4200 x ????? (whatever number it gives I cant recall just make sure first number is 4200. @Ken134 your 4090 will allow you to go much higher than my 3080. Im getting 90 locked with large grids in rain etc. theoretically you should be able to go 6k per eye +. Youll have to test the benefit or leave at 4200 and enjoy the performance buffer)
Motion Reperojection: Default
Colour Gains: Peronal preferance. I go red 50, green 50, blue 52
Field of view: Simple 100x
Zoom 1.0x

Now enjoy!
@lorelord thanks very much for this guide, it's been extremely useful.
It might be worth adding the OpenXR Toolkit Companion App as a recommendation, not only to make menu navigation a LOT easier but also for the other options it adds.

Regarding your settings above, you say to leave Field Of View at 100%, but I have found that with my IPD (maxed on the headset slider) and standard face gasket I can reduce this to ~80% - 85% before noticing any reduction or 'squaring off' of the scuba mask view in the headset. If this works like the similar option in the Oculus VR Performance Kit (and I strongly suspect it does) then it'll mean you are no longer rendering a LOT of perimeter pixels that can't be seen anyway, giving another sizeable performance boost. Definitely worth experimenting with.
Do you get this 'double loading' of the cliff house?
No double loading, when it comes back, the cliff house desktop is where I left it when entering the game in VR, it is asleep and wakes up when I click the mouse on it, then my desktop, with CM right there on it, is available.
No idea why the default menu navigation is so obtuse
Yes, thank you, I changed the F keys for the arrow keys, all good.
@lorelord thanks very much for this guide, it's been extremely useful.
It might be worth adding the OpenXR Toolkit Companion App as a recommendation, not only to make menu navigation a LOT easier but also for the other options it adds.

Regarding your settings above, you say to leave Field Of View at 100%, but I have found that with my IPD (maxed on the headset slider) and standard face gasket I can reduce this to ~80% - 85% before noticing any reduction or 'squaring off' of the scuba mask view in the headset. If this works like the similar option in the Oculus VR Performance Kit (and I strongly suspect it does) then it'll mean you are no longer rendering a LOT of perimeter pixels that can't be seen anyway, giving another sizeable performance boost. Definitely worth experimenting with.
yes depending on your IPD, shape of face etc. the Field of View may not be effected by any reduction. I was running 90% horizontal by 90% vertical but after switching back to 100% I could notice the increased FOV quite a bit. Weirdly reducing the FOV does add a greater sense of realism as its almost like wearing a helmet albeit one from the 70's/80's.
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After a few days with the G2, very happy with the head set, very happy with Open Composite and Open XR tool, even if I do not have access to foveated settings with my GTX 1080ti, very happy with the WMR cliff house and all, except for one thing.
Please, tell me there is a way to stop the virtual keyboard to pop up when navigating CM menu. Please!!!! :cheers:

Edit what do you guys think of this video.

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