Heck, I'm guilty of posting all the glorious PC goodness in all the Console forums too.

God I hope that console update is a home run...and I hope it gets here soon.
On a PC-related note...I've been tinkering with my own Custom Championships lately & I was also looking at the things in Profile that x4fab has been working on.
Recent Lap Times,
Lap Times Grid (it's not operational yet),
Stats &
Most Used. Well, I wonder if it would be possible for x4fab to add another choice to the Drive section, or maybe it could be in a different place..who knows?
It would be for a Content Manager exclusive Leaderboard System. Maybe it would work like, in Drive > CM Challenge it lists the challenge(s) and there is also the option to see the current ranking. When we finish a track/car session you know how it pops up a box showing your best time and theoretical best time? Then I think there are options to Replay, Start Over or be done with that combo and it brings you back to the main Drive screen. Well, in this "mode" it would show your best lap time in a box and there could be buttons "Submit", "Do Not Submit", "Replay", "Try Again" or something like that.
You know how when we want to share something we just hit a share button and it gives us a link that you could give to anyone with Content Manager and they insert that link and suddenly they have your custom settings, a custom track day layout, a custom race, etc... Well, I'm sure his acstuff.ru server could handle storing some simple times that get submitted by users. Wherever the Leaderboard is in Content Manager, we'd probably need an "Update Leaderboard" button that refreshes the Leaderboard with all of the new entries it's received from other players around the globe.
If it's a good idea that people like and x4fab is willing to do this we'd have to settle on the particulars like - Do we only have 1 Hot Lap challenge at a time? How long do they last? Do we have multiple Hot Lap Challenges with different durations? One challenge might be only a week before it closes while another might be 3 weeks or a month. Who picks the challenges? It would need to be integrated into Content Manager a place where the Car & Track combo (track surface %, time of day, temperature, etc.) can be entered in by whomever has honors that week/month..
I suppose when you submit your time CM would also upload your replay file to the server so people can see how I did a 4 minute 3 second Nordschleife lap in the AE86.
I know it's all a moot point if x4fab isn't down for this, but I would like to hear opinions before I go write up a proposal to him. I'm sure there are things I didn't think of. There could probably be an All-Time Standings button too where you can see that Wiz has 4 first place finishes, 2 second place and 2 third place finishes and which combo's they were. While ALB has goose-eggs for all of his finishes.

I even have a few more ideas, but I'd rather stop now and hear what you all have to say.