Assetto Corsa | News and General Discussion

  • Thread starter mister dog
A feature such as limiting power or adding ballast would be great to BOP it. The 919 Hybrid 2016 is the high downforce model so it can quite often be faster than the low downforce 2015 model.

The model is not the high downforce car. High downforce has the more rounded(and shorter) front pontoon fenders.

The model is the Le Mans version with the more blunt edges:

I think Kunos also mentioned that it had the Le Mans spec hybrid system with 330kw ERS system.
So basically they've been using the Le Mans "version" (low downforce package) so far this year, correct? In both Silverstone and Spa.
So, we'll be receiving the v1.14 update in 2 days. The Ready-to-Race DLC pack will also be available and some interesting points of the v1.14 update are:

* Added wind algorithm
* Added AI Aggression selection
* More AI differences within a single lap to generate more battles
* Added AI wing setup variations
* New AI algorithms for understeer detection and downshifting
* Improved Downshift Protection
* Updated Steam statistic reader to synchronize steam achievement

For those that don't read the official forum religiously, it sounds like the Audi R18 (and any other diesel cars) will be using the proper weight of diesel fuel versus gasoline. Off the top of my head, I believe Diesel is just slightly heavier per, it wouldn't be surprising if you feel the change is negligible.

Still, I thought everyone should be aware.
So basically they've been using the Le Mans "version" (low downforce package) so far this year, correct? In both Silverstone and Spa.
Real world? Porsche only have a Le Mans trim. They make a high downforce version after Le Mans. Toyota used high downforce in Silverstone and both at Spa.

Improved Downshift Protection

So there was a problem with Downshift Protection then..;)
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I think the way the setup system works in AC they can probably support having different aero packages in the setup menu. The Corvette Daytona Prototype mod have a High DF and Low DF trim that can be changed in the setup tab during a session and seems to produce a pretty big swing in downforce level on the car(graphically changes too as it adds or remove the big undertray and front diveplanes). I am curious why Kunos doesn't do that for the P1 cars. Seems almost tailor made for it.
I think the way the setup system works in AC they can probably support having different aero packages in the setup menu. The Corvette Daytona Prototype mod have a High DF and Low DF trim that can be changed in the setup tab during a session and seems to produce a pretty big swing in downforce level on the car(graphically changes too as it adds or remove the big undertray and front diveplanes). I am curious why Kunos doesn't do that for the P1 cars. Seems almost tailor made for it.

They've hinted that it has to do with licensing, for example the C9 is in Le Mans trim because that's the most iconic version of that car and it's the one Merc wanted/allowed them to put in the game. I know other games don't always play by that rule but I think part of the reason Kunos has gotten in so good with so many manufacturers is because they seem to let the manufacturers dictate the ground rules instead of the other way around. That last part is speculation on my part but if you think about it it makes sense, a huge franchise like Gran Turismo or Forza is very attractive to manufacturers so they'll kinda do whatever to get their car in one of those games and PD/Turn10 get to set the rules. But AC obviously only has a fraction of the reach of those two behemoths so the manufacturers can be a bit more picky and say "We'll allow our car in your game if you agree to these conditions" and a small team like Kunos is going to say "Yep, we'll do whatever you want if it means we can get your car(s) in our little game".
Real world? Porsche only have a Le Mans trim. They make a high downforce version after Le Mans. Toyota used high downforce in Silverstone and both at Spa.

So there was a problem with Downshift Protection then..;)
I can't remember exactly what was being changed. I'll try to find out...I just haven't been well lately, hence my absence for a few days. With the most recent PC update Stefano coded in this annoying as hell Downshift Protection icon that flashed almost in the middle of your display and sent auditory beeps at you as well. Now, for PC players it wasn't that bad. I actually liked the beeps, but pretty much everybody went and turned off the visual DSP visual by editing a setup file. Console players wouldn't have access to such files to I don't know if it means he's just changed the way it alerts people again or what.

I'll look into it for ya! 👍
This is kinda big news.

Screen Shot 2017-05-17 at 7.22.26 AM.png
This is kinda big news.

View attachment 647686
Oh, thank you for posting that. I meant to -- I thought it was really exciting news too. 👍 There was already ballast implemented in only a couple of game modes (up to 200kg), but actual power restrictors? That's awesome and will be extremely appreciated when running race series.

Heck, we used to do that on GT6. Win a race and get a 10PP reduction for the next race (it was something along those lines, I don't remember exactly what it was). Very happy to see this coming later today. :)
Change log:

- New autosaved replay options and UI added to launcher main theme
- Handicap (ballast & restrictor) options in custom championship mode
- New Audi TT Cup
- New Audi TT RS (VLN)
- New Audi R8 GT3 2016
- New Audi R18 LMP1 2014
- New Lotus 3-Eleven (race)
- New McLaren 570S
- New McLaren P1 GTR
- New Maserati MC12 GT1
- New Toyota Celica ST185 Group A

- Mandatory pitstop window is now related to pit entry timing (replacing old system)
- Pitstop animation enabled with oculus or STAY_IN_CAR enabled (system/cfg/pitstop.ini)
- Added Position set digital script
- Added ballast and restrictor option offline for championships and multiplayer. Work in Progress for offline quick race and race weekend UI
- Added wind algorithm

- If controller is keyboard then Pitstop app is replaced by mouse pitstop
- Mouse pitstop with Mouse Steering enabled is now working correctly
- Tweaked backfire flash flames in many cars
- Realtime app: qualify/practice colors are based on leaderboard position, race color on current position
- Added DIGITAL_PANEL script to display current position and P2P on car's external panels (Audi TT Cup)
- Added FUEL_PERC script to show fuel quantity as percentage (McLaren 570S)
- Fixed broken UI interaction due to session switching when pitstop was not finished
- Fixed rare automatic pitstop activation at car spawning in the pit
- Fixed deadzone for gamepads
- Fixed Tyre App thermal value for exploded tyres
- Minimum for automatic reset tyre on track is now 2
- Fixed flag rendering in VR with PP off (again, hopefully for real this time)
- Fixed Achievements from unlocking when car is blackflagged
- Pitstop app: new tyre pressure can only differ from the current one by 4psi (because of minimal height rule)
- Added Push To Pass system (Audi TT Cup), P2P amount depends on grid position, enabled in Practice and Race sessions only
- Added physics option for different fuel weight/density
- Adjusted Lotus 98T tyre wear
- Fixed old pitstop UI from allowing more fuel when setup is fixed
- Added Black Flag description
- Added Online time of day multiplier (x1 to x10)
- Added track animated starting lights
- Added blink feature to RPM SERIES script (updated all relevant cars)
- Added acServerManager 1.14.0
- Added Time multiplier
- Added Wind
- Added Restrictor (BoP)

- Fixed BoP server message to client
- Fixed bug on client fixed setup 2nd reloading
- Added resolution string on splash screen
- Added "safe mode" initialization when first DX11 init fails, it will try again with desktop resolution and AA/Fullscreen off
- Added AI Aggression selection
- More AI differences within a single lap to generate more battles

- Added AI wing setup variations
- Added new Random camera mode algorithm
- Fixed driver model visibility bug in Random camera mode
- Removed AI slowdown hack for cars with spool differentials
- Improved Downshift Protection algorithm
- Fixed AI giving away green light by flooring gas 500ms in advance
- New AI algorithms for understeer detection and downshifting
- Fixed Car Engineering app sometimes reporting wrong total and sprung weights
- Added Fuel x Time on Setup Fuel tab and pitapp (optional section in car.ini [FUEL_EXT] KG_PER_LITER=value)
- Added best splits at the end of the race on leaderboard timetable
- Tweaked leaderboard to show player name/position even if that player has disconnected
- Updated Steam statistic reader to synchronize steam achievement
- Added "virtual desktops" functionality to in-game GUI (cyclable through ctrl+u key combination)
- Fixed session synchronization issue when session switches while a new player is joining
- AI is now using kers
- Fixed Nissan Skyline R34 having downshift protection when it should not
- Added "variation" slider for AI. It will randomize the AI level in the range selected.
- Fixed Nissan GT3 texture map on lod B
- Added player's nation flag support (not valid flag will be rendered as AC logo)
- Added new Driver Label GUI (customizable in \system\cfg\name_displayer.ini)
- Added nation flags on leaderboard GUI
- Tweaked opponents list to include nationality
- Update special events to include nationality
- Added Mandatory Pit warning message at the start of the race
- Added minisectors to overlay leaderboard and performance delta app, this can be disabled through [Documents]/Assetto Corsa/cfg/gameplay.ini
- Some template updates to existing content
- Porsche 911 RSR 2017 template added
- Templates added for Lotus 3-Eleven, Audi TT Cup, Audi TT VLN, McLaren 570S, Mclaren P1 GTR, Toyota Celica ST185, Maserati MC12 GT1
- Minor graphical updates on the Porsche 911 GT3 Cup and Lotus Exige V6 Cup
- Digital display script tweaks across the board
- Fixed a bug on Nissan GTR GT3 LOD B
- Minor livery fix on Glickenhoue SGC003
- Python new functions:

Damn, that thing is huge!

EDIT: The Toyota TS040 LMP1 2014 is coming too of course. They just forgot to include it in the change log.
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Yeah, "2017" was the general time frame he mentioned for the Giulia.


In fact, here it is:

I don't think anything has been mentioned regarding the Giulia after this.
Awww. Nuts. I really hope x4fab gets on these new AI sliders/settings for Content Manager. He's usually good about that stuff.

Wow. That's a lot of stuff. Looks like Stefano didn't get to play with his new guitars that much. Nice update for sure.

Regarding the new Alfa Romeo -- My rule is... When you hear a new car confirmed as "coming to AC in a future update", plan on almost 1 year before said car appears in game. That's not meant to be a criticism. There is just always so much stuff already in motion, going to the back of the line is quite a way back.
It's coming, I don't recall a time frame ever being given but I could have forgotten.
Yeah, "2017" was the general time frame he mentioned for the Giulia.

Ok, I may have misunderstood some speculation before the contents and theme of the new car pack got announced.

Regarding the new Alfa Romeo -- My rule is... When you hear a new car confirmed as "coming to AC in a future update", plan on almost 1 year before said car appears in game. That's not meant to be a criticism. There is just always so much stuff already in motion, going to the back of the line is quite a way back.

Something like that. I still remember when the Mazda 787B was scheduled for fall 2016. It turned out to be May 2017 for some of us. :lol:
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Ok, I may have misunderstood some speculation before the contents and theme of the new car pack got announced.

Something like that. I still remember when the Mazda 787B was scheduled for fall 2016. It turned out to be May 2017 for some of us. :lol:
Yup. I bought AC and started playing the first week of October 2015. That week, I believe it was, I heard about the Toyota TS040 Hybrid "coming soon". :D

Like I said, that stuff doesn't bother me whatsoever. At least they are producing DLC and not just abandoning everything. I understand, sometimes plans change and that's totally fine to me.
Like I said, that stuff doesn't bother me whatsoever. At least they are producing DLC and not just abandoning everything. I understand, sometimes plans change and that's totally fine to me.

Yeah, I'm just happy Kunos talks about their DLC plans at all in a time where developers typically remain tight-lipped right up until the point of no return.
I can't imagine the next update will take much longer than 2 months now two big features are out 0f the way, plus all the other stuff.
I guess it depends where they're at with Custom Button Mapping, right? I think that's the last issue they need to clear up for consoles that doesn't exist on the PC version. I know they need to tweak other things, like the lobbies and such, but I'm talking about adding something brand new to the sim.

Once that's taken care of, I expect the gap between PC and console to become much, much shorter. Of course, you want the console to be a little bit behind because there are ALWAYS little hot fixes that appear after a PC update. So, you want all those added to the console update since Kunos can't just throw updated code at you guys every day, the way they can with PC players.