Assetto Corsa | News and General Discussion

  • Thread starter mister dog
I started watching some of my old Assetto Corsa videos while having breakfast, and thought to myself I really must go back and try those cars again.

Over the last 3 months or so, all I have driven are prototypes and more modern sports cars while neglecting some amazing older machines. While looking at my Ferrari 312T at Spa-Francorchamps lap I thought that looks like huge fun!

Time to get back to it.
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@ALB123 I'm doomed, as long as I can utilize my current PC, dust may fall over PS4, there's only one game (simulator) on my mind, it just clears table from others.
On my signature is just beginning of new era of my journey on gaming, oh no and can't go back, such AI and I haven't even tested online yet, AI just works.. Wondering why GTP doesn't have own sub-forum for it?
Outside of leagues I don't think there's a whole lot of online activity for rF2. According to steamcharts (which may or may not be entirely accurate) it has maybe 1/3 the player base that AC does.
Then I just have to join league, but AI is so good at there's not big "need" for online races when you can race enjoyable offline races against AI.
Let's see how my online journey ends, currently offline is just absolutely brilliant and I have lot to do on my game setup, add-ons and basic environment setup.
Then I just have to join league, but AI is so good at there's not big "need" for online races when you can race enjoyable offline races against AI.
Let's see how my online journey ends, currently offline is just absolutely brilliant and I have lot to do on my game setup, add-ons and basic environment setup.

Glad you like it. I didn't care for it and could never get it to feel right on my wheel so I abandoned it a while ago.
Glad you like it. I didn't care for it and could never get it to feel right on my wheel so I abandoned it a while ago.
Weird, on G27 there was not much to fix, minimum effect range and FFB smoothness and to track, gives way more precise and colorful FFB than AC.
Spent bit time on Windows optimising and on GPU settings, which gives me nice above 50fps on hardest cases with 24 cars simultaneously on screen and lot of track details around, normal racing goes somewhere between 70-80, hotlapping both sides of 100.
More than surprised how several years old machine can squeeze such numbers :)
@OdeFinn don't uninstall AC too quickly, I also tried RF2 and found it interesting at first, but it did not last, it as glimpse of brilliance on some limited car/track combo, but for me the interest in some challenging driving and overdone FFB effect lost its appeal very quickly. I not even going into the wild gamut of quality from the different cars and tracks, both for official and mod offering and the lack of finish on everything.
I used to smile when looking back in VR in PCars, because the back of the cars is not finished in full details, well in RF2, it is not finish at all. LOL.
The whole stance of RF2 is the supposed superiority of the physic and FFB, not to AC it is not, it is a classic example of harder does not mean closer to reality.
It has quality, but AC as the lasting appeal of the real thing, I will be curious to read an updated opinion on RF2 in 30 days.
I used to smile when looking back in VR in PCars, because the back of the cars is not finished in full details, well in RF2, it is not finish at all. LOL.
The whole stance of RF2 is the supposed superiority of the physic and FFB, not to AC it is not, it is a classic example of harder does not mean closer to reality.
It has quality, but AC as the lasting appeal of the real thing, I will be curious to read an updated opinion on RF2 in 30 days.
I've still got a few more days to decide. The more people I talk to who's opinions I respect tend to have a very similar response as to what you said, Cote Dazur. @OdeFinn - I can't say anything about the AI on rFactor 2 because I've never played it, but I think the AI on the PC VERSION of Assetto Corsa has gotten really, really, really, good. Sadly, the console players haven't received the improved AI yet. :boggled:

The important thing is that you've found something you really enjoy...and now you can finally put Gran Turismo 6 to rest forever. :lol:
I've still got a few more days to decide. The more people I talk to who's opinions I respect tend to have a very similar response as to what you said, Cote Dazur. @OdeFinn - I can't say anything about the AI on rFactor 2 because I've never played it, but I think the AI on the PC VERSION of Assetto Corsa has gotten really, really, really, good. Sadly, the console players haven't received the improved AI yet. :boggled:

The important thing is that you've found something you really enjoy...and now you can finally put Gran Turismo 6 to rest forever. :lol:

The AI in AC since the last update with the adjustment possible in CM make it very interesting and realistic to drive against. The AI in RF2 is good, no complain about it.
I prefer the AI in AC, but would totally understand if someone like the RF2 AI better.
If you have the money, I would advise on getting RF2, if only to forge your own opinion on which you like best. I do not regret doing it, AC feels even better now and that is priceless.:sly:
One problem I have with the AI is that if I push next to them and get into their line, they ignore my existence and I get punted out of the way. It's usually my bad positioning causing the accidents but I feel like they should react to my existence at least.
The AI in AC since the last update with the adjustment possible in CM make it very interesting and realistic to drive against. The AI in RF2 is good, no complain about it.
I prefer the AI in AC, but would totally understand if someone like the RF2 AI better.
If you have the money, I would advise on getting RF2, if only to forge your own opinion on which you like best. I do not regret doing it, AC feels even better now and that is priceless.:sly:
Yeah...That's pretty much the main reason I'm interested in it. I'd like to be able to speak about other sims, which I can only do if I gain experience playing the sims. Plus, $15 is ridiculously cheap. Hey, if I like it - cool. I probably wouldn't replace AC with rFactor 2 mainly because rFactor 2 looks kind of "yuck!". If it ends up being way, way better than AC in all aspects, then maybe I'll dedicate more time to rF2 than AC, but I don't see that happening.
One problem I have with the AI is that if I push next to them and get into their line, they ignore my existence and I get punted out of the way. It's usually my bad positioning causing the accidents but I feel like they should react to my existence at least.
PC or Console (xbox or ps4)?
One problem I have with the AI is that if I push next to them and get into their line, they ignore my existence and I get punted out of the way. It's usually my bad positioning causing the accidents but I feel like they should react to my existence at least.

I feel your pain bud! They have gotten so much better but I notice that too.

Get outta their way! :eek:
One problem I have with the AI is that if I push next to them and get into their line, they ignore my existence and I get punted out of the way. It's usually my bad positioning causing the accidents but I feel like they should react to my existence at least.
Yes they are not as polite as in AC, some people like that, I am Canadian, I prefer polite.:)
I am now an owner of rFactor 2. Sound the trumpets. Let the procession begin! :D I'm sure I'll get around to playing it soon. :lol:
@OdeFinn don't uninstall AC too quickly, I also tried RF2 and found it interesting at first, but it did not last, it as glimpse of brilliance on some limited car/track combo, but for me the interest in some challenging driving and overdone FFB effect lost its appeal very quickly. I not even going into the wild gamut of quality from the different cars and tracks, both for official and mod offering and the lack of finish on everything.
I used to smile when looking back in VR in PCars, because the back of the cars is not finished in full details, well in RF2, it is not finish at all. LOL.

Not uninstalling it, currently on rF2 I'm just hooked in Nordschleife and Zandvoort with GT3 cars (Porsche mostly) and AC Cobra, I have around hundred car to test and at this point there where few rF1 conversions which went directly to trash can, but there's lot of good mods, well modeled, also fully inside modeled, i.e. All those GT3 cars and lot more.
Driving with AI on Zandvoort it's just absolutely dream, they are aggressive but their awardees of you and others is perfect, you can take three wide in tightest corners and not even switching paint, go in corner on AI bumper without surprise braking from AI, fast corner flat out middle in nine car three wide packet, it's just unbelievable good.

The whole stance of RF2 is the supposed superiority of the physic and FFB, not to AC it is not, it is a classic example of harder does not mean closer to reality.

Overdone FFB, well my feel is between AC and rF2 totally opposite, AC has harsh overdone on some areas of FFB and under on others, driving on rF2 is two three time easier and more natural, which was my first impression and hook deep under my skin. In rF2 I feel tire bends(deformation and flex) and can push it on limit and play with grip so much more naturally, as well realroad® is making lot of difference on track grip. AC tire deformation/flex is clunky, slip angles are pretty much on/off which instead on rF2 are really realistic and "modular", you are not doomed when exceeding slip angle, if you know how to drive, if not then you can go over or snap, on AC snap is like winning in lottery and taking high slide back on control goes bingo.
Even I say those "bad words" about AC, i have to admit at it's good, really good, but it has more potential than it actually delivers. If Kunos take few big leaps on their approach, it will crush rF2, but seeing/reading/testing/playing it I know at that will not happen on AC, only if they are brave enough and they start AC2 from scratch, or recode whole current AC from scratch. This because they have stepped in hardcoding trap, doing hardcoded tweaks separately on cars and on physics and tire model, that is green mail to them, they have to tweak million plus one little tweaks every time when they adjust little bit on physics engine or tire model, which leads them on situation where they constantly try to remember which tweak was made for which car and which reason, how much those should be re-tweaked because new 0.1% change on physics etc.
From scratch and modular, well scalable architecture from start and those all inventions in it and they're on way to victory, but until that AC will remain highly bugged on several levels.

It has quality, but AC as the lasting appeal of the real thing, I will be curious to read an updated opinion on RF2 in 30 days.

I will, I might just need place where do it, proper thread, this is starting to grow way out from small sidewalk offtopic.

@OdeFinn - I can't say anything about the AI on rFactor 2 because I've never played it, but I think the AI on the PC VERSION of Assetto Corsa has gotten really, really, really, good. Sadly, the console players haven't received the improved AI yet. :boggled:

Well I have both versions of AC, PC and PS4, comparing to rF2 AI, AC is nice try, lot of potential but too blind drivers, weird braking symptoms and uber grip out from corners. Let say AC AI is good, yes it's good, but rF2 AI is awesome. :)

The important thing is that you've found something you really enjoy...and now you can finally put Gran Turismo 6 to rest forever. :lol:

Actually missing already GT6, it has most enjoyable UI, in every aspect, it is so fluent to use, AC and rF2 should take note from PD how to get user friendly UI on game, online on GT6 is just good, or usability is good, I'm still waiting GTS to arrive, it can be perfect for online "sit-and-go" playing.

The AI in AC since the last update with the adjustment possible in CM make it very interesting and realistic to drive against. The AI in RF2 is good, no complain about it.
I prefer the AI in AC, but would totally understand if someone like the RF2 AI better.

Yep, Kunos has now showed at they can do it better, now they have to make it ready, their trademark seems to be leaving stuff bit halfway, and when they finally finish them, they have already made new tweaks on other parts and those tweaks make finished parts break again, but differently than original problem of halfway add-on.
I see lot of their working similar to my friend working, which has adhd, really smart and full of ideas, starting lot of new things and forgetting more halfway projects, no ability to continue on started project if there's small period break between start and continuing of it. This type person and several hardcoded tweaks on row and he doesn't remenber any of those tweak reasons after week.

If you have the money, I would advise on getting RF2, if only to forge your own opinion on which you like best. I do not regret doing it, AC feels even better now and that is priceless.:sly:


Learning to use fuel mix changing during driving.. :)
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I'm willing to concede that rFactor 2 is the most feature rich simulator. I think that's pretty much been a universal assessment, hasn't it? However, I think rFactor 2 is unnecessarily complex in places it doesn't need to it's showing off, "Look what we can do!". Fortunately, it's still pretty awesome in terms of driving, in my opinion. I'm still completely uncomfortable with it, but I'm sure a couple of days dedicated to rFactor 2 and I'll be well versed enough.

I will say that I'm surprised you're so complimentary toward GT6 while comparing to rF2 or AC. Okay, maybe the UI is nicer - I'll concede the stock AC UI, but not Content Manager. UI, however, is a miniscule part of what impresses me in a racing sim. The act of driving in GT6 feels a bit assisted compared to rF2 & AC. Not to mention the wonky physics where up is down, left is right and front is back. :rolleyes: I guess what I'm saying is that GT6 excels in the areas I'm least concerned with: Number of vehicles, graphics, UI, physics. I will admit that GT6's FFB felt better than I remembered when I most recently ran a few laps (using my DFGT), but the sounds are downright awful. I can handle the older, lower quality graphics of rFactor 2 because the sounds don't make me want to put my 9mm H&K pistol in my mouth. :lol: Actually, there is a little bit of the tire squeal/screech in rF2 that becomes a bit bothersome, but I'm sure that can be adjusted.
In rF2 I feel tire bends(deformation and flex) and can push it on limit and play with grip so much more naturally, as well realroad® is making lot of difference on track grip
Interesting comment, particularly about the tire feel, talking like a true RF2 enthousiast.
I am happy for you and also glad I have RF2 as well and could try it for myself.
I have to admit that this the kind of comments that made me curious about it and why I believe any one should try it, if only to get it out of our mind.
Interesting comment, particularly about the tire feel, talking like a true RF2 enthousiast.
I am happy for you and also glad I have RF2 as well and could try it for myself.
I have to admit that this the kind of comments that made me curious about it and why I believe any one should try it, if only to get it out of our mind.
I'll check my wheel settings and give them, out from memory for my G27 there's only changes FFB smoothing 2, 12% minimum FFB, steering lock defined by game, others just stock. On Logitech profiler 100% FFB, 900° steering and every other value 0%, allow game alter settings is on.
On better wheels FFB smoothing could be zero, G27 needs minimal smoothing on there, 0 isn't bad for G27 either, but it clank wheel time to time and using 2 isn't eliminating FFB effects too much to them being still felt.
Not uninstalling it, currently on rF2 I'm just hooked in Nordschleife and Zandvoort with GT3 cars (Porsche mostly) and AC Cobra, I have around hundred car to test and at this point there where few rF1 conversions which went directly to trash can, but there's lot of good mods, well modeled, also fully inside modeled, i.e. All those GT3 cars and lot more.
Driving with AI on Zandvoort it's just absolutely dream, they are aggressive but their awardees of you and others is perfect, you can take three wide in tightest corners and not even switching paint, go in corner on AI bumper without surprise braking from AI, fast corner flat out middle in nine car three wide packet, it's just unbelievable good.

Overdone FFB, well my feel is between AC and rF2 totally opposite, AC has harsh overdone on some areas of FFB and under on others, driving on rF2 is two three time easier and more natural, which was my first impression and hook deep under my skin. In rF2 I feel tire bends(deformation and flex) and can push it on limit and play with grip so much more naturally, as well realroad® is making lot of difference on track grip. AC tire deformation/flex is clunky, slip angles are pretty much on/off which instead on rF2 are really realistic and "modular", you are not doomed when exceeding slip angle, if you know how to drive, if not then you can go over or snap, on AC snap is like winning in lottery and taking high slide back on control goes bingo.
Even I say those "bad words" about AC, i have to admit at it's good, really good, but it has more potential than it actually delivers. If Kunos take few big leaps on their approach, it will crush rF2, but seeing/reading/testing/playing it I know at that will not happen on AC, only if they are brave enough and they start AC2 from scratch, or recode whole current AC from scratch. This because they have stepped in hardcoding trap, doing hardcoded tweaks separately on cars and on physics and tire model, that is green mail to them, they have to tweak million plus one little tweaks every time when they adjust little bit on physics engine or tire model, which leads them on situation where they constantly try to remember which tweak was made for which car and which reason, how much those should be re-tweaked because new 0.1% change on physics etc.
From scratch and modular, well scalable architecture from start and those all inventions in it and they're on way to victory, but until that AC will remain highly bugged on several levels.

I will, I might just need place where do it, proper thread, this is starting to grow way out from small sidewalk offtopic.

Well I have both versions of AC, PC and PS4, comparing to rF2 AI, AC is nice try, lot of potential but too blind drivers, weird braking symptoms and uber grip out from corners. Let say AC AI is good, yes it's good, but rF2 AI is awesome. :)

Actually missing already GT6, it has most enjoyable UI, in every aspect, it is so fluent to use, AC and rF2 should take note from PD how to get user friendly UI on game, online on GT6 is just good, or usability is good, I'm still waiting GTS to arrive, it can be perfect for online "sit-and-go" playing.

Yep, Kunos has now showed at they can do it better, now they have to make it ready, their trademark seems to be leaving stuff bit halfway, and when they finally finish them, they have already made new tweaks on other parts and those tweaks make finished parts break again, but differently than original problem of halfway add-on.
I see lot of their working similar to my friend working, which has adhd, really smart and full of ideas, starting lot of new things and forgetting more halfway projects, no ability to continue on started project if there's small period break between start and continuing of it. This type person and several hardcoded tweaks on row and he doesn't remenber any of those tweak reasons after week.


Learning to use fuel mix changing during driving.. :)

I honestly never thought I'd see the day where you raved about a game other than GT. My hat is off to you sir!:sly::cheers:
On better wheels FFB smoothing could be zero, G27 needs minimal smoothing on there, 0 isn't bad for G27 either, but it clank wheel time to time and using 2 isn't eliminating FFB effects too much to them being still felt.

On my CSW V2 I usually had to turn the smoothing way up because kerbs made the wheel rattle like a jackhammer.
Interesting comment, particularly about the tire feel, talking like a true RF2 enthousiast.
I am happy for you and also glad I have RF2 as well and could try it for myself.
I have to admit that this the kind of comments that made me curious about it and why I believe any one should try it, if only to get it out of our mind.
That's the only reason I bought my copy. It was $15. I mean, come on... Throws a teeny bit more support toward rFactor 2 and I think that's important. Especially because it's such a capable racing sim! Believe me. None of us should want rFactor 2 to completely fail. Competition breeds innovation.

I'm sure I'll throw some more hours into rFactor. As you said, when it comes up in conversation, I hate having to say, "Well...I've never actually tried it, but I heard..." People who criticize without having driven a lap in something is pathetic. That's why you'll see me bring up GT6 from time to time, but not Forza. I've never driven a single lap with Forza...but I did waste 1,000 hours on GT6. :lol: I'm glad I did. A lot of lessons were learned during those days. :D

I honestly never thought I'd see the day where you raved about a game other than GT. My hat is off to you sir!:sly::cheers:
Same here. :lol: It's nice to see that he went in with an open mind. More people should try that. :) Plus, now I have someone that I can ask for help when I feel like putting some laps on rF2. :D :cheers:
@ALB123 lot to adjust and install, that's name of the game at start, basics work without bigger changes, but now getting best add-on apps and stuff like it is bit job to do, like installing ceew chief and checking best trackmap app, hud, telemtry hud etc.. But that's about one evening show, reading/checking steam workshop collections from good tracks will lead you on path where you find best mods, still checking other mods for personal opinion isn't stupid.

Gonna create a list of basic stuff after it's all set.

Only thread for rFactor 2 in GTP:

@Cote Dazur & @ALB123 you should start with these guys mods if you're afraid of any lack in modeling, these are making things more than good:
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@OdeFinn thank you for the link, already went there, got the tip on the RF2 forum. I will keep for myself what I think of the quality of most mods in RF2. :odd:
I found one quality to RF2 that made my purchase worth it, I am happy.:D
This being the AC section of the Forum, you might want to find an other place to share your enthusiasm for RF2, I hope you find a few other to share it with.:mischievous:
I was poking around Content Manager and I came across an option (it's in the Kunos launcher too). It's called "Lock onboard camera to horizon". In Content Manager in Settings > Assetto Corsa > View & UI... Does anyone here drive with that enabled? I don't think I ever noticed it before.
I was poking around Content Manager and I came across an option (it's in the Kunos launcher too). It's called "Lock onboard camera to horizon". In Content Manager in Settings > Assetto Corsa > View & UI... Does anyone here drive with that enabled? I don't think I ever noticed it before.

It's been there as long as I can remember, since launch I think. Some parts of it I like, some I don't and the ones I don't are enough that I don't use it. I believe what it does is make the driver move instead of the car, so when you go over a big crest "you" rise up in the seat and the cockpit drops off the bottom of the screen. Vice versa in a dip, the cockpit rises on the screen which makes you feel like you're compressing into the seat. Try it out.
I was poking around Content Manager and I came across an option (it's in the Kunos launcher too). It's called "Lock onboard camera to horizon". In Content Manager in Settings > Assetto Corsa > View & UI... Does anyone here drive with that enabled? I don't think I ever noticed it before.
I do, In VR, for me, and many other it is a must but I am not sure I would like it if I was still driving watching a monitor. It is the closest to emulate what we see in real life, very well explained in the link below.

Here is some more info about it.

IRacing has it, so do AC, even PCars does it, funny enough, the SIM to end all SIMs, the pearl of the driving simulation, RF2, does not. They have rain and night though, go figure.
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IRacing has it, so do AC, even PCars does it, funny enough, the SIM to end all SIMs, the pearl of the driving simulation, RF2, does not. They have rain and night though, go figure.

Well, as you said it's good for VR users but not so much for monitor users, and rF2 was monitor only until very, very recently so maybe there was no need for them to include it.