Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

  • Thread starter daan
Thank you.
Has anyone else noticed that the search function isn't working very well anymore? I only got ten hits when I searched "jacarepagua" and none of them were the link to the track.
Yep, it's bloody the little green box at the top and you can go back to the classic search.

Screenshot (148).png
Concerning Jacarepagua_br track, anyone else having crashes due to ai sp lines missing?
And before that, do the track only have 2 car grids and when select race, the car start at the pit lane?!?
Gothenburg City Race

The original Track is from STCC – The Game by SimBin Development.
GTR2 conversion by Bruno Gourdo.
Assetto Corsa conversion by nrms.

A very fun short tight track based in the harbour of Gothenburg, Sweden.

Thanks to LSM for the AI lines, safi hellie for the cameras and Slider for testing and config additions.
Many many thanks to SimBin and Bruno Gourdo!

This is my first full track convert for Assetto Corsa, I hope some of you enjoy it!

This is great fun

thank you
Hi, I've had this issue shown in the picture when racing with the cockpit view. Is there anything I could do to fix it?View attachment 932158

That almost looks like when a car goes 'inside/overlaps' your car while in the pit lanes... no?

Thats tough to hear. But you didn't know any different when you got started. Shame, I have a 1.4gb zip of all SD garbage on a backup drive. I really wonder why I even kept it.

Yeah, I've deleted quite a bit of the SimDream stuff that I bought. I do like the LMP cars, but that says more about the original authors than the seller. Thanks for replying, bro.

Gothenburg City Race

@norms congrats on your first released track. I just had some laps and it is VERY good. AI was a little wonky, but I used the modern protos and they get squirly anyways. Well done, man. Do you have any other tracks in the pipeline that you're working on?

Hello, how do you make big previews in content manager? My version have only list:(

You have to hover your mouse cursor where I painted blue and stretch out the right side window until the list turns into the preview grid.
Very nice, and thanks very much. I think this might be the first new DBS in AC? I'm always amazed at the quality of CSR2 models.
I'm not too sure about the chrome wraps though, and I'm pretty sure it's not to Aston Martin OEM spec. ;)
Is removing the chrome effect simply a case of changing:

UseMetallicReflections = 0 the skin folder config? It seems to work up to a point but the paint remains ultra-reflective.

EDIT: nvm, I copied the ext_config.ini from the 00_stock skin (which doesn't seem to have the effect) to the chrome-painted cars and the paints are back to normal.

Really nice car. Looks great. Only the physics are a total mess. :crazy:
Concerning Jacarepagua_br track, anyone else having crashes due to ai sp lines missing?
And before that, do the track only have 2 car grids and when select race, the car start at the pit lane?!?

Yeah, the Jacarepagua_br needs alot of work if someone thinks it's worth it. I'm biased :) There isn't a pit entrance for instance.... It was really an early project that got shut down...
Thanks mate, that did not occur to me... glad to have the 'normal' again... :cheers:
No worries :).
I haven't found a way to save it so it's always on classic search so you have to do that every time you do a new search which is a pain but at least the old way is still there after a click.
Gothenburg City Race

The original Track is from STCC – The Game by SimBin Development.
GTR2 conversion by Bruno Gourdo.
Assetto Corsa conversion by nrms.

A very fun short tight track based in the harbour of Gothenburg, Sweden.

Thanks to LSM for the AI lines, safi hellie for the cameras and Slider for testing and config additions.
Many many thanks to SimBin and Bruno Gourdo!

This is my first full track convert for Assetto Corsa, I hope some of you enjoy it!

Thanks for this. Anything "SimBin" is a dog whistle for me :lol:
Gothenburg City Race

The original Track is from STCC – The Game by SimBin Development.
GTR2 conversion by Bruno Gourdo.
Assetto Corsa conversion by nrms.

A very fun short tight track based in the harbour of Gothenburg, Sweden.

Thanks to LSM for the AI lines, safi hellie for the cameras and Slider for testing and config additions.
Many many thanks to SimBin and Bruno Gourdo!

This is my first full track convert for Assetto Corsa, I hope some of you enjoy it!

looks good! There's a bunch of cool tracks in that game. Hoping for a better Vålerbanen version some time. too bad the layout isnt like the current one.
So the new cpu is even better then i thought it would be. Can run Le Mans with 55 AI, max graphics on everything with no lag, glitches or cpu warnings & a consistent 70fps. Pretty great considering i haven't upgraded the gpu yet. Has anyone made a higher grid box of the sx_lemans version?
Gothenburg City Race v0.8

Nice one, thanks.
I was using the same track from Gilles but with a lot of TLC from @slider666 and I was pretty happy with it.
From now on I'll be using this one. I accidentally discovered (have been driving a couple of hours at Le Mans during night time) that this Gothenburg has also night lighting. And rather well done too.
Great addition from the both of you. 👍
Gothenburg City Race

The original Track is from STCC – The Game by SimBin Development.
GTR2 conversion by Bruno Gourdo.
Assetto Corsa conversion by nrms.

A very fun short tight track based in the harbour of Gothenburg, Sweden.

Thanks to LSM for the AI lines, safi hellie for the cameras and Slider for testing and config additions.
Many many thanks to SimBin and Bruno Gourdo!

This is my first full track convert for Assetto Corsa, I hope some of you enjoy it!
Top job mate! :cheers:
I accidentally did five laps on Gilles's conversion of the same track (I'd forgotten I even had it, lol) before realising my mistake. Needless to say, your version kicks his firmly into the harbour. :)
@norms congrats on your first released track. I just had some laps and it is VERY good. AI was a little wonky, but I used the modern protos and they get squirly anyways. Well done, man. Do you have any other tracks in the pipeline that you're working on?View attachment 932233

I am pleased you like it! I have a few other converts yeah, but they aren't ready for a release to be honest as I have got a lot of other projects on the go. So little time, so much to do :cheers:
Top job mate! :cheers:
I accidentally did five laps on Gilles's conversion of the same track (I'd forgotten I even had it, lol) before realising my mistake. Needless to say, your version kicks his firmly into the harbour. :)
Haha thanks mate :D
Until now the Potrero de los Funes track was pretty much garbage, it looked bad and I got barely 45FPS on my system.
Just found a new reworked version on Discord:

This one looks nice enough and I get around 110FPS now. That's a wopping improvement. 👍
Vao patches and lights config files are available too.

Hey Guys, Does anyone please have a link to any version of Potrero de los Funes track, I cant find a working link to any version.
Best settings for smoke in csp? Sometimes I see white, thick smoke in screenshots and I don't have that. I know is not very realistic, except for maibe drift cars, but I would like to enable it for screenshots, etc.

I have smoke level set to low in the AC settings part of CM, the 'new smoke' settings on and extra heating turned up to around 150% in CSP settings and it all looks good for me. :)
Awesome guys, thanks for the superfast help ;-)

I tried the cast shadow tag in 3DSimED before but for some reason this didn't help - will definitely run the KSEditor route.

Currently my internet connection is very much handicapped and I cannot seem to find again the supercharged, improved KsEditor which I believe was available on the old Content Manager website (I think KsEditor v6 or somesuch it was called).

Could anyone who has a full google activated internet connection slip me a link to the updated KsEditor ? Pretty please (I am forced to search with bing and baidu and it is a pain in the proverbials to be honest :-(

Here you go menos | M6. This is Version 6, which is the most up to date:
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