Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

  • Thread starter daan
Is anyone a member of this site here?

I've been waiting and resending the confirmation email for about a year or more. I've contacted the site folks, but no reply. Anyone here have the strings to get my account validated?

Hi Everyone!

I've been following this thread for a while and it's amazing the amount of content and information. So, thank you for this.
Slowly I'm learning how MODs work and my last attempt was to activate the lights in a VW Kombi. I've managed to make it work in showrrom, but it doesn't work in game. Does any of you guys know what can it be? Any help will be very welcome.
There's an image attached showing what is happening in game.

Thank you!
Cheers (coloque o emoti dos carinhas brindando aqui)


  • upload_2020-6-20_19-10-15.png
    28 KB · Views: 21
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Good news for RHM users, and even better news for VR users who need all the CPU cycles they can salvage:
(copy/paste from the AC Custom Shaders Discord, courtesy of Insert Coin):
WallyM has adapted the original AC Real Head Motion for ACC and fixed the high CPU usage of the plugin too. I have had contact with WallyM and asked if he could fix the high CPU usage for the original AC version of the plugin too. This was his reply: "So I just discovered that RHM for ACC also works for AC. Look behind is a bit screwy, but you don't use that (in VR) anyway. If you want to have separate settings for ACC and AC, just set up two different RHM folders - one for AC and one for ACC. They will each have their own settings that way." I have tested his ACC version of the RHM plugin on AC and it works. CPU usage was reduced on my i7 CPU (4 core, 8 threads) from 4.2% on average for the original AC RHM plugin to 0.6% for the new plugin. The original plugin kept hogging the CPU even when AC wasn't running, the new plugin stays at 0% as it should. Recommended for VR users, since they need every CPU cycle they can get. The new RHM plugin can be downloaded here:

It seems you can also rename the ACC RHM executable to RealHeadMotionAssettoCorsa.exe which allows CM integration for auto-launching.
edit: not necessary, just change filter in popup dialog to "*.exe" so you can choose any executable, same applies to RHM settings file location dialog (*.xml)
Thanks to Andrew_WOT for the tip.
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My pleasure, man. Thanks for the kudos.

TT, which Autopolis? Link me so I know I'm looking at the right track.

Which ones do you have at the moment (or tried so far)? I have three versions that are all pretty nice. I'll post ones you don't already have and you can decide for yourself which one is best for you.

I believe it’s the ACU version I got now.

hey guys!
this is our 10k members thank you special :bowdown:

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news about our projects and updates can be found in our fb community

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If you're banned or can't join/find our group send a mail to

add your full name and fb account link and we'll have a look asap but please have some patience!


Your GUERILLA Mods Team!
Thanks for this. A couple of quick bug reports from a VR user (I know it's a beta):
  • several holes in driver and passenger doors and surrounds
  • digital dash display doesn't work
I know that there are some other BTCC fans around here, I love the subaru but it does not exist in Assetto Corsa so I found a version of CIracesonline (DEL MOD EXTREME) and I started playing to recreate a SKIN that I love about BTCC. Whoever wants to download it is on the web

I hope this time no one says to steal anything without mentioning ... although that never happened ...

preview.jpg preview.jpg
Good news for RHM users, and even better news for VR users who need all the CPU cycles they can salvage:
(copy/paste from the AC Custom Shaders Discord, courtesy of Insert Coin):
WallyM has adapted the original AC Real Head Motion for ACC and fixed the high CPU usage of the plugin too. I have had contact with WallyM and asked if he could fix the high CPU usage for the original AC version of the plugin too. This was his reply: "So I just discovered that RHM for ACC also works for AC. Look behind is a bit screwy, but you don't use that (in VR) anyway. If you want to have separate settings for ACC and AC, just set up two different RHM folders - one for AC and one for ACC. They will each have their own settings that way." I have tested his ACC version of the RHM plugin on AC and it works. CPU usage was reduced on my i7 CPU (4 core, 8 threads) from 4.2% on average for the original AC RHM plugin to 0.6% for the new plugin. The original plugin kept hogging the CPU even when AC wasn't running, the new plugin stays at 0% as it should. Recommended for VR users, since they need every CPU cycle they can get. The new RHM plugin can be downloaded here:

It seems you can also rename the ACC RHM executable to RealHeadMotionAssettoCorsa.exe which allows CM integration for auto-launching.
Thanks a lot, that is a great news, i don't got VR but a potato PC and i need every CPU cycle too ^^
But i cannot download the file, error, if someone could share it ?
So many settings in cm. where do i set up my wipers please. Anyone?
No specific button in CM afaik, but the wiper control is ALT + W. If you want it with one button you could use JoyToKey (or similar). I have a button on my wheel that commands the wipers.
Lately I can activate them, but I can't deactivate with the same button like it used to be...

You can also use BLM car app.
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Right. Give it a go.
This is getting daft. Nope. Not working. But when people say page 4 or page 10 of sol setting where are these?
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No specific button in CM afaik, but the wiper control is ALT + W. If you want it with one button you could use JoyToKey (or similar). I have a button on my wheel that commands the wipers.
Lately I can activate them, but I can't deactivate with the same button like it used to be...

You can also use BLM car app.
Me neither. If you turn them on, look out, you're getting wipers for the rest of the race.
I'm going to try and take a screenshot using an external came for the first time... I'm afraid of screwing up or losing my proper in-cockpit view that I always use to race... one of the reasons I've never tried it. Wish me luck. (sorry, dumb post)

[EDIT] cool, was easy. Should not have been so pensive to try it.
Just needed a new preview image to replace a really bad one for a track.
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hey guys!
this is our 10k members thank you special :bowdown:

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news about our projects and updates can be found in our fb community

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If you're banned or can't join/find our group send a mail to

add your full name and fb account link and we'll have a look asap but please have some patience!


Your GUERILLA Mods Team!

The Facebook link does not work for me..
Right. Tried with another car. Wipers are kaputski ffs. I really can’t stand this anymore. 8 hours of faffing around. Im off to get la..... er bedtime
Right. Tried with another car. Wipers are kaputski ffs. I really can’t stand this anymore. 8 hours of faffing around. Im off to get la..... er bedtime
Maybe you are trying a car that does not have working wipers. Check in showroom, that's faster...
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