That bumps fix you did, so these tracks that exist that are too bumpy they can all be fixed like this?
no they can't, it is easier to add bumps thant to remove them...
In this case, I didn't want to modify the original mesh of the track. because once you open that box, you don't know how to put it back together, it is not my track, i don't want to mess with it.
The bump file that i created is a duplicate of the original mesh found in the original track.
That mesh is flat. let's say the original is 0. I pulled every vertex of that mesh either up or down with a value between -X,Xcm
(bumps+ -2,2cm amplitude)
(bumps -1,1cm)
That mesh is invisible and goes on top of the flat mesh.
So that when the mesh is positive it creates a bump.
really simple, but not the good way to do a road track.
Normaly you only have one invisible mesh for the physical surface and one mesh for the visual aspect.
But this track already has three physical mesh for the road on top of one another, i said to myself, what the heck, one more won't hurt it.
anyway, if a track is too bumpy and it is correctly done, you would have to rebuild it from scratch to make it less bumpy. or do the inverse, create a flat one on top of it to atenuate. A lot of work