Oh, oh.... this is imo getting the wrong way...
@__EASY__ ,
@Masscot ,
@Zwiss ,
@norms and all the other involved in this discussion, maybe telling you my way handle this could help.

For a long time I didn´t installed that "reworked" updates as I didn´t seen any "updated shader" but just some of their settings. I´ve most of tracks made vao-patches too (just done with automated script) and ambient and diffuse values of shaders could be easily chaged with config too (explained it a few posts back).
Besides I did overwritten some of my own changes with this "updates" too, but I´ve a weekly backup, so I ended up with mostly no lost accept for sure losing more time in "refixing" that tracks than it maybe took to make these "reworks".
For now I just add a "_easy" suffix in track folder name and change main kn5 file with this suffix too and if needed the models.ini too.
Example how to do:
create new folder named: teretonga_park_easy
copy all archive content into that folder
rename kn5 file to teretonga_park_easy.kn5
and vao-patch to teretonga_park_easy.vao-patch
in models.ini add that suffix too:
It tooks me mainly 1-2 minutes and safes me a lot restoring time, nerves and annoyance handle it otherwise.
No one is forced to use that updates, but it could be nicer done to match more the "normal" handling most one uses.
This shown way you don´t lose online racing option (checksum error), all own added tags, descriptions etc.
@__EASY__ with all respect, your idea of a own modder discord channel could help getting this sort of things better done. Unfortunately I can´t speak, write french and english isn´t my native language too, but I can even here show you and others too, making most of your shaders value changes with configs, then adding a vao-patch, maybe a skin for updated textures and everyone can enable or disable what needed, wanted.
What do you think
@__EASY__? Could this be interesting for you?