Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

  • Thread starter daan
Hi, DjamilDrs.
Pit crew voice ala Assetto Corsa Competizione is possible with a program called CrewChief.
It pretty much recognizes AC (it's useful for a variety of racing games), so in a way it's alredy configured.
A few setup tips on this video:

Thank you:cheers:
Its a great edit by ATS of the 917, not a rename as mentioned. ;)

I guess stepping away for a number of months from AC has left me brain dead :dunce:. Someone know where the RSS wheels are to edit them black, not gray? ty!

Have a quick question on new contents in the AI folder that I have recently seen.
May I ask what these files below do more of than the normal and the

They are:

Interesting named files, but not sure what they provide along with the normal AI files.
Thanks for any info.


There is two new box option in CM (Setting > Custom Shaders Patch > New AI behavior) under Extra option for AI splines. There it only state that "it might improve loading speed" if you highlight the checkboxes, but what loading exactly? I tested myself, but I don't notice any differences in the loading screen. So I uncheck the boxes and deleted the payloads bin files otherwise it will generate a new bin file after completing a new AI file.

if "sweary" option is not turned on, its not CrewChief!
Your day is not complete until he tells you "well.. that was ****ing waste of time, lets just go home"

Wish there was a "even more sweary" option..

Can't count the number of times I heard "Oh for **** sakes"
Last edited:
Do you remember this?

I just came from an endurance race of 50 laps at Paul Ricard.

Remember how ut was almost impossible to make one lap without rolling over? And the steering turning like mad?

I just made a few tweaks in order to make another 50 laps endurance race, this time at LeMans, to celebrate another 24hours.
So now the handling is much better.
I asked this question before, but ill try asking in a different way, what setting in AC control whether geometry turns to always face the camera, like the spectators, and can it be used for other geometry like tree planes?
Dude, just release it and it can be tweaked after feedback if necessary. I think it's already fine how it is. Portland's straying dangerously close to meme territory now. I'm doing my best to keep interest alive but even I'm getting a little bored of it now... :lol:

Hey, you were the one threatening me by saying the dolt from simtraxxxx was super close with his garbage version ;):lol::lol::D
peterboese Today TO 08:58
Alpha 8

- apps: apdated by leBluem, Sol_weather 10.2, Sol_config 1.4, Sol_custom_weather 0.3

- sky shader: not influenced by ta_exp_fix if PP off
- sky shader: adapted sky reflection brightness to PP off

- sky/night: adapted "night horizont glow" to the last sky changes

- filter: If godrays are control by Sol (ppfilter__modify_godrays = true), godrays are FOV-dependent, stable look with different FOV
- filter: adapted CSP global lights control

- custom config: a file in /extension/weather/sol/ will be loaded with higher priority
- custom config: fixed custom sky preset variable
- custom config: added Sol filter function, SOL_filter__get_CSP_light_control()
## all filter functions:
# returns Sol's CSP global lights multiplier -> SOL_filter__get_CSP_light_control()
# returns Sol's special AE exposure base -> SOL_filter__get_exposure_base()
# sets Sol's special AE exposure base-> SOL_filter__set_exposure_base(exposure)

- PPFilter: overhauled "__Sol_Extra"
Guys, what should i do? should i add these to the current pack or should this be c5r pack #2. im almost done, i just need to finish two more and i will release these as soon as im done. I heard we might get more c5r skins from europe, but im not sure i leave you all with these shots on the cars.
peterboese Today TO 08:58
Alpha 8

- apps: apdated by leBluem, Sol_weather 10.2, Sol_config 1.4, Sol_custom_weather 0.3

- sky shader: not influenced by ta_exp_fix if PP off
- sky shader: adapted sky reflection brightness to PP off

- sky/night: adapted "night horizont glow" to the last sky changes

- filter: If godrays are control by Sol (ppfilter__modify_godrays = true), godrays are FOV-dependent, stable look with different FOV
- filter: adapted CSP global lights control

- custom config: a file in /extension/weather/sol/ will be loaded with higher priority
- custom config: fixed custom sky preset variable
- custom config: added Sol filter function, SOL_filter__get_CSP_light_control()
## all filter functions:
# returns Sol's CSP global lights multiplier -> SOL_filter__get_CSP_light_control()
# returns Sol's special AE exposure base -> SOL_filter__get_exposure_base()
# sets Sol's special AE exposure base-> SOL_filter__set_exposure_base(exposure)

- PPFilter: overhauled "__Sol_Extra"

I patreon and don't send me!!
I asked this question before, but ill try asking in a different way, what setting in AC control whether geometry turns to always face the camera, like the spectators, and can it be used for other geometry like tree planes?
As far as I know, spectators are the only objects that you can have camera facing. Of course there may be tricks for other objects but I don’t think they were ever supported or intended. For help with camera facing crowds see here
As far as I know, spectators are the only objects that you can have camera facing. Of course there may be tricks for other objects but I don’t think they were ever supported or intended. For help with camera facing crowds see here
thanks I found that, and it can be tricked into using a treemap, but, the engine fleshes out the content at runtime Nth number of trees per plane, you can do it one plane == one tree, but then you need to draw that plane and config the file per plane, for a few hundred tress its not really doable, and if you going to draw a plane, might as well use a script to duplicate in place, rotate around centre to turn single into cross plane tree, I was hoping existing system existed for when we port ams tracks to make use of the far trees that are single plane tress and dissapear as you drive past them.

back to ironing out the bugs in my script then ;)
There is two new box option in CM (Setting > Custom Shaders Patch > New AI behavior) under Extra option for AI splines. There it only state that "it might improve loading speed" if you highlight the checkboxes, but what loading exactly? I tested myself, but I don't notice any differences in the loading screen. So I uncheck the boxes and deleted the payloads bin files otherwise it will generate a new bin file after completing a new AI file.

Ah, OK, I must not have those boxes checked you mention, cause I dont get the bin files below when I do AI lines or loading/running tracks. And I delete them also if they are included in a track I find. Not sure if you are asking me a question, these AI files i mention were already in the Track AI folder.

AI folder: They are:

I just do normal loading of the track, and create AI lines and side lines.
Guys, what should i do? should i add these to the current pack or should this be c5r pack #2. im almost done, i just need to finish two more and i will release these as soon as im done. I heard we might get more c5r skins from europe, but im not sure i leave you all with these shots on the cars.
View attachment 959825 View attachment 959826 View attachment 959827

If I was you, i'd update the original pack and mention with included 1999 skins. I'd do a second pack for privateer cars only. Pack 1: corvette Racing.
Pack 2: Privateers
I would be really gratefull if you explained your config in a bit more detail, specifically what is the defaults section for, as well as some of the bolded text:

PROP_... = ksAmbient, 0.4 (Is this just an easier way to change those parameters?)

DESCRIPTION= missing double sided
MESHES = $Double_sided__track

Its a weird ask, but I´m learning to use the configs; got the basics but I´ve only read the guide for tracks and I dont remember seeing that stuff there. If there´s already an explanation to that on the wiki you could just link me to it.
Ok, last question first. :)
Here are a lot of comments how to use [SHADER_REPLACEMENT_...]:–-Shader-replacements

Yapp, "PROP_... = " is just shorter to write (one line instead of minimum two ones). :)

And these "__track" is just a own created variable suffix. Variables have to be unique. You can also use __mitch9 or __xyz or just remove them. Instead of Building__track you can also use "casas" or "1234" or almost whatever you like, but just unique ones. These are later called by this "$" before variable name. :)
This "__track" suffix gives me the info this is something track related. There could also be for example heli, balloons or other things to change there. But as mentioned, you can use your own invented variables if ya like. :)

I like using self explaining variables and would recommend it to other ones too. ;)

One last thing, if you want to call variables in variables (for example "PUDDLES__track = $Roads__track, $Roads_Side__track"), these variables have to be defined before they are called.
This is a good example why I use this variables system. I define Roads_track one time and can use it several times, for rain fx, changing brightness, to exclude them in grass fx, disable shadows, adjust seasonal settings ... :)
Guys, does anyone know how to increase race laps of a round in CM's custom championship? It's capped at 40 but I wish I can have more than that :D
sx LeMans v1.7 or on mediafire
-adjusted ai-borders, added groove, better red asphalt, added spectators, marshals, added lots of reflectors and signage, adjusted 2019 skin, removed skids from grass/sand, see readme for more changes
-with CSP on 24h layout there are animated helicopters, the blimp does circles, ferris wheel spins
-all extra stuff in "_extra" folder (like movable cones and stFlow helicopters and screens)
-included config should ignore any existing config in "ext...\config\tracks\loaded\"
-rainfx ready config ft. Solid Farrell
-still very heavy, especially on

Disable "Merge Meshes"! under CM>settings>CustomShadersPatch>General>CPU-optimizations !

Note: yes, you still need stFlow shader from Stereo for helicopter blades to spin, as i decided to keep it that way! It maybe included in last CSP version though.
Note 2: update soon as I messed up ai_hints.ini for indianapolis
My first post here although I have found this thread to be a great resource for while now. Thanks to all and hopefully I can contribute as well.
Great work on le mans and I like the run onto mulsanne but the two corners before are seriously rough. Is there a reason for this as in car footage shows this section of track to be much smoother?

Hey all, I'm getting this message when trying Trackday with traffic. It was ok a week ago and seems to have happened around updating to CSP16.4. I can run track days at Kunos tracks- it may just be an issue with the High Force track. Anyone else have this and know of any workarounds?
Is it this problem possibly?

Thank you all for your help! The reason for my problem was in the Windows registry (as in the video). The funny thing is that I checked the registry a couple of days ago and everything was fine. Today I saw this entry in the registry and deleted it in exceptions. Let's see if it helps in the future. P.S. This problem appeared after the installed car mod crashed several times with an error while loading. Probably after that Windows put an entry in the registry.:cheers::gtpflag:
I wouldn't bank on Sim Traxx updating any of their old tracks, despite previous assurances.
Once upon a time, on this forum, we have already proved to them that they need to finish the work, and not start a new one. A member of this group argued that soon everything will be done perfectly well, the main thing is that we pay. Several years have passed and everyone can see the result.
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