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  • Thread starter daan
You have to mess with the ppfilter you are using (or try another one).
You can adjust in Glare section:


and try it in game. Adjust further to suit your taste.

Ok thanks for the info but I'm a noob
do I have to change this in the filter?
and it's only so extreme with the car
The Autobacs Super GT500 mod from 2013 by Chivas AutoArt
The Definitive Edition pack has just been updated to version 2

Thank you very much for the info
But it works with the other cars, it's only with the car
I thought I can only change that with the car

Ïg the ppfilter woks well with other cars, then that mod is the problem I assume. Not very good mod maybe.
and, many a slip twixt cup and lip after saying its NOT the RD one, I eddited the damn rd one, once i nut out that texture ill edit into correct one (yours) and pass all the files back to you guys to update. right now its that awful painting out shadows and walls phase...

Looks great! We can definitely put them together. Ours was far from perfect as well, texture wise it was pretty similar so I love this work you're doing on it. It'll make the track so much better. The biggest difference between the RD version and our latest are the fixed pitlane, ai and mostly shaderwork
The Autobacs Super GT500 mod from 2013 by Chivas AutoArt
The Definitive Edition pack has just been updated to version 2

View attachment 962476
Anyone know exactly what's involved with swapping the driver model? I wouldn't mind experimenting with an 'elbows in' driver for these cars.
And no, it's not simply a case of changing the driver referenced in driver3D.ini in case anyone was about to suggest that... ;)
Good morning
Don't take me for a fool but I read somewhere that thanks to an app it was possible to change pilots on AC someone knows something about it? does it work? and where it can be found if it exists.
Thank you for your kind answer
fire up AMS2 in VR, when you go over 90' driver lift hand off the wheel, I guess in a kind of "natural" fashion, but for all intents and purposes it looks like you are waving at the other drivers.. gives a nice fuzzy warm friendly feeling to getting you nose right up under someones ass in a hot corner.. and at Monaco if they add an animation of the crowds waving back at you might seal the deal ;)
I've always thought it would be awesome (probably impossible, but awesome nevertheless) if code could be added so that when you are side-by-side with another car and glance across at the driver in VR, he occasionally will turn his head and glance back at you.
It's on a long list of pie-in-the-sky ideas I have, lol.
The nissan GT-R35 from Chivas does not have working headlights, but the lexus etc does?
I've come across a few unusual bugs like this with these cars, ABS issue previously mentioned now fixed, no headlighs etc and a few others i've listed in notepad for now, whats the best way to get this info to chivas team, as its currently impossible to run night races etc.

There is one huge omission id have hoped they would have noticed in testing, its strange how some of these issue passed, the most recent one i found is crazy they didnt notice?
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i need help i have a big bug for the AVR 500,he is extremely slow and i have the same bug for some of mods cars
Hey, you need to turn off TC and ABS to be able to use that car. I think the creator blocked the use of assists on that car.
A bit of help needed , most of not all of my apps are not showing up on screen they seam to be right at the far edge and I can’t grab them to move them , is there anyway of moving them back ????
Trying to replace some textures on the Honda Type R FK8 using ext_config.ini, just trying to use patch PBR textures in the common materials templates

[INCLUDE: common/materials_interior.ini]
DisableDev = 1
Materials = Tex_3806_0
HasDetailNormals = 1
Smoothness = 0.9
Reflectance = 0.2
CubemapReflectionBlur = 0.35
UseClearCoat = 1
ClearCoatSmoothness = 1.0
ClearCoatIntensity = 1.0
DetailTexture = common/carbon.png
DetailNormalTexture = common/carbon_nm.png
DetailNormalBlend = 1
DetailScale = 450

It doesn't seem to take, the seat back and associated trim just remain black, any ideas why that would be? I have copied the texture from the PBR materials renamed and placed in the skin folder, that does change things but it looks dreadful, need to adjust the tiling... Would be much easier with the ini.

Ideas appreciated!
The nissan GT-R35 from Chivas does not have working headlights, but the lexus etc does?
I've come across a few unusual bugs like this with these cars, ABS issue previously mentioned now fixed, no headlighs etc and a few others i've listed in notepad for now, whats the best way to get this info to chivas team, as its currently impossible to run night races etc.

There is one huge omission id have hoped they would have noticed in testing, its strange how some of these issue passed, the most recent one i found is crazy they didnt notice?
From Chivas on FB:
It has gotten to my attention that some are experiencing issues with the headlights of some of the cars at night driving, but apparently this is an issue with the PPFilter compatibility with the CSP Global Lights on how they blended the banding of bouncing lights on both Day & Night cycles - which should be balanced, but sometimes they can't have both good worlds at the same time.

Since CSP supports two types of Light Sources (Legacy and Experimental).

Here's a tip!

Since the stability of CSP v0.1.64 up to v0.1.66 are currently Questionable until there's a new public build to address all of it, and Sol v2.0 doesn't really work on CSP v0.1.60 and below

I advise you to start using Adam's Sol Enhanced which in my opinion the best you'll ever get with a proper day and night support.
Anyone know exactly what's involved with swapping the driver model? I wouldn't mind experimenting with an 'elbows in' driver for these cars.
And no, it's not simply a case of changing the driver referenced in driver3D.ini in case anyone was about to suggest that... ;)

Someone posted a tutorial / guide a while back for swapping driver models but damned if I can remember who did it. I'll make another cuppa and then go through my history as I'm sure it had something to do with helmets too. Gimme 5 minutes and I'll see what I can find

EDIT: Found it
@Zwiss .. dude.. someone has asked me in PM to help them with optimising this track.. but. holy chilli cheeseturds on a stick.. this track is really really really , really really, really badly optimised.. irreperably so at my skill level
View attachment 962185

I had a look at it... it needs a lot of work...
So if there is some patience, I am willing to tackle this one.
Looks great! We can definitely put them together.

so im ~90% happy with this, trying to make some space for the godamn zip file on my GDRIVE then will IM you the track.

- I screwed up the texture on some fences around the houses?
- I screwed up your road texture, there was nothing I could to to make your original road work as it was so I just used ksperpixel, not that multishader one.

most likely broke some other $h1t as well.. When you guys combine you can fix

Note: the meshes are no longer compatible as a lot of canoogling had to be done to get a rational UV map to work with..

Todo on Terrain:

- Grass FX red channel needs some tweaking, i just used my Curvelo one to "giterup", close but can be better.

- sat texture needs a squidgen more touch up here and there.. im sure I'll poke a sick at it again.

(but both the texture and ext_config can always live outside the track. )

But.. it runs, and im having fun!



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