Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

  • Thread starter daan
I tried to change RACE07 car livery files to use them in Assetto Corsa, but the car doesn't show up. Although both are dds-files and I used the same name conventions as in AC.
Anybody could help?

The newest preview build(0.0.25) of what will soon be the best rendition of this awesome track.

edit: removed link

I did as you suggested (apart from the 99% CPU occupation warning) the game goes into lockdown even with the help of only the ai in qualification mode

Isn't this only available to abulzz's Patreon supporters?
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Porsche 961 LM V0.91

-New : driver , steering wheel , animations driver ,
-Add : fuel alarm , fuel level digital
-Correction : flammes , texture .... (again)
-New physics : first draft not finish

Link :


Enjoy !

Went for a little test drive. Found it very hard to leave the wheel for the time it takes to write you this: THANK YOU!!!

(I'm also grateful for the GT Supreme's original mod, I was loving it too, with it's obvious shortcomings)

The newest preview build(0.0.25) of what will soon be the best rendition of this awesome track.

I did as you suggested (apart from the 99% CPU occupation warning) the game goes into lockdown even with the help of only the ai in qualification mode

This is a re-upload of a Patreon post, I think you should remove this
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Someone posted a tutorial / guide a while back for swapping driver models but damned if I can remember who did it. I'll make another cuppa and then go through my history as I'm sure it had something to do with helmets too. Gimme 5 minutes and I'll see what I can find

EDIT: Found it
Thanks buddy - looks pretty straightforward!
It seems Chivas didn't know that these cars used a janky driver model so I think he's going to change the drivers for 'elbows in' versions on all three cars and re-release.
Thanks buddy - looks pretty straightforward!
It seems Chivas didn't know that these cars used a janky driver model so I think he's going to change the drivers for 'elbows in' versions on all three cars and re-release.

No worries. I knew I'd seen it somewhere before, and i'm pretty sure it was posted here but my search came up empty. Luckily I'd bookmarked that site along the way just in case.

As for Janky Elbows out - that sounds like the way a cockney geezer walks down the road
Zandvoort 2020, GTP Version, Sattelite Terrain Update.
Based on the V1.31 from GTP.
Use the Circuit Zandvoort 2020 and Circuit Zandvoort 2020 DRS layouts.

Credit - GTP Crew? (let me know who specifically to add here)



- New Terrain Mesh, fixed some holes etc for UVUnwrap.
- Painted out as many shadows/walls as i could find, expect more, have fun painting.
- New GrassFX and RainFX, alter to taste.

Known Bugs:
- Road colour/texture needs to be reverted to original shader




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Zandvoort 2020, GTP Version, Sattelite Terrain Update.

Credit - GTP Crew? (let me know who specifically to add here)
Based on the V1.31 from GTP.



- New Terrain Mesh, fixed some holes etc for UVUnwrap.
- Painted out as many shadows/walls as i could find, expect more, have fun painting.
- New GrassFX and RainFX, alter to taste.

Known Bugs:
- Road colour/texture needs to be reverted to original shader
(Can be fixed by original release team?)

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I get a crash message when trying to hot lap?
Edit: and when trying to race.
Says there are no starting positions?
Tropical Island v0.80 (Simraceway) by RMi

Take a holiday...
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- 10 pits (will fix alignment next ver)
- crude AI (help!)
- no cams (help!)
- dirt/sand fun
- scenic
- enjoy with TC / Rally / Kunos cars (drives great with normal tires)

You owe me £3,500 for a new motion platform and sim rig, £470 for a new floor in my sim room, and £935 for a new ceiling in the lounge below.
I owe you the £5,000 I was going to pay a hit man to kill the wife who was reading a book in the lounge below, so let's call it quits.
Oculus Rift Repair

It's a little off topic, but relevant. As I covered in a previous post, a couple of weeks ago I was putting on my four-year-old Oculus Rift, and I heard a loud cracking sound. I finally made some time this Sunday morning to model and print a few parts to fix it. It's not final, needs some tweaking to improve the snap-on fasteners, but it works. The beauty of 3D printing, if it doesn't work quite right, redesign, adjust, and print it again.

Now if I can keep it together until July of next year--getting an HP Reverb G2 for my birthday.

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I was playing with my printer yesterday as well!
Fanatec users: in preperation for the gear on its way I have been hitting the forums, and the more I read the deeper my concern gets, for the DD1 it seems drivers have been in permanent beta since release, and sort of like RainFX the deployments are two steps forward one step back, stuff that was working gets broken when they fix broken stuff.. of chief concern is the "freezing" issue that seems rampant, can anyone that uses the DD1 upload you known good working driver/firmware combo for me please, and best complimentary settings for AC standard FFB settings as well as any suggested tweaks for CSP FFB tweaks, TIA.
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