Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

  • Thread starter daan
Hello, i'm working on a semi fictional Rockingham Speedway (North Carolina) conversion, will me ready soon and will include infield course and roval. :cool:


Hello, i'm working on a semi fictional Rockingham Speedway (North Carolina) conversion, will me ready soon and will include infield course and roval. :cool:



Cool. Looking forward to the Rockingham US Track. I didnt know that track had an infield route trackage. Used to do this track online with Nascar 2003 by Papyrus. thank you and take care.
Hey mates...

Are the gt3 cars converted from acc worth the download?
Haven't tried other converted cars, but the 488gt3 ACC by MasterKey is a top-notch conversion, just needs an addon patch for wipers to race in wet conditions (same as kunos 488gt3)
(I made patches for these 488gt3-s and 488gte, and "thanks to x4fab & csp features" the addons are loaded "on the fly", without modifying original content so authors, even kunos will be happy, just let me know if you fancy driving 488gt3 in the rain ;) )
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The thing about this particular forum, however (Dan will surely correct me) is that we are mainly "editing enthusiasts". Most of us are more into editing than into playing.

Considering the forum is approaching 8 million views, with hundreds of members, where only a few dozen are actually contributing mods, this assumption does not seems to be valid.

Also, SOL and CSP are basically plug and play additions. They don't require any user configuration, and bring a phletora (spanish speaker here, lol) of options that promise better performance than vanilla AC. They are built-in, no need to go one by one. And most important, as far as I'm concerned, equally easy to uninstall.

You keep reinforcing the "one-size-fits-all" approach that clearly does not match all the variety of use cases. The point about performance would be the only one applicable to the wide user base.

And a quick review of the latest hundred pages will show the variety of issues requiring troubleshooting, so your argument also does not hold up here.

My point, if you indeed understand where I'm coming from, is that one cannot dismiss anyone else's use case or motivation on the basis of "the thread is for this specific type of user" or "this is the best solution for me, and thus for everyone else".

Otherwise, a request could be made to change the thread name to "Assetto Corsa CSP/CM/Sol only mods", so everyone could then be sure what to expect.
Is anyone currently working on a Phillip Island track mod? There are two available right now and they both have flaws, but I am thinking of sort of combining the best elements of both to build a good Phillip Island Circuit. I don't want to step on any toes so if anyone else is working on one, I'll hold off, but if not, I'll probably start on that after I'm done with Brno 1965.

@Zwiss has done some efforts (privately), but far from finished. Maybe you can contact him ? It would be great to have a decent Phillip Island...

I believe you about Brno. It is a very long track indeed and I gather tons of sidetrack objects. Yes, Sandown. It's an iconic track with a very nice layout. And Terra's version is actually very good. It just needs refreshing to modern standards. And some textures and billboards are awful. So out of place, it ruins the entire track (the arched bridge for example):

Thanks @gutbomb ! Informative and time-saving as always. I might even get to drive on track next time I boot up AC!

Does anyone know what the base for Terra's Philip Island conversion is? I'm curious since @Jimlloyd mentioned a few pages ago that Oulton comes from iracing. Really not sure why licensing and copyright are set up in the way they are that makes it so that I have to rely upon the generous efforts of all of you who do battle with blender to enjoy a track I paid for in another sim I paid for. At least make sure those of you who do this work always put in a donate button so I can retain some sense of internal consistency damnit!

As far as I'm aware, the current Phillip Island and Sandown versions available for AC are converts from Toca games which were poor in the start.

I've sent a version of Sandown which is the most accurate (that being the rF1/ams Sandown 2012 version) along with a couple of other tracks for conversion to @RMi_wood for eventual completion. There's so many tracks and not enough talented people to do the job sadly.

I had a crack at trying to do track making by having a crack at the Cemetery Street bike circuit for cars, and it was just a nightmare with RTB.
Considering the forum is approaching 8 million views, with hundreds of members, where only a few dozen are actually contributing mods, this assumption does not seems to be valid.

You keep reinforcing the "one-size-fits-all" approach that clearly does not match all the variety of use cases. The point about performance would be the only one applicable to the wide user base.

And a quick review of the latest hundred pages will show the variety of issues requiring troubleshooting, so your argument also does not hold up here.

My point, if you indeed understand where I'm coming from, is that one cannot dismiss anyone else's use case or motivation on the basis of "the thread is for this specific type of user" or "this is the best solution for me, and thus for everyone else".

Otherwise, a request could be made to change the thread name to "Assetto Corsa CSP/CM/Sol only mods", so everyone could then be sure what to expect.

Now that I think about it, something similar happened to me with the steam platform for mods.
If I recall correctly, at one point GTAV modders started to release mods that were dependent on other mods.
I just wanted mods to be as little intrusive as possible. Didn't want them to change the whole game.
If there's a thing I don't like about the CSP scenario, it is the fact that mod versions (I would call them improvements, rather than issues requiring troubleshooting) are virtually endless.
Also, CSP brings bugs from time to time. There's a book called Systemantics that puts it clearly: (new) systems for things create problems that weren't (shouldn't be) there in the first place. If we check the changes each ACC and Automobilista update brings, it's almost the same thing. So, in conclusion, we're not really strangers to it.

To the car modders, I ask: how difficult would it be -at some stage of a mod development- to release a version that's independent from CSP?

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Someone pissed-off leaked all ilya's patreon content to the public web.

(Yes, you can remember, he promised in a post month ago:
"Weather FX integration is in progress (it’s almost ready, actually, just needs some more adjustments), after that, it would just need new audio for sound and some more physics-related adjustments, and it’ll be ready for public release.

Thank you so much for your support and patience!"

But now it seems like somebody made a "gift" to public, instead of ilya.
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Now that I think about it, something similar happened to me with the steam platform for mods.
If I recall correctly, at one point GTAV modders started to release mods that were dependent on other mods.
I just wanted mods to be as little intrusive as possible. Didn't want them to change the whole game.
If there's a thing I don't like about the CSP scenario, it is the fact that mod versions (I would call them improvements, rather than issues requiring troubleshooting) are virtually endless.
Also, CSP brings bugs from time to time. There's a book called Systemantics that puts it clearly: (new) systems for things create problems that weren't (shouldn't be) there in the first place. If we check the changes each ACC and Automobilista update brings, it's almost the same thing. So, in conclusion, we're not really strangers to it.

To the car modders, I ask: how difficult would it be -at some stage of a mod development- to release a version that's independent from CSP?


The only actual issue I see there is with the increasing trend of encrypting cars, so - unless i'm mistaken - for those cases you would most likely need CSP to able to use the mod. Other than that I assume that aside from the addons, (provided the csp extenstions) the thing that could possibly impact a mod could actual shader settings, in theory
I was only kidding but I agree, the crowd can sometimes work on some tracks (a small handful look good) but mostly they just look a bit pants. I don't mind no crowds as I'm not worried too much about realism and as long as a track looks good and is well optimised I'm happy.
I quite like Nordschleife with the cardboard cutout .DDS crowds removed since that shows the 3d modeled people better. At the very least, a MORE accurate representation of humans, being 3d instead of 2d, is represented there even if there is a relatively smaller amount. As time goes on, the cardboard cutouts feel more antiquated. Perhaps there needs to be a shader for crowds like there is grass... or something. I just feel the same way about seeing those simple .DDS crowds like I do seeing pixelated textures, mostly when they are very close to the track and obvious. I do admit however, that this can be an interesting stylistic choice sometimes, like classic tracks such as rf2 Spa 66; there is a bit of charm in those crowd cutouts.
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I am on an older cars buzz ATM and have really been enjoying the fat alpie tracks, the attention to detail is above and beyond, the leaves on the road etc. really great. really immersive

Does he have a discord or patreon or something with other tracks that are wip perhaps?
View attachment 966813

He has a youtube channel where he posts new bits and pieces:

I've never seen anything like a discord or Patreon.

EDIT: Beaten by a post from Ales100i.
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Guys, hope everyone is well. Has anyone noticed big black dots on the tips of grass and in cockpit, etc. with the latest SOL and CSP 1.66?

I don't see anything like this when using the most recent SOL2 beta & CSP Teddie. (I'm running 0.1.66 Preview 2)
Someone pissed-off leaked all ilya's patreon content to the public web.

(Yes, you can remember, he promised in a post month ago:
"Weather FX integration is in progress (it’s almost ready, actually, just needs some more adjustments), after that, it would just need new audio for sound and some more physics-related adjustments, and it’ll be ready for public release.

Thank you so much for your support and patience!"

But now it seems like somebody made a "gift" to public, instead of ilya.

Upgrade pack for Sandown Raceway

2001 and 2012 kerbs and billboards
extra camera (by Black Wagtail)
grassfx config

gathered and done by @ales100i and me

This track still need's and deserve more love.

View attachment 966888

View attachment 966889 View attachment 966890 View attachment 966891

How come you guys are wasting your time upgrading a terrible convert version when there is going to be a more accurate version coming? I understand trying to improve, but just seems to me like your wasting your time.......:confused:
Hi guys, I have a question for those expert with modifying a car's data. Since I want to race a full GT3 frid, and we don't have the ACC Vantage yet, I wonder what might happen if I switch the data.acd from one car to another one (I thought about swapping the URD Vantage GTe data with the AMG GT3 data).
Tell me if I'm better off with just BoPing the car, instead (and if any of you have some suggestion on how to balance the car to the Gt3 grid).

I use the URD Vantage and used the AC car editor which you can find on RD and added TC and ABS to it then used a mixture of ballast and restrictor in content manager (mostly ballast i think remember GTE has more downforce and is usually slightly slower in a straight line) to BoP it to my liking.
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Someone pissed-off leaked all ilya's patreon content to the public web.

(Yes, you can remember, he promised in a post month ago:
"Weather FX integration is in progress (it’s almost ready, actually, just needs some more adjustments), after that, it would just need new audio for sound and some more physics-related adjustments, and it’ll be ready for public release.

Thank you so much for your support and patience!"

But now it seems like somebody made a "gift" to public, instead of ilya.

There are some really sad and pathetic people around. Who feel entitled to something that they are not.
How come you guys are wasting your time upgrading a terrible convert version when there is going to be a more accurate version coming? I understand trying to improve, but just seems to me like your wasting your time.......:confused:

I wasn't aware a new version is coming....
Terra21's version is the only one i have.

Doing this skins took us a couples of hours,
the longest part being gathering infos on historical colors and billboards,
watching old race replay on youtube. And test driving it.
I don't see it as a waste of time. It was fun.
Just made me love this track even more.
Especially that full speed uphill blind corner T6 diving into T7-8.

When your new version comes around, it is easy to anyone with basic skills to adapt and use those textures to do 2001 and 2012 skins on that track.
I don't care about what version it is, I care about Sandown.

And i am really happy a new and better version is coming, i'm really looking forward to drive it!

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i just tried the audi r8 acc conversion and its awesome !

i found the honda lexus bmw ferrari audi mclaren and porsche.

are these all or did i miss some?
Btw. have you got freshest links to newest versions? because eg. that GTP link to Lexus 1.2 updated by delpinsky is dead.
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I really had to ponder if this thing is worth sharing, but then again what's the harm? So here goes: minor improvements to Watkins Glen 1967 by the infamous Gilles75 (not mocking Gilles, he has offered many decent base tracks at least for the rest of the community to improve).


Includes basic grass config and a default skin that replaces Gilles' trees with Kunos' ones. Also a new background (I know it's not accurate with the mountains but at least it looks a bit better to me).

Link to original track:
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